User talk:Rizwaan Sabir

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Message to say welcome to Spinprofiles.

Leave me a message here:

--David 14:19, 30 September 2009 (UTC)

Government Policy and Organisations

UK Para-Political Organisations Involved in Terrorism-Counterterrorism

Think Tanks

Centre for Social Cohesion | Centre for Defence and International Security | CSTPV | Chatham House | European Council on Foreign Relations | Institute for Public Policy Research | Institute for Strategic Dialogue | Institute of Race Relations | Oxford Research Group | Policy Exchange | RAND (Europe) | Royal United Services Institute | The Social Affairs Unit |

Muslim/Islamic Organisations

Al Manaar | Amal Trust | An Nisa Society | Association of Muslim Lawyers | Forum Against Islamaphobia & Racism | Islamic Human Rights Commission | MPACUK | Muslim Association of Britain | Active Change Foundation |

missing text

HI Rizwaan

Thanks for Home Office. I am not sure what text you've lost -- for me it ends with

"Work with our partners to build an efficient, effective and proportionate criminal justice system"

but in general it's a good idea to click Save often (every time you write a sentence or two). If your session times out and says you can't save it, then have a Word doc open, then in SpinP in your web browser, hit the back arrow on your browser to take you back to your work that you intended to save. Select all, copy and paste the text into the word doc so you have it safe. Log back into Spin, then copy and paste in the text from the Word doc.

There is another way you can 'lose' the visibility of text even tho it is really there -- by forgetting to put the / in the 'end ref' coding

--ie what should be


you type as <ref>

or forget to put in any ref coding at all.

In such cases, just look for the last ref you did and put in the final / . The missing text miraculously reappears.

many thanks for your work and hope you can remember what the Home Office missing stuff should be!

--Claire Robinson 09:52, 11 October 2009 (UTC)


Hi Rizwaan

as a PS, when you create new pages, can you add a category? choose from those listed here

(they are case sensitive so do stick to spelling that's there) or if you do not find a suitable one, suggest a new one to me? I've added a category to Home Office page, see foot of page.

thank you!

--Claire Robinson 10:20, 11 October 2009 (UTC)

Things to Do


Hello Rizwaan

it's brilliant that you've started to contribute (a lot!) to Spin. can you just make sure you use the new style referencing -- guide here

so can you go through all your articles and make the refs into new style ones? you also need to include all the info needed in a reference -- the guide at the above url will tell you what's needed -- eg author if there is one, title of article or web page, date of publication if there is one, name of publication, date accessed etc. it shouldn't be too difficult as you have the weblinks.

any questions -- please ask by leaving me a message on my talk page -- click on my signature link below or go to

and then click on + sign in the tabs at top of page, write message, sign by clicking on squiggle icon third from right in your editing tab bar above the text box, and that's it.

many thanks

--Claire Robinson 23:11, 20 November 2009 (UTC)


Hi Rizwaan

re the refs, I was looking at

--these are old style refs and most just have a web link but you may have been bringing over the article from elsewhere, ie it may be an old article with old refs?? if you don't have time to make these into new style refs then let me know and I will do it.

great that you are doing the new style refs in your own originated pages...

many thanks

--Claire Robinson 14:08, 21 November 2009 (UTC)

right on claire!

Yesh, this is mostly drawnn from Wikipedia!

Get rid of the excess wiki brackets and please tidy up the refs which are all over the place...

Also don't use inline external links. Any ref to legislation should be to the page on it on spinproflies and any external link to a source of the legislation should be at the end in refs...

:) --David 17:05, 21 November 2009 (UTC)


Hi Rizwaan

just a note to say I LOVE what you are doing with various terrorism pages -- assume they are of your origination -- hard to tell on Spin as impossible to keep track of where things come from -- this page: 2006 Counter-Terrorism advertising campaign

is so beautifully clear and straight to the point.

best wishes --Claire Robinson 11:23, 23 November 2009 (UTC)


HI Rizwaan

me again. as a specific example, in

2006 Counter-Terrorism advertising campaign

the following sentence has external old style ref which needs to be made into new style numbered ref:

In response to the poster campaign, many people have manipulated the posters to show their wide-sweeping remit and ambiguity.

thank you!

--Claire Robinson 11:27, 23 November 2009 (UTC)

refs PS

Yes I can see what you were thinking -- the idea is that the weblink stays in the footnote so people first click down to the ref and then can click on the weblink in the ref and go to the external website. this page

is a new one I created from scratch and all refs are as they should be--you may want to have a look--you can go into Edit mode and see how they are done if needed.

--Claire Robinson 11:34, 23 November 2009 (UTC)


To add images - use this -

File:(File name).jpg
Your caption goes here

--Rizwaan Sabir 11:41, 23 November 2009 (UTC)


HI Rizwaan

the terrorism page is great now. thanks so much!

--Claire Robinson 13:49, 24 November 2009 (UTC)

  1. Both Flint and Wright are members of Labour Friends of Israel, which does not suggest a neutral role in dealing with 'muslim' issues.