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*[[Professional Association Advertising and Marketing Communications Industry, Austria]](Fachverband Werbung und Marktkommunikation)
*[[Professional Association Advertising and Marketing Communications Industry, Austria]](Fachverband Werbung und Marktkommunikation)
*[[Hungarian Advertising Association]] (Magyar Reklámszövetség (MRSZ))
*[[Hungarian Advertising Association]] (Magyar Reklámszövetség (MRSZ))
== Exchange ==
Exchange is an information-sharing platform created in summer 2002 to improve information flow between interested parties - from tripartites and trade associations to companies and individuals.
Partners in Exchange
*[[Advertising Association]] (AA)
*[[German Advertising Association]] (Zentralverband der Deutschen Werbewirtschaft (ZAW))
*[[Professional Association Advertising and Marketing Communications Industry, Austria]](AustriaFachverband Werbung und Marktkommunikation (FWM)
*[[Hungarian Advertising Association]] (Magyar Reklmszvetsg (HAA)
*[[Association of Commercial Television in Europe]] (ACT)
*[[Association of European Radios]] (AER)
*[[Bacardi-Martini]] UK Ltd
*[[European Association of Communications Agencies]] (EACA)
*[[egta]] association of television and radio sales houses
*[[European Publisher's Council]] (EPC)
*[[The European Federation of Magazine Publishers]] (FAEP)
*[[FEPE International]] (FEPE)
*[[Federation of European Direct Marketing]] (FEDMA)
*[[European Association of Directory and Database Publishers]] (EADP)
*[[Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe]] (IAB Europe)
*[[Lewis Silkin]]
*[[The Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers]] (VNO-NCW)
== Notes ==
== Notes ==
#{{note|1}} The Advertising Information Group Website [http://www.aigeurope.org/html/about_us.html About Us] Last Accessed 28th June 2007
#{{note|1}} The Advertising Information Group Website [http://www.aigeurope.org/html/about_us.html About Us] Last Accessed 28th June 2007

Revision as of 19:15, 28 June 2007

The Advertising Information Group, established in October 1996, is a non-profit, organisation which according to it's website exists to "improve the quality and effectiveness of its tripartite representation at an EU (and national) level; improve the quality and flow of information between the tripartites, their members and any interested parties in the wider advertising industry; improve the tripartite contribution to the development of effective self-regulation within the EU. The Advertising Information Group is administered by the Advertising Association [1]


The Advertising Information Group is an industry member of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA).



Exchange is an information-sharing platform created in summer 2002 to improve information flow between interested parties - from tripartites and trade associations to companies and individuals.

Partners in Exchange


  1. ^ The Advertising Information Group Website About Us Last Accessed 28th June 2007