Regulatory Policy Institute

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Based at Oxford University the Regulatory Policy Institute monitors developments in both regulatory law and de-regulation.


The last public declaration on the Regulatory website was in December 2006. According to the Regulatory Policy Institute in 2006,

"The Chairman of the Council of Management is Mr Peter Freeman, Deputy Chairman of the UK Competition Commission, and the Director is Professor George Yarrow".

The current Members of the Council of Management, shown with indicative professional backgrounds, are:

Professor Tony Appelyard, Accounting and finance, academia Sir Ian Byatt, Economics, public service Ms. Alison Clark, Business Mr. Peter Freeman, Law, public service Mr. Peter Hazell, Accounting, public service Mr. John Sadler CBE, Business, public service Mr. Frank Sharratt, Business Dr. Irwin Stelzer, Economics, business Dr. John Temple-Lang, Law, public service Mr. Bill Tonks, Business

Professor George Yarrow, Economics, academia

In addition, to George Yarrow, the senior members of the Institute based at Oxford are: Mr. Chris Decker Mr. Tim Keyworth [1].


The Regulatory Policy Institute are prolific organisers of conferences, seminars and forums discussing various policy areas involving regulation.


“The Politicisation of Regulatory Policy: Exceptional circumstances or a new trend ?”

London, November 6th 2002

According to the Regulatory Policy Institute the aims of this conferences was to "examine the changing role of politics, and politicians, in UK regulatory policy and to discuss the implications that this may have for the formulation and application of public policy and for the activities of independent regulatory agencies"

Speakers included:

Mr. Philip O’Donnell, Director Regulation & Network Policy, Strategic Rail Authority

Mr. John Smith, Director of Regulation & Government, Railtrack

Dr. Irwin Stelzer, RPI Council of Management, The Hudson Institute & The Sunday Times

Mr. Chris Bolt, Regulation & Public Affairs Group Director, Lattice Group

Professor Colin Robinson, Director, Institute of Economic Affairs

Mr. Callum Mc Carthy, Chief Executive, Ofgem

Sir Ian Byatt, RPI Council of Management, Former Director-General, Ofwat

Professor George Yarrow, Director, Regulatory Policy Institute




  1. Regulatory Policy Institute About the RPI, People Accessed 8th June 2009, Web Archive