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[[File:Political Intelligence.png|250px|right|thumb|Political Intelligence offices, Rue Montoyer 39, Brussels]]
[[Political Intelligence Ltd]] is a lobbying firm set up by [[Douglas Smith]] and [[Nicholas Lansman]].
[[Political Intelligence Ltd]] was a lobbying firm rund by [[Douglas Smith]]
It has offices in London, Edinburgh, Brussels, Rome, Madrid and Lisbon.
Sectors where it has experience of lobbying include: Technology, Media and Telecommunications; Health & Pharmaceuticals; and Financial services & Taxation.
The Web Archive of the [http://web.archive.org/web/20010723111311/www.political-intelligence.com/ Political Intelligence website]
==Scotland office==
Political Intelligence says that its office in Edinburgh 'will become ever more important as Scottish politics become more independent.'<ref>[http://www.political-intelligence.com/edinburgh_office/ Edinburgh office], Political Intelligence website, accessed August 2015</ref>
Its Edinburgh office is run by [[John Taylor]], an experienced lobbyist in Scotland.
*[[Nicholas Lansman]], group managing director
*[[Jane Smith]]
*[[Philip Reid]]
*[[Andrew Kernahan]]
*[[Michaela Zemanova]]
*[[Till Sommer]]
*[[Alexander Mather]]
*[[Craig Melson]]
*[[David Talbot]]
*[[Joshua Eldridge]]
*[[Neeraj Shah]]
*[[Nicolle Laurie]]
*[[Reena Kanani]]
*[[Kayleigh Stocker]]
*[[Lucy Kirkpatrick]], external senior consultant
====Former London staff====
*[[Jonathan Williams]]
*[[Katja Ditmann]]
*[[Ian Clarke]]
*[[Hannah Cameron]]
*[[Thomas Coales]], account manager (2007-2010). Is now Parliamentary and stakeholder engagement manager at [[Care Quality Commission]]<ref> [http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/tom-coales/4/292/1a5 Tom Coales] ''Linkedin'', accessed 21 January 2015 </ref>
*[[Brett MacLean]], account executive (2007-2008). Is now an associate director of recruitment and marketing at [[Hult International Business School]] in Dubai<ref> [https://ae.linkedin.com/pub/brett-maclean/32/a2a/342 Brett MacLean]] ''Linkedin'', accessed 21 January 2015 </ref>
*[[Laura Collman]]
*[[Julie Stone]]
*[[John Commons]]
*[[Robert Hayes]]
*[[Anne Todd]]
*[[Isabelle De Vinck]], managing partner
*[[Andrea D’Incecco]], managing partner EU affairs
*[[Esther Bley]]
*[[Thilo Werle]]
*[[Aline Brandstatter]]
*[[Eszter Bako]]
*[[Morgane Taylor]]
*[[Rodolphe Van Nuffel]]
====Former Brussels staff====
*[[Joe McNamee]]
*[[Sarah Brabender]]
*[[John Taylor]]
====Former Edinburgh staff====
*[[Nancy Lynch]]
*[[Javier Valiente]], managing partner
*[[María Rosa Rotondo]], managing partner
*[[Daniel Mehrad]]
*[[Javier Fernández]]
*[[Cristina Sayol]]
*[[Mercedes Bueno]]
====Former Madrid staff====
*[[Rafael Millán]]
*[[Carla Espinhal]]
*[[Isabel Castro]]
*[[Marina Tejedor]]
*[[David Bach]]
*[[Giuseppe Volpe]]
*[[Paola Cirilli]]
*[[Maelle Lelardic]]
*Prof. [[Michael Rotert]], external senior consultant
===APPC UK===
====December 2015-February 2016====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] | [[Reena Kanani]] | [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Muirinn O'Neill]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] | [[Till Sommer]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]] <ref name="Dec15"/>
====September 2015-November 2015====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] | [[Reena Kanani]] | [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Muirinn O'Neill]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] |  [[Till Sommer]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]] <ref name="Sep15">[http://www.appc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/APPC-Register-November-2015.pdf Political Intelligence staff, Reg Sep-Nov15], ''APPC'', accessed 14 April 2016</ref>
====June 2015-August 2015====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] | [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Muirinn O'Neill]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] | [[Till Sommer]] |  [[Kayleigh Stocker]] | [[David Talbot]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]] <ref name="Jun15">[http://www.appc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/APPC-Register-August-2015.pdf Political Intelligence staff, Reg Jun-Aug15], ''APPC'', accessed 14 April 2016</ref>
====March 2015-May 2015====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] |  [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] | [[Till Sommer]] | [[Kayleigh Stocker]] | [[David Talbot]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]] <ref name="Mar15">[http://www.appc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/MAY-2015-REGISTER-FINAL.pdf Political Intelligence staff, Reg Mar-May15], ''APPC'', accessed 14 April 2016</ref>
