Teaching About Terrorism

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Teaching About Terrorism is a 2009/10 research project funded by C-SAP, one of the Higher Education Academy's subject networks. The project aims to research the extent and nature of teaching about terrorism in UK Universities, primarily in the disciplines of Sociology, Politics and Criminology.

The project will:

  • Survey the extent and nature of teaching about terrorism across the UK Higher Education sector in three related disciplines.
  • Analyse patterns of provision and quality and best practice markers.
  • Examine selected cases of challenges in teaching about terrorism.
  • Examine selected cases of ‘best practice’ in teaching about terrorism.
  • Construct a guide to the range of terrorism studies in the UK.
  • Provide guidance to the HE community on how to handle challenges and promote best practice.

Case Studies

Full Table of University Case Studies

University of Aberdeen University of Dundee Leeds Trinity University Queen Margaret University University of Swansea
University of Abertay University of Durham University of Leicester Queen Mary University Swansea Metropolitan University
Anglia Ruskin University East Anglia University University of Lincoln Queen's University Belfast University of Teesside
Arts University College at Bournemouth University of East London University of Liverpool University of Reading University of Thames Valley
Aston University Edge Hill University Liverpool Hope University Robert Gordon University Trinity University College Carmarthen
Bangor University University of Edinburgh Liverpool John Moores University University of Roehampton University of Ulster
University of Bath University of Essex London Business School Royal Academy of Music University College London
Bath Spa University University College Falmouth London Metropolitan University Royal Agricultural College University of the Arts
Birkbeck University of London University of Glamorgan London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Royal College of Art University of Wales Institute Cardiff
University of Birmingham University of Glasgow London South Bank University Royal College of Music University of Warwick
Birmingham City University Glasgow Caledonian University University of Loughborough Royal Holloway University of the West of England
University College Birmingham University of Gloucestershire London School of Economics Royal Veterinary College University of the West of Scotland
Bishop Grosseteste University College University of Glyndwr University of Manchester University of Salford University of Westminster
University of Bolton University of Goldsmiths Manchester Metropolitan University School of Pharmacy University of Wolverhampton
University of Bournemouth University of Greenwich University of Middlesex University of Sheffield University of Winchester
University of Bradford Guildhall School of Music & Drama University of Napier Sheffield Hallam University University of Worcester
University of Brighton Harper Adams University College University of Newcastle School of Oriental and African Studies University of York
University of Bristol Heriot-Watt University Newman University College University of Southampton York St John University
University of Brunel University of Hertfordshire University of Newport Southampton Solent University Bedford University
Buckinghamshire New University University of Huddersfield University of Northampton University of St Andrews Central School of Speech and Drama
University of Cambridge University of Hull University of Northumbria St George’s University Teaching About Terrorism: University of Cumbria
Canterbury Christ Church University Imperial College London Norwich University College of the Arts St Mary's University College Belfast
University of Cardiff Institute of Education University of Nottingham St Mary's University College Twickenham
University of Chester University of Keele Nottingham Trent University University of Staffordshire
University of Chichester University of Kent Open University University of Stirling
City University Kingston University Oxford University Stranmillis University College
University of Coventry Lampeter University Oxford Brookes University University of Strathclyde
University of Cranfield Lancaster University University of Plymouth University of Sunderland
De Montfort University University of Leeds Plymouth Marjon University University of Surrey University for the Creative Arts
University of Derby Leeds Metropolitan University University of Portsmouth University of Sussex University of Exeter


Teaching Terrorism Special Interest Group webpage
The Teaching About Terrorism e-list
The Teaching About Terrorism blog
Freedom of Information Results, Teaching About Terrorism: FOI Results
