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As listed by the Democracy Institute: <ref>About Us, [http://www.democracyinstitute.org/AboutUs.htm Advisory Council], ''Democracy Institute'', accessed 10 February 2010</ref>
As listed by the Democracy Institute: <ref>About Us, [http://www.democracyinstitute.org/AboutUs.htm Advisory Council], ''Democracy Institute'', accessed 10 February 2010</ref>
*[[Nigel Ashford]] – [[Institute for Humane Studies]]
*[[Nigel Ashford]] – [[Institute for Humane Studies]] Programme officer for the [[Institute for Humane Studies]] and previous Scholar for the [[Heritage Foundation]]. He has also directed the Principles for a free society project at the Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation. the afore mentioned organisations promote conservative views <ref> Institute for Humane Studies (N.D) [http://www.theihs.org/staff/nigel-ashford, Nigel Ashford], accessed 6th April 2010</ref>
Programme officer for the [[Institute for Humane Studies]] and previous Scholar for the [[Heritage Foundation]]. He has also directed the Principles for a free society project at the Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation. the afore mentioned organisations promote conservative views <ref> Institute for Humane Studies (N.D) [http://www.theihs.org/staff/nigel-ashford, Nigel Ashford], accessed 6th April 2010</ref>
*[[Juliette Baysham]] – Public Health Fellow  
*[[Juliette Baysham]] – Public Health Fellow  
*[[Jason Clemens]] – [[Pacific Research Institute]]
*[[Jason Clemens]] – [[Pacific Research Institute]] Director of Research at the [[Pacific Research Institute]] and has previously worked for the [[Fraser Institute]]<ref> Pacific Research Institute(N.D)[http://www.pacificresearch.org/keypeople/jason-clemens Jason Clemens] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
Director of Research at the [[Pacific Research Institute]] and has previously worked for the [[Fraser Institute]]<ref> Pacific Research Institute(N.D)[http://www.pacificresearch.org/keypeople/jason-clemens Jason Clemens] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
*[[Veronique de Rugy]] – Research Fellow. De Rugy is currently a research fellow at the [[Mercatus Centre]] at George Mason University, an adjunct scholar for the [[Cato Institute]] and is also on the Board of Directors of the Centre for Freedom and Prosperity<ref> Cato Institute (N.D) [http://www.cato.org/people/rugy.html  Veronique de Rugy] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>De Rugy has worked as a research fellow for the [[American Enterprise Institute]] and the [[Atlas Economic Research Foundation]]. <ref> Mercatus Center(N.D) [http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/person/Vero_de%20Rugy_CV.pdf Veronique de Rugy curriculum vitae], accessed 6th April 2011</ref> Prior to this she has directed academic programs for the [[Institute for Humane Studies]] <ref>Mercatus Center (N.D) [http://mercatus.org/veronique-de-rugy Veronique de Rugy] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
*[[Veronique de Rugy]] – Research Fellow
* [[Jamie Dettmer]] – Research Fellow Dettmer specialises in International Affairs and Political Economy and is the principal and founder of [[Jamie Dettmer & Associates]] which is according to its website, ‘a communications, media relations and public affairs advisory network of respected and effective senior-level professionals drawn from PR and journalism in the US, Europe and the Middle East.<ref>Linkedin (N.D) [http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiewrit Jamie Dettmer] accessed 6th April 2011</ref><ref>Jamie Dettmer & Associates (N.D) [http://jwdettmer.com/Home_Page.html Jamie Dettmer & Associates] accessed 6th April 2011</ref> He previously assumed the role of Director of Communications and Advocacy at [[International Foundation for Electoral Systems]].<ref> Jamie Dettmer & Associates(N.D) [http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiewrit Jamie Dettmer] accessed 6th April 2011</ref><ref> Jamie Dettmer (N.D) [http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiewrit Jamie Dettmer] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>  