====December 2014-February 2015====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] |  [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] | [[Till Sommer]] | [[Kayleigh Stocker]] |  [[David Talbot]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]] <ref name="Dec14">[http://www.appc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/FEB-2015-REGISTER-27.5.15-final.pdf Political Intelligence staff, Register Dec14-Feb15], ''APPC'', accessed 13 April 2016</ref>
====September 2014-November 2014====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] | [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] | [[Till Sommer]] | [[Kayleigh Stocker]] | [[David Talbot]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]]<ref name="Sept14"> [http://www.appc.org.uk/members/register/register-profile/?company=Political%20Intelligence Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014] ''APPC'', accessed 21 January 2015 </ref>
====June 2014-August 2014====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] | [[Reena Kanani]] | [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Emma McNulty]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] | [[Till Sommer]] | [[Kayleigh Stocker]] | [[David Talbot]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]]<ref name="MP"> [http://www.appc.org.uk/members/register/register-profile/?company=Political%20Intelligence Register 1st June 2014 - 31st August 2014] ''APPC'', accessed 19 October 2014 </ref>
====December 2015-February 2016====
[[Joshua Eldridge]] | [[Reena Kanani]] | [[Andrew Kernahan]] | [[Nicholas Lansman]] | [[Nicolle Laurie]] | [[Alex Mather]] | [[Craig Melson]] | [[Muirinn O'Neill]] | [[Philip Reid]] | [[Neeraj Shah]] | [[Jane Smith]] | [[Till Sommer]] | [[Michaela Zemanova]] <ref name="Dec15">[http://www.appc.org.uk/members/register/register-profile/?company=Political%20Intelligence Political Intelligence staff, Register Dec15-Feb16], ''APPC'', accessed 13 April 2016</ref>
====September 2015-November 2015====
[[Alcatel Lucent]] | A[[ll Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[DeltaRail Group]]Ltd | [[Etsy]] | [[Indeed]] | [[Ipsen]] | (ISPA UK) [[Internet Services Providers' Association]] | (ITSPA UK) [[Internet Telephony Services Providers Association]] | (IWF) [[Internet Watch Foundation]] | [[Kickstarter]] | (NJUG)[[National Joint Utilities Group]] | [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK]] Limited | (PICTFOR)[[Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum]] | [[St Jude Medical]] | [[The Chartered Institute for IT]] | [[TUI Travel]] PLC <ref name="Sep15"/>
====June 2015-August 2015====
[[Alcatel Lucent]] | [[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[DeltaRail Grou]]Ltd | [[Etsy]] | [[Indeed]] | [[Ipsen]] | [[ISPA UK]] | [[ITSPA UK]]/[[Internet Telephony Services Providers Association]] | (IWF)/[[Internet Watch Foundation]] | NJUG - [[National Joint Utilities Group]] | [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK]]Limited |
(PICTFOR) [[Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum]] | [[St Jude Medical]] | [[Synageva BioPharma]] | [[The Chartered Institute for IT]] | [[TUI Travel]] PLC <ref name="Jun15"/>
====March 2015-May 2015====
[[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[Alcatel Lucent]] | [[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[AOL UK]] | [[DeltaRail Group]] Ltd | [[Etsy]] | [[ISPA UK]] | [[ITSPA UK]] | [[Ipsen]] | [[NJUG]] (National Joint Utilities Group) | [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis]] Pharmaceuticals UK  | [[PICTFOR]] (Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum)  | [[St Jude Medical]] |  [[Synageva BioPharma]] |  [[TUI Travel]]
====December 2014-February 2015====
[[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] |  [[AOL UK]] | [[DeltaRail Group]] Ltd | [[Ipsen]] | [[ISPA UK]] | [[ITSPA UK]] | [[IWF]] | [[LinkedIn]] | [[Neotract]] | [[National Joint Utilities Group]] |  [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK]]Limited | [[PICTFOR (Parliamentary Internet and Communications
Technology Forum)]] | [[St Jude Medical]] |  [[Synageva BioPharma]] | [[TUI Travel]] PLC <ref name="Dec14"/>
====September 2014-November 2014====
[[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[AOL UK]] | [[DeltaRail Group]] Ltd | [[e-Skills UK]] | [[Ipsen]] | [[ISPA UK]] | [[ITSPA UK]] | [[IWF]] | [[LinkedIn]] | [[Neotract]] | [[NJUG]] | [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis]] Pharmaceuticals UK Limited | [[PICTFOR]] ([[Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum]]) | [[St Jude Medical]] | [[TUI Travel]] PLC<ref name="Sept14"/>
====June 2014-August 2014====
[[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[AOL UK]] | [[DeltaRail Group]] Ltd | [[e-Skills]] UK | [[Ipsen]] | [[ISPA]] UK | [[ITSPA]] UK | [[IWF]] | [[LinkedIn]] | [[Neotract]] | [[NJUG]] | [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis Pharmaceuticals]] UK Limited | [[PICTFOR]] (Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum) | [[St Jude Medical]] | [[TUI Travel]] PLC<ref name="MP"/>
