Teaching About Terrorism: University of Durham
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Teaching About Terrorism is a 2009/10 research project funded by C-SAP, one of the Higher Education Academy's subject networks. The project aims to research the extent and nature of teaching about terrorism in UK Universities, primarily in the disciplines of Sociology, Politics and Criminology[1].
Freedom of Information Request 1
- Does your institution provide any information or advice to students or staff on any potential liability under Terrorism legislation which might result from accessing materials for teaching or research ?
- No
- Does your institution have any kind of procedure to review or assess reading lists, module descriptors or other teaching materials which explicitly or in practice considers questions of safety and risk under terrorism legislation as part of its remit ?
- No
- Does your institution have any system, policy or procedure in place for dealing with any potential actions taken by the authorities against the institution, its students or staff under Terrorism legislation ?
- No. The University cooperates as required on a case-by-case basis with security agencies.
- Does your institution have any system, policy or procedure in place for ‘preventing violent extremism’ as recommended for example in the government guidance document ‘Promoting Good Campus Relations’
- In November 2005 a University Executive Committee Working Group was established to consider the ECU/SCOP/UUK Guidelines 'Promoting Good Campus Relations: Dealing with hates crimes and intolerance'. A second working group considered the Department of Education and Skills guidelines 'Promoting Good Campus Relations: Working with Staff and Students to build Community Cohesion and Tackle Violent Extremism in the Name of Islam at Universities and Colleges'. Both working groups predate the guidance document in the link you provided. They developed initiatives to promote good campus relations and enable the University to fulfil its duty to promote tolerance, community cohesion and freedom of expression within the law. The University has a long standing 'Code of Practice on Freedom of Expression Relating to Meetings or Other Activities on University Premises' which was approved by Council at its meeting on 7 July 1987 and amended at its meetings on 16 July 1997 and 5 July 2006. Currently issues, activities and initiatives relating to the good campus relations agenda are kept under regular review by the Student Experience Sub-Committee of University Senate. The University's Diversity and Equality Department also publishes information which might be of interest at Link Supplied.[2].
Freedom of Information Request 2
- Freedom of Information Results, Teaching About Terrorism: FOI Results
- University of Durham, Teaching About Terrorism Freedom of Information Request 1, Scribd
- ↑ Teaching Terrorism, About, Teaching Terrorism, Accessed 24-September-2010
- ↑ University of Durham, Teaching About Terrorism Freedom of Information Request 1, Scribd, Accessed 09-November-2010