De Rugy is currently a research fellow at the [[Mercatus Centre]] at George Mason University, an adjunct scholar for the [[Cato Institute]] and is also on the Board of Directors of the Centre for Freedom and Prosperity<ref> Cato Institute (N.D) [http://www.cato.org/people/rugy.html  Veronique de Rugy] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>De Rugy has worked as a research fellow for the [[American Enterprise Institute]] and the [[Atlas Economic Research Foundation]]. <ref> Mercatus Center(N.D) [http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/person/Vero_de%20Rugy_CV.pdf Veronique de Rugy curriculum vitae], accessed 6th April 2011</ref> Prior to this she has directed academic programs for the [[Institute for Humane Studies]] <ref>Mercatus Center (N.D) [http://mercatus.org/veronique-de-rugy Veronique de Rugy] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Chris Edwards]] – [[Cato Institute]]. Chris Edwards is the director of tax policy studies at the [[Cato Institute]]. Prior roles include a senior economist on the congressional Joint Economic Committee and as an economist with the Tax Foundation where he published 13 articles between 1992-1994. <ref>Cato Institute(N.D)[http://www.cato.org/people/chris-edwards Chris Edwards] accessed 6th April 2011</ref><ref> Chris Edwards (N.D) [http://www.taxfoundation.org/staff/show/46.html Chris Edwards contributions] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Jamie Dettmer]] – Research Fellow
* [[Ivan Eland]] - Senior Fellow. Eland is also the Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The [[Independent Institute]]. He is the former director of Defense Policy Studies at the Cato Institute and spent 15 years working for Congress on national security issues.<ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=487 Ivan Eland] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
Dettmer specialises in International Affairs and Political Economy and is the principal and founder of Jamie Dettmer & Associates which is according to their website, ‘a communications, media relations and public affairs advisory network of respected and effective senior-level professionals drawn from PR and journalism in the US, Europe and the Middle East.<ref>Linkedin(N.D) [http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiewrit Jamie Dettmer] accessed 6th April 2011</ref><ref>Jamie Dettmer & Associates (N.D) [http://jwdettmer.com/Home_Page.html Jamie Dettmer & Associates] accessed 6th April 2011</ref> He previously assumed the role of Director of Communications and Advocacy at [[International Foundation for Electoral Systems]].<ref> Jamie Dettmer & Associates(N.D) [http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiewrit Jamie Dettmer] accessed 6th April 2011</ref><ref> Jamie Dettmer (N.D) [http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiewrit Jamie Dettmer] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>  
* [[Jeremy Lott]] – A Senior Fellow. A journalist who is the editor of Real Clear Religion and is the Competitive Enterprise Institute's current Warren Brookes Journalism Fellow and a contributing editor to Books & Culture <ref> American Spectator (N.D). [http://spectator.org/people/jeremy-lott/all Jeremy Lott] accessed 6th April </ref>Lott was formerly Manager of Editorial Services at the [[Cato Institute]] and Assistant Managing Editor of The American Spectator. <ref> Competitive Enterprise Institute (N.D) [http://cei.org/other/jeremy-lott Jeremy Lott] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Chris Edwards]] – [[Cato Institute]]
* [[Michael Mosbacher]] – [[Social Affairs Unit]]. Mosbacher has been director the [[Social Affairs Unit]] since 2004 although he has assumed other roles within the organisation since 1996. He is also the managing editor of [[Standpoint]] magazine from 2008 to the present.<ref> 123 People (N.D) [http://www.123people.co.uk/ext/frm?ti=person%20finder&search_term=michael%20mosbacher&search_country=GB&st=person%20finder&target_url=http%3A%2F%2Flrd.yahooapis.com%2F_ylc%3DX3oDMTVnY2xoZGI3BF9TAzIwMjMxNTI3MDIEYXBwaWQDc1k3Wlo2clYzNEhSZm5ZdGVmcmkzRUx4VG5makpERG5QOWVKV1NGSkJHcTJ1V1dFa0xVdm5IYnNBeUNyVkd5Y2REVElUX2tlBGNsaWVudANib3NzBHNlcnZpY2UDQk9TUwRzbGsDdGl0bGUEc3JjcHZpZANUV09BR21LSWNyb0tINWpUdTBmaEhhUjZXODV4QlUyTGFXOEFEWGcu%2FSIG%3D1325fsbeo%2F**http%253A%2F%2Fwww.debretts.com%2Fpeople%2Fbiographies%2Fbrowse%2Fm%2F24102%2FMichael%252520Oliver%252BMOSBACHER.aspx&section=biography&wrt_id=107 Michael Mosbacher, Esq's Biography] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