====Fee-Paying clients for whom UK PA consultancy services provided 1 March-31 May 2008 ====
[[AOL UK]] |  [[British Osteopathic Association]] | [[Coca-Cola Enterprises]] | [[Electricity for Business]] | [[Eurobond]] | [[Euroclad]] | [[Internet Services Providers' Association]] (ISPA UK) | [[Internet Telephony Services Providers Association]] (ITSPA UK) | [[Internet Watch Foundation]] (IWF) | [[Mobile Marketing Association]] EMEA | [[National Joint Utilities Group]] (NJUG) | [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis Pharmaceuticals]] | [[NYnet]] | [[THUS plc]] | [[TUI UK]]/ [[ThomsonFly]] | [[Truphone]] | [[UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy]]<ref>Source [http://www.appc.org.uk/appc/filemanager/root/site_assets/pdfs/appc_entries_1_march_to_31_may_2008_v3.pdf APPC Register], 1 March - 31 May 2008</ref>
===Registrar of consultant lobbyists===
The register of consultant lobbyists documents those clients on behalf of whom '''Political Intelligence''' has lobbied government ministers and the firms 2015 filings are as follows:
====January - March 2015====
[[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[DeltaRail Group Ltd]] | [[Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK)]] | [[Internet Telephony Services Providers’ Association (ITSPA UK)]] | [[Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)]] | [[National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG)]] | [[Neotract]] | [[Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited]] | [[PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum)]] | [[St Jude Medical]] | [[Synageva BioPharma]] | [[TUI Group]]
====April - June 2015====
[[Alcatel-Lucent]] | [[All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia]] | [[DeltaRail Group Ltd]] | [[Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK)]] | [[Internet Telephony Services Providers’ Association (ITSPA UK)]] | [[Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)]] | [[National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG)]] | [[Nominet]] | [[Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited]] | [[PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet, Communications,Technology Forum)]] | [[St Jude Medical]] | [[Synageva BioPharma]] | [[TUI Group]]
====July - September 2015====
[[DeltaRail Group Ltd]] | I[[nternet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK)]] | [[National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG)]] |  [[PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum)]]
====October - December 2015====
[[DeltaRail Group Ltd]] [[Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK)]] | [[Kickstarter]] | [[National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG)]] | [[PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum)]]<ref>[https://registerofconsultantlobbyists.force.com/CLR_Public_Profile?id=00124000006QCdoAAG Political Intelligence Ltd profile 2015], ''Registrar of consultant lobbyists'', accessed 8 February 2016</ref>
====January - March 2016====
[[Internet Services Providers' Association]] (ISPA) | [[Internet Telephony Services Providers' Association]] (ITSPA) | [[Kickstarter]] | [[PICTFOR]] (All Party Parliamentary Internet, Communications and Technology Forum) <ref>[https://registerofconsultantlobbyists.force.com/CLR_Public_Profile?id=00124000006QCdoAAG Political Intelligence profile 2016], ''Registrar of consultant lobbyists'', accessed 3 May 2016</ref>
====April - June 2016====
[[Internet Services Providers' Association]] (ISPA) | [[Internet Telephony Services Providers' Association]] (ITSPA) | [[National Joint Utilities Group]] (NJUG) | [[PICTFOR]] (All Party Parliamentary Internet, Communications and Technology Forum) <ref>[https://registerofconsultantlobbyists.force.com/CLR_Public_Profile?id=00124000006QCdoAAG 'Political Intelligence profile 2016'], ''Register of consultant lobbyists'', accessed 21 July 2016</ref>
==Contact, references and resources==
:London: 69 Wilson Street, London, EC2A 2BB
:T: +44 (0)20 3397 3300
:Brussels:Rue Montoyer 39-3, 1000 Brussels
:T: +32 (0)2 503 2265
:Madrid::C/ José Abascal 42,5°, 28003 Madrid
:T: +34 91 4440 277
:Edinburgh:83 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ER
:T +44 (0)131 564 1644
:Rome: Via del Pantheon 45, 00186 Rome
:T: +39 (0)6 434 181 19
:Lisbon: Rua de João Penha, 10, 1250-131 Lisboa
:T: +34 91 4440 277
*The Web Archive of the [http://web.archive.org/web/20010723111311/www.political-intelligence.com/ Political Intelligence website]
*Current site [http://www.political-intelligence.com/ Political Intelligence website]
[[Category:Lobbying firms]][[Category:Lobbying]] [[Category:Scottish lobbying firms]]
'''[http://www.powerbase.info/index.php?title=Lobbying_Portal Back to Lobbying Portal]'''

