Teaching About Terrorism
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Teaching About Terrorism is a 2009/10 research project funded by C-SAP, one of the Higher Education Academy's subject networks. The project aims to research the extent and nature of teaching about terrorism in UK Universities, primarily in the disciplines of Sociology, Politics and Criminology.
The project will:
- Survey the extent and nature of teaching about terrorism across the UK Higher Education sector in three related disciplines.
- Analyse patterns of provision and quality and best practice markers.
- Examine selected cases of challenges in teaching about terrorism.
- Examine selected cases of ‘best practice’ in teaching about terrorism.
- Construct a guide to the range of terrorism studies in the UK.
- Provide guidance to the HE community on how to handle challenges and promote best practice.
Case Studies
- Aberystwyth University
- Buckingham University Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies
- City University London
- King's College London
- University College London
- University of Buckingham
- University of Nottingham
- Why Are Britain's Universities Incubating Islamist Extremism? a seminar held at the neoconservative orientated think-tank Policy Exchange on 21 August 2006.
Full Table of University Case Studies
Teaching Terrorism Special Interest Group webpage
The Teaching About Terrorism e-list
The Teaching About Terrorism blog
Freedom of Information Results, Teaching About Terrorism: FOI Results