Chris Edwards is the director of tax policy studies at the [[Cato Institute]]. Prior roles include a senior economist on the congressional Joint Economic Committee and as an economist with the Tax Foundation where he published 13 articles between 1992-1994. <ref>Cato Institute(N.D)[http://www.cato.org/people/chris-edwards Chris Edwards] accessed 6th April 2011</ref><ref> Chris Edwards (N.D) [http://www.taxfoundation.org/staff/show/46.html Chris Edwards contributions] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Gerry Nicholls]] – Senior Fellow. Gerry Nicholls is a director of the [[Society for Quality Education]] which claims he is  “one of Canada’s most prominent defenders of our economic and political freedoms”. <ref> Society for Quality Education (N.D) [http://www.societyforqualityeducation.org/index.php/about/category/C12/ Who we are] accessed 6th April 2011</ref> Prior roles include twenty years employment at the National Citizens Coalition, Canada’s largest independent pro-free market advocacy group. He is also freelance writer working as an independent political consultant to the media. <ref> Society for Quality Education (N.D) [http://www.societyforqualityeducation.org/index.php/about/category/C12/ Who we are] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Ivan Eland]] - Senior Fellow  
* [[Charles Pena]] – George Washington University. Pena is also a senior Fellow at both the [[Independent Institute]] and the [[Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy]]. <ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1235 About us Charles V. Peña] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>He is also currently an adviser on the Straus Military Reform Project. <ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1235 About us Charles V. Peña] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>Previously Mr. Peña has been senior fellow with the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute and Foreign Policy Advisor for the 2008 Ron Paul Presidential Campaign<ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1235 About us Charles V. Peña] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
Eland is also the Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The [[Independent Institute]]. He is the former director of Defense Policy Studies at the Cato Institute and spent 15 years working for Congress on national security issues.<ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=487 Ivan Eland] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Christopher Preble]] – [[Cato Institute]]. Preble is the Director of foreign policy studies at the [[Cato Institute]] and writes a blog for The Skeptics at [[The National Interest]] <ref> National Interest (N.D) [http://nationalinterest.org/profile/christopher-preble Christopher A.Preble] Accessed 6th April 2011</ref>  
* [[Jeremy Lott]] – A Senior Fellow
* [[Marian Tupy]] – [[Cato Institute]]. Marian Tupy is a policy analyst for the [[Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity]] at the [[Cato Institute]], specialising in the study of the political economy of Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.<ref>Cato Institute, [http://www.cato.org/people/marian-tupy People], accessed 15 February 2010</ref>Tupy has also published articles for the [[Heritage Foundation]] <ref> Heritage Foundation (2007, 2008) http://www.heritage.org/search?query=tupy Publications by Marian Tupy] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
A journalist who is the editor of Real Clear Religion and is the Competitive Enterprise Institute's current Warren Brookes Journalism Fellow and a contributing editor to Books & Culture <ref> American Spectator (N.D). [http://spectator.org/people/jeremy-lott/all Jeremy Lott] accessed 6th April </ref>Lott was formerly Manager of Editorial Services at the [[Cato Institute]] and Assistant Managing Editor of The American Spectator. <ref> Competitive Enterprise Institute (N.D) [http://cei.org/other/jeremy-lott Jeremy Lott] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Martin Zelder]] – Analysis Group Economics. Martin Zelder is a senior associate at Analysis Group Economics, a Boston-based consulting firm. Previously, he was Director of Health Policy Research at the [[Fraser Institute]]<ref> Fraser Institute (N.D) [http://www.fraserinstitute.org/author.aspx?id=15422&txID=3324 Research and News) accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Michael Mosbacher]] – [[Social Affairs Unit]]