Latest revision as of 13:27, 21 July 2016

Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.
Political Intelligence offices, Rue Montoyer 39, Brussels

Political Intelligence Ltd is a lobbying firm set up by Douglas Smith and Nicholas Lansman.

It has offices in London, Edinburgh, Brussels, Rome, Madrid and Lisbon.

Sectors where it has experience of lobbying include: Technology, Media and Telecommunications; Health & Pharmaceuticals; and Financial services & Taxation.

Scotland office

Political Intelligence says that its office in Edinburgh 'will become ever more important as Scottish politics become more independent.'[1]

Its Edinburgh office is run by John Taylor, an experienced lobbyist in Scotland.



Former London staff


Former Brussels staff


Former Edinburgh staff


Former Madrid staff





December 2015-February 2016

Joshua Eldridge | Reena Kanani | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Craig Melson | Muirinn O'Neill | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Michaela Zemanova [4]

September 2015-November 2015

Joshua Eldridge | Reena Kanani | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Craig Melson | Muirinn O'Neill | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Michaela Zemanova [5]

June 2015-August 2015

Joshua Eldridge | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Craig Melson | Muirinn O'Neill | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Kayleigh Stocker | David Talbot | Michaela Zemanova [6]

March 2015-May 2015

Joshua Eldridge | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Craig Melson | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Kayleigh Stocker | David Talbot | Michaela Zemanova [7]

December 2014-February 2015

Joshua Eldridge | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Craig Melson | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Kayleigh Stocker | David Talbot | Michaela Zemanova [8]

September 2014-November 2014

Joshua Eldridge | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Craig Melson | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Kayleigh Stocker | David Talbot | Michaela Zemanova[9]

June 2014-August 2014

Joshua Eldridge | Reena Kanani | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Emma McNulty | Craig Melson | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Kayleigh Stocker | David Talbot | Michaela Zemanova[10]


December 2015-February 2016

Joshua Eldridge | Reena Kanani | Andrew Kernahan | Nicholas Lansman | Nicolle Laurie | Alex Mather | Craig Melson | Muirinn O'Neill | Philip Reid | Neeraj Shah | Jane Smith | Till Sommer | Michaela Zemanova [4]

September 2015-November 2015

Alcatel Lucent | All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | DeltaRail GroupLtd | Etsy | Indeed | Ipsen | (ISPA UK) Internet Services Providers' Association | (ITSPA UK) Internet Telephony Services Providers Association | (IWF) Internet Watch Foundation | Kickstarter | (NJUG)National Joint Utilities Group | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited | (PICTFOR)Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum | St Jude Medical | The Chartered Institute for IT | TUI Travel PLC [5]

June 2015-August 2015

Alcatel Lucent | All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | DeltaRail GrouLtd | Etsy | Indeed | Ipsen | ISPA UK | ITSPA UK/Internet Telephony Services Providers Association | (IWF)/Internet Watch Foundation | NJUG - National Joint Utilities Group | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UKLimited | (PICTFOR) Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum | St Jude Medical | Synageva BioPharma | The Chartered Institute for IT | TUI Travel PLC [6]

March 2015-May 2015

All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | Alcatel Lucent | All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | AOL UK | DeltaRail Group Ltd | Etsy | ISPA UK | ITSPA UK | Ipsen | NJUG (National Joint Utilities Group) | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK | PICTFOR (Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum) | St Jude Medical | Synageva BioPharma | TUI Travel

