Nicholas Lansman

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According to the PI website:

Following an Economics & Politics degree at Manchester University, Nicholas worked in Public Relations in London and Paris before a posting in Spain in 1991-1992 with the European Commission's press bureau. In 1995 he launched Political Intelligence in London. Following its success, he set up Political Intelligence's Brussels office in 1997, and an office in Madrid in 2001. Nicholas commentates on public affairs issues on Television, Radio, and in the National Press and writes on a range of regulatory issues affecting a variety of industry sectors.[1]

This is less forthcoming than it used to be. Previous versions stated:

A young Nicholas Lansmann from the Political Intelligence website in 2001
Nicholas Lansman, Managing Director of Political Intelligence, has sound practical experience of the political systems in both Brussels and Westminster. Educated at Manchester University, he gained an honours degree in economics and politics. In 1988 he was elected to represent the University at the National Union of Students' conference.
Following spells in advertising in London and the PR department of a freight forwarding company in Paris in 1990, he accepted a post in the press office of the European Commission in London. Here, amongst other duties, he assisted in the press arrangements for the EC/Netherlands delegation to the G7 Economic Summit. Later he continued to work in public relations for the European Community in Seville at the Universal Exposition (1991-92).
Moving then to Brussels, Nicholas worked as part of a consultancy team for two of Europe's state telecoms companies, (France Telecom and Telecom Eireann. He also advised clients in the transport and construction sectors, liaising closely with European Commission officials and members of the European Parliament.
After returning to London, mid-1994 he co-launched Political Intelligence Ltd, offering a one-stop-shop covering both Brussels and Westminster and filling a perceived gap in political consultancy. Steady growth has seen an expansion in the client base to include companies and organisations involved in communications technology, finance, healthcare and transport.
Nicholas Lansman writes regularly, as a journalist on issues concerning business within the European Union,. His articles have appeared in the Financial Times and other leading journals in the UK. For the past two years he has been BBC Radio Berkshire's commentator on the European Community, providing live, monthly reports on the latest developments in European affairs affecting British citizens. Last year he was appointed Rapporteur by the European Commission's UK Representation for an on-going series of national conferences coinciding with the EU's Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC). He speaks French and Spanish fluently.
Nicholas, his Belgian wife, Sophie and young son, Harry live in East Finchley.[2]



  1. Nicholas Lansman, accessed 21 September 2008
  2. MANAGING DIRECTOR Nicholas Lansman BA(ECON) Hons MIPR retrieved from the web archive 23 July 2001 on 21 September 2008