Mosbacher has been director the [[Social Affairs Unit]] since 2004 although he has assumed other roles within the organisation since 1996. He is also the managing editor of [[Standpoint]] magazine from 2008 to the present.<ref> 123 People (N.D) [http://www.123people.co.uk/ext/frm?ti=person%20finder&search_term=michael%20mosbacher&search_country=GB&st=person%20finder&target_url=http%3A%2F%2Flrd.yahooapis.com%2F_ylc%3DX3oDMTVnY2xoZGI3BF9TAzIwMjMxNTI3MDIEYXBwaWQDc1k3Wlo2clYzNEhSZm5ZdGVmcmkzRUx4VG5makpERG5QOWVKV1NGSkJHcTJ1V1dFa0xVdm5IYnNBeUNyVkd5Y2REVElUX2tlBGNsaWVudANib3NzBHNlcnZpY2UDQk9TUwRzbGsDdGl0bGUEc3JjcHZpZANUV09BR21LSWNyb0tINWpUdTBmaEhhUjZXODV4QlUyTGFXOEFEWGcu%2FSIG%3D1325fsbeo%2F**http%253A%2F%2Fwww.debretts.com%2Fpeople%2Fbiographies%2Fbrowse%2Fm%2F24102%2FMichael%252520Oliver%252BMOSBACHER.aspx&section=biography&wrt_id=107 Michael Mosbacher, Esq's Biography] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Gerry Nicholls]] – Senior Fellow  
Gerry Nicholls is a director of the [[Society for Quality Education]] which claims he is  “one of Canada’s most prominent defenders of our economic and political freedoms”. <ref> Society for Quality Education (N.D) [http://www.societyforqualityeducation.org/index.php/about/category/C12/ Who we are] accessed 6th April 2011</ref> Prior roles include twenty years employment at the National Citizens Coalition, Canada’s largest independent pro-free market advocacy group. He is also freelance writer working as an independent political consultant to the media. <ref> Society for Quality Education (N.D) [http://www.societyforqualityeducation.org/index.php/about/category/C12/ Who we are] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Charles Pena]] – George Washington University  
Pena is also a senior Fellow at both the [[Independent Institute]] and the [[Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy]]. <ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1235 About us Charles V. Peña] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>He is also currently an adviser on the Straus Military Reform Project. <ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1235 About us Charles V. Peña] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>Previously Mr. Peña has been senior fellow with the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute and Foreign Policy Advisor for the 2008 Ron Paul Presidential Campaign<ref> Independent Institute (N.D) [http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1235 About us Charles V. Peña] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Christopher Preble]] – [[Cato Institute]]
Preble is the Director of foreign policy studies at the [[Cato Institute]] and writes a blog for The Skeptics at [[The National Interest]] <ref> National Interest (N.D) [http://nationalinterest.org/profile/christopher-preble Christopher A.Preble] Accessed 6th April 2011</ref>  
* [[Marian Tupy]] – [[Cato Institute]]
Marian Tupy is a policy analyst for the [[Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity]] at the [[Cato Institute]], specialising in the study of the political economy of Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.<ref>Cato Institute, [http://www.cato.org/people/marian-tupy People], accessed 15 February 2010</ref>Tupy has also published articles for the [[Heritage Foundation]] <ref> Heritage Foundation (2007, 2008) http://www.heritage.org/search?query=tupy Publications by Marian Tupy] accessed 6th April 2011</ref>
* [[Martin Zelder]] – Analysis Group Economics
Martin Zelder is a senior associate at Analysis Group Economics, a Boston-based consulting firm. Previously, he was Director of Health Policy Research at the [[Fraser Institute]]<ref> Fraser Institute (N.D) [http://www.fraserinstitute.org/author.aspx?id=15422&txID=3324 Research and News) accessed 6th April 2011</ref>