December 2014-February 2015

All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | AOL UK | DeltaRail Group Ltd | Ipsen | ISPA UK | ITSPA UK | IWF | LinkedIn | Neotract | National Joint Utilities Group | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UKLimited | [[PICTFOR (Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum)]] | St Jude Medical | Synageva BioPharma | TUI Travel PLC [8]

September 2014-November 2014

All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | AOL UK | DeltaRail Group Ltd | e-Skills UK | Ipsen | ISPA UK | ITSPA UK | IWF | LinkedIn | Neotract | NJUG | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited | PICTFOR (Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum) | St Jude Medical | TUI Travel PLC[9]

June 2014-August 2014

All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | AOL UK | DeltaRail Group Ltd | e-Skills UK | Ipsen | ISPA UK | ITSPA UK | IWF | LinkedIn | Neotract | NJUG | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited | PICTFOR (Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum) | St Jude Medical | TUI Travel PLC[10]

Fee-Paying clients for whom UK PA consultancy services provided 1 March-31 May 2008

AOL UK | British Osteopathic Association | Coca-Cola Enterprises | Electricity for Business | Eurobond | Euroclad | Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK) | Internet Telephony Services Providers Association (ITSPA UK) | Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) | Mobile Marketing Association EMEA | National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals | NYnet | THUS plc | TUI UK/ ThomsonFly | Truphone | UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy[11]

Registrar of consultant lobbyists

The register of consultant lobbyists documents those clients on behalf of whom Political Intelligence has lobbied government ministers and the firms 2015 filings are as follows:

January - March 2015

All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | DeltaRail Group Ltd | Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK) | Internet Telephony Services Providers’ Association (ITSPA UK) | Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) | National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) | Neotract | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited | PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum) | St Jude Medical | Synageva BioPharma | TUI Group

April - June 2015

Alcatel-Lucent | All Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia | DeltaRail Group Ltd | Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK) | Internet Telephony Services Providers’ Association (ITSPA UK) | Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) | National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) | Nominet | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited | PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet, Communications,Technology Forum) | St Jude Medical | Synageva BioPharma | TUI Group

July - September 2015

DeltaRail Group Ltd | Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK) | National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) | PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum)

October - December 2015

DeltaRail Group Ltd Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA UK) | Kickstarter | National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) | PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet and Communications Technology Forum)[12]

January - March 2016

Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA) | Internet Telephony Services Providers' Association (ITSPA) | Kickstarter | PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet, Communications and Technology Forum) [13]

April - June 2016

Internet Services Providers' Association (ISPA) | Internet Telephony Services Providers' Association (ITSPA) | National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) | PICTFOR (All Party Parliamentary Internet, Communications and Technology Forum) [14]

Contact, references and resources


London: 69 Wilson Street, London, EC2A 2BB
T: +44 (0)20 3397 3300
Brussels:Rue Montoyer 39-3, 1000 Brussels
T: +32 (0)2 503 2265
Madrid::C/ José Abascal 42,5°, 28003 Madrid
T: +34 91 4440 277
Edinburgh:83 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ER
T +44 (0)131 564 1644
Rome: Via del Pantheon 45, 00186 Rome
T: +39 (0)6 434 181 19
Lisbon: Rua de João Penha, 10, 1250-131 Lisboa
T: +34 91 4440 277



  1. Edinburgh office, Political Intelligence website, accessed August 2015
  2. Tom Coales Linkedin, accessed 21 January 2015
  3. Brett MacLean] Linkedin, accessed 21 January 2015
  4. 4.0 4.1 Political Intelligence staff, Register Dec15-Feb16, APPC, accessed 13 April 2016
  5. 5.0 5.1 Political Intelligence staff, Reg Sep-Nov15, APPC, accessed 14 April 2016
  6. 6.0 6.1 Political Intelligence staff, Reg Jun-Aug15, APPC, accessed 14 April 2016
  7. Political Intelligence staff, Reg Mar-May15, APPC, accessed 14 April 2016
  8. 8.0 8.1 Political Intelligence staff, Register Dec14-Feb15, APPC, accessed 13 April 2016
  9. 9.0 9.1 Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014 APPC, accessed 21 January 2015
  10. 10.0 10.1 Register 1st June 2014 - 31st August 2014 APPC, accessed 19 October 2014
  11. Source APPC Register, 1 March - 31 May 2008
  12. Political Intelligence Ltd profile 2015, Registrar of consultant lobbyists, accessed 8 February 2016
  13. Political Intelligence profile 2016, Registrar of consultant lobbyists, accessed 3 May 2016
  14. 'Political Intelligence profile 2016', Register of consultant lobbyists, accessed 21 July 2016

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