Progressive Policy Institute

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The Progressive Policy Institute is a US think-tank run by the Third Way Foundation, with links to the Democratic Leadership Council.[1]

The New York Sun reports a gathering at the Progressive Policy Institute in December 2006:

In December, Mr. Marshall, who calls Schlesinger "an inspiration," hosted a quiet gathering of like-minded journalists and intellectuals at the Washington, D.C., offices of the institute. Mr. Marshall brought together Wellesley College professor Thomas Cushman, William Galston of the Brookings Institution, writer Peter Beinart, Leon Wieseltier of the New Republic, author Fred Siegel, Michael Allen of the National Endowment for Democracy along with Gary Kent, a Labor politician from Britain, among others, to find a way to concentrate liberals against terror.
Today's Web-oriented culture has made it difficult for these ideological warriors to gain traction. The force of anti-war blogs, such as the DailyKos, which targets liberals like Christopher Hitchens, who take the fight against jihadis seriously, is pervasive. Mr. Marshall has hope that the excesses of a presidential primary campaign will give way to the reasoned decisions of a general election. "In the general election, the discussion will have to turn to the Jihadist threat because it's not going away," Mr. Marshall says. "Elected officials have to represent real voters not the wrathful minions of cyberspace."[2]


Contact, Resources & References


Democratic Leadership Council & Progressive Policy Institute 600 Pennsylvania Ave., SE Suite 400 Washington, DC 20003 DLC Phone: (202) 546-0007 PPI Phone: (202) 547-0001 DLC Fax: (202) 544-5002 PPI Fax: (202) 544-5014 Website:



  1. About The Progressive Policy Institute, Progressive Policy Institute, accessed 28 May 2008.
  2. Come Back, Schlesinger, by Seth Gitell, The New York Sun, 6 March 2007.