Revision as of 08:46, 16 August 2012

Democracy Institute Logo

The Democracy Institute describes itself as "a politically independent public policy research organisation"[1]. Founded in 2006, it has bases in London and Washington where it claims to, “further public education through the production and dissemination of accessible commentary and scholarship” [2] by providing a, “a balanced and thoughtful perspective on topical issues, promoting open and rational debate based on evidence rather than ideology”.[3]


Basham was previously the Founding director of the Social Affairs Center at Canada’s Fraser Institute, and was a senior fellow with the Cato Institute's Center for Representative Government.[5]Basham is a former tobacco industry lobbyist and publishes most of the research on the Institute's website along with John Luik who is also a former tobacco industry lobbyist.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]

The following people are linked to the Democracy Institute through several published articles yet are not officially registered via the organisation's own website:

Snowdon is an adjunct Scholar with the Democracy Institute and a freelance journalist who regularly publishes article in the libertarian online magazine spiked.[18] His articles also challenge initiatives that threaten free market policies.

Advisory Council

As listed by the Democracy Institute: [19]

Social Network Analysis of the Democracy Institute and links to other conservative organisations.


The Democracy Institute’s research interests are within the following areas: Democratisation, education policy; electoral studies; the European Union; fiscal studies; health care; international relations ; obesity; and the regulation of risk.[44] The main focus of its attention is on public health initiatives that are likely to interfere with the marketing activities of the tobacco[45], alcohol[46] and food[47] industries. The Institute is regularly consulted by the media as a body of experts in public health issues with Patrick Basham and John Luik frequently appearing as media commentators, 37 worldwide newspaper articles between 2006 and 2010 cite Basham and Luik as experts on public health issues.[48]

Basham and Luik have published articles in 14 newspapers worldwide with Washington Times printing 6 articles, four of which express the Institute's pro-industry view on obesity. [49] The Washington Times is owned by News World Communications Incorporated, which is under the control of the Unification Church, Reverend Sun Myung Moon – also referred to as the Moonies. [50] The Washington Times is known for its conservative views as are eight of the newspapers that have published the work of Basham and Luik including The Australian (Fox Corporation), The Western Mail; The Irish Independent; New Zealand Herald; Philadelphia Inquirer; Star Tribune; Sunday Telegraph and the West Australian.[51]

In terms of magazines and journals Basham and Luik have published articles in The American Spectator and the National Review which both promote conservative ideology.[52] This again would suggest that the Democracy Institute adopts a partisan rather than independent perspective. Most prominently Basham and Luik have published articles on Spiked online.

On Obesity

In several articles attacking public health, Basham [53] [54][55][56] argues that four obesity claims are nothing but ‘myths’:

  • That the world is obese (both adults and children)
  • That being fat is a certain recipe for early death
  • That fatness stems from the manufacturing and marketing practices of the food industry
  • That we will lengthen our lives if only we eat less and lose weight.

According to Basham, there is no scientific evidence to support these myths. Basham claims that evidence produced by the The Scripps Research Institute in which ‘junk food’ was found to be addictive to rats due to the chemical reactions it causes in the brain are irrelevant to humans for the reason that it is been proved addictive to rats – not humans.

Basham and Luik recently published an article in spiked expressing their opinion concerning the San Francisco Board of Supervisor’s decision to approve a preliminary ban that would force fast food retailers to stop providing promotional toys with happy meals.[57] According to the article the ban would give parents an opportunity to promote healthier meal options to their children. According Basham and Luik in the article, the proposal is presumptuous as it assumes that the fast food industry and its marketing techniques contribute towards childhood obesity. The evidence-less Happy Meal ban should remind us that the entire idea of fat children is largely a cultural construct, not a scientific one. A hundred years ago, today's penchant for thin children would have been considered a shocking instance of child neglect.The idea that children weighing over a certain amount are fat or obese has no scientific foundation, as the dividing line between fat and normal is purely arbitrary, representing nothing more than a public health bureaucrat's notion of where normal ends and fat begins.[58]

More recently, Basham and Luik have criticised the NHS for proposing to prevent obese people from receiving certain operations due to lifestyle choices.[59] Basham and Luik (2011) present the following evidence in the article,

“Van Baal and his colleagues estimated lifetime health costs for three groups of 1,000 people: the ‘healthy-living’ group (thin and non-smoking), obese people, and smokers. The researchers found that from age 20 to 56, obese people racked up the most expensive health costs. But because both the smokers and the obese people died sooner than the healthy group, it cost less to treat them in the long run.”

The purpose of the article that Basham and Luik refer to as evidence was to examine the medical cost of obesity before considering implications for obesity prevention in order to reduce costs. The article concludes that obesity prevention to some extent, reduces health costs. [60]

On Equality

Wilkinson and Pickett's book The Spirit Level was criticised in a series of reports by the Taxpayers' Alliance, the Democracy Institute and the Policy Exchange. The criticisms from the Policy Exchange and the Taxpayers' Alliance were published just 24 hours apart.[61][62]


The organisation’s website gives no information about its major funders however in his book, ‘A Picture of Health? Why Graphic Warnings Don’t Work’ John Luik states that the writing of the book was, “made possible by funding provided by Imperial Tobacco Group PLC” indicating that the organisation has corporate associates.[63]

In a more recent article, Basham and Luik state the following, “The Democracy Institute has not received any funding from the food, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, or indoor tanning industries to publish this paper. Nor have the authors received any funding from those industries to research and write this paper, the contents of which have not been shared with or reviewed by any individual or organisation affiliated with the food, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, or indoor tanning industries.” [64]


The Democracy Institute is a think tank with links to the Cato Institute [65] and Spiked online.[66]


  • Partrick Basham, 2010, Sri Lanka needs carrot, not stick, The Guardian, 14-Feb-2010
  • Patrick Basham and John Luik, 2010, A bleary-eyed attitude to alcohol research, 3-February-2010
  • Patrick Basham, 2010, President Obama’s Fork in the Road, 25-Jan-2010
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2010, The myth of an ‘obesity tsunami’, 22-Jan-2010
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2010, In Defense of Santa, 21-Jan-2010
  • Patrick Basham, 2009, Butt Out! How Philip Morris Burned Ted Kennedy, the FDA & the Anti-Tobacco Movement, Democracy Institute
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, Are Public Smoking Bans Necessary?, 17-Dec-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, Can the UK Avert a Smoking Irish Failure?, 29-October-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik 2009, The City That Never Smokes, 26-October-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, Women keep drinking, 3-March-2009
  • DI Report, 2009, Alcohol Advertising Bans – September 20-Sep-2009
  • Patrick Basham, 2009, The Senator and the Symbol, 28-Aug-2009
  • Patrick Basham, 2009, Afghanistan's Democratic Debacle, 21-Aug-2009
  • Patrick Basham, 2009, Displaying the truth about policymaking, 13-Aug-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, A fat doctor in the White House?, 29-Jul-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, on discrimination against fat African-American women, 29-Jul-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, Banning alcohol ads won’t cure alcoholism, 21-Jul-2009 Tuesday 21 July 2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, Turning fat people into social outcasts, on turning fat people into social outcasts, 30-Jun-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, Smoke gets in the government’s eyes, 23-Jun-2009
  • Patrick Basham, 2009, The unholy alliance between Philip Morris & the FDA in the Winston-Salem Journal, 06-Jun-2009
  • Patrick Basham and John Luik’s, 2009, KICKING THE SODA CAN: HARD TRUTHS ABOUT A SOFT DRINK TAX, 3-June-2009
  • Patrick Basham, 2009, Keep FDA away from tobacco Orange County Register, 3-June-2009
  • Patrick Basham & John Luik, 2009, A display of ignorance over youth smoking, 29 April 2009


Spiked | Institute of Humane Studies | Pacific Research Institute | Mercatus Center | International Foundation for Electoral Systems | Cato Institute | Independent Institute | Social Affairs Unit.[67]

Contact Details


Democracy Institute
2nd Floor
145-157 St John Street
London EC1V 4PY
0845 310 4144
Email: info@democracyinstitute.org


Democracy Institute
2001 M St NW
Washington DC 20036
301 390 3711
Email: info@democracyinstitute.org


  1. The Democracy Institute (undated), About Us, (accessed 17th February 2011)
  2. The Democracy Institute (undated), About Us, (accessed 17th February 2011)
  3. The Democracy Institute (undated), About Us, (accessed 17th February 2011)
  4. About Us, About Us, Democracy Institute, accessed 10 February 2010
  5. Cato Institute (N.D) Patrick Basham accessed 6th April 2011
  7. Consultants, John Luik, Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco, Accessed 10-February-2010
  8. Consultants, John Luik, Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco, Accessed 10-February-2010
  9. Gori GB, Luik JC. Passive smoke: the EPA’s betrayal of science and policy. Vancouver, Canada: Fraser Institute, 1999
  10. Marsden, W., "Big tobacco's shell game with the truth," Montreal Gazette, June 21, 2001
  11. Montreal Gazette, Blowing smoke, Cornwall Standard Freeholder (Ontario), 2-July-2001
  12. Sherry Stein, Letter to Adrain Payne at British American Tobacco, 28-July-2000, Accessed through Tobacco Archives 18-February-2010
  13. Sherry Stein, Letter to Martin Broughton, 28-January-2000, Accessed through Tobacco Archives 20-February-2010
  14. Patrick Basham, Public Policy Sources, The Fraser Institute, 1-August-2000, Accessed through Tobacco Archives 20-February-2010
  15. Press Release, Media Release, The Fraser Institute, 9-April-1999, Accessed Through Tobacco Archives 18-February-2010
  16. Patrick Basham, Public Policy Sources, The Fraser Institute, 1-August-2000, Accessed through Tobacco Archives 20-February-2010
  17. Basham and Luik, Five-a-day won’t keep the doctor away, Spiked, 13 May 2010, accessed 5 August 2010
  18. About the Author, Velvet Glove Iron Fist website, accessed 4 August 2010
  19. About Us, Advisory Council, Democracy Institute, accessed 10 February 2010
  20. Institute for Humane Studies (N.D) Nigel Ashford, accessed 6th April 2010
  21. Pacific Research Institute(N.D)Jason Clemens accessed 6th April 2011
  22. Cato Institute (N.D) Veronique de Rugy accessed 6th April 2011
  23. Mercatus Center(N.D) Veronique de Rugy curriculum vitae, accessed 6th April 2011
  24. Mercatus Center (N.D) Veronique de Rugy accessed 6th April 2011
  25. Linkedin (N.D) Jamie Dettmer accessed 6th April 2011
  26. Jamie Dettmer & Associates (N.D) Jamie Dettmer & Associates accessed 6th April 2011
  27. Jamie Dettmer & Associates(N.D) Jamie Dettmer accessed 6th April 2011
  28. Jamie Dettmer (N.D) Jamie Dettmer accessed 6th April 2011
  29. Cato Institute(N.D)Chris Edwards accessed 6th April 2011
  30. Chris Edwards (N.D) Chris Edwards contributions accessed 6th April 2011
  31. Independent Institute (N.D) Ivan Eland accessed 6th April 2011
  32. American Spectator (N.D). Jeremy Lott accessed 6th April
  33. Competitive Enterprise Institute (N.D) Jeremy Lott accessed 6th April 2011
  34. 123 People (N.D) Michael Mosbacher, Esq's Biography accessed 6th April 2011
  35. Society for Quality Education (N.D) Who we are accessed 6th April 2011
  36. Society for Quality Education (N.D) Who we are accessed 6th April 2011
  37. Independent Institute (N.D) About us Charles V. Peña accessed 6th April 2011
  38. Independent Institute (N.D) About us Charles V. Peña accessed 6th April 2011
  39. Independent Institute (N.D) About us Charles V. Peña accessed 6th April 2011
  40. National Interest (N.D) Christopher A.Preble Accessed 6th April 2011
  41. Cato Institute, People, accessed 15 February 2010
  42. Heritage Foundation (2007, 2008) http://www.heritage.org/search?query=tupy Publications by Marian Tupy] accessed 6th April 2011
  43. Fraser Institute (N.D) [http://www.fraserinstitute.org/author.aspx?id=15422&txID=3324 Research and News) accessed 6th April 2011
  44. The Democracy Institute (undated), About Us, (accessed 17th February 2011)
  45. Patrick Basham & John Luik, NYC: The City that Never Smokes, The Democracy Institute, 26 October 2009, accessed 30 March 2010
  46. Patrick Basham & John Luik, A bleary-eyed attitude to alcohol research, The Democracy Institute, 2-February-2010, Accessed 30-March-2010
  47. Patrick Basham & John Luik, The myth of an ‘obesity tsunami', Democracy Institute, 19-January-2010, Accessed 30-March-2010
  48. Nexis UK (2011), Nexis Search Terms "John Luik" and "Patrick Basham" (accessed 17th February 2011)
  49. Nexis UK (2011), Nexis Search Terms "John Luik" and "Patrick Basham" (accessed 17th February 2011)
  50. Media Owners (n.d)See who owns the American media accessed 8th April, 2011
  51. WorldPress.org(n.d) World Newspapers and Magazines accessed 8th April 2011
  52. Nexis UK (2011), Nexis Search Terms "John Luik" and "Patrick Basham" (accessed 17th February 2011)
  53. Basham, P. & Luik,J. (2006)Four big, fat myths (accessed 24th February 2011)
  54. Basham, P & Luik,J.(2010)A happy meal is nothing to smile about (accessed 19th February 2011)
  55. Basham, P.(2010) "The myth of an obesity tsunami, Democracy Institute (accessed 24th February 2011
  56. Basham, P. & Luik, J. (2008)"Head To Head Is The Obesity Epidemic Exaggerated? Yes, “British Medical Journal”, (accessed 24th February 2011)
  57. Basham, P & Luik, J.(2010)A happy meal is nothing to smile about (accessed 19th February 2011)
  58. Basham, P & Luik (2010) happy meal is nothing to smile about (accessed 19th February 2011)
  59. Basham, P. & Luik,J. (2011), Healthcare for all unless you're fat!, Spiked online, (accessed 11th March 2011)
  60. Pieter H. M. Van Baal, P.H.M; Polder, J.J; Ardine de Wit, G.; Hoogenveen, R.T. Feenstra, T.L.; Boshuizen, H.C.; Engelfriet, P.M.; Brouwe,W. (2008), Medical Costs of Obesity: Prevention No Cure for Increasing Health Expenditure, PLoS Med 5(2): e29, (accessed 11th March 2011)
  61. Adams, T., (2008), Have the Right taken all the best ideas, the Guardian, 31-August-2008, Accessed 29-November-2010
  62. Booth, R., (2010), The Spirit Level: how ‘ideas wreckers’ turned book into a political punch bag, the Guardian, 14-August-2010, Accessed 29-November-2010
  63. Luik,J., (2006),A Picture of Health? Why Graphic Warnings Don’t Work, London, The Democracy Institute (accessed 28th February 2011)
  64. Basham, P. & Luik, J. (2006), The War on Working Class Culture London, The Democracy Institute (accessed 28th February 2011)
  65. Patrick Basham, Adjunct Scholar, The Cato Institute, Accessed 30-March-2010
  66. All Articles, Articles by Basham & Luik, Spiked, accessed 30 March 2010
  67. About Us, Advisory Council, Democracy Institute, Accessed 10-February-2010