Ryan Mauro
<youtube size="medium" align="right" caption="Ryan Mauro appears on Fox News">C6AMqTfdhGk</Youtube> Ryan Mauro is the founder of WorldThreats.com, and the 'national security analyst' for the Clarion Project.
A recent biography describes him as 'a consultant to various government agencies, political campaigns and policy-makers and an adjunct professor of homeland security and counter-terrorism' and that he 'has made over 1,000 appearances on radio and TV programs from both the left of the right'.
Recent activities
In 2015 Mauro was a speaker at ACT! for America's 2015 National Conference and Legislative Briefing held 8-9 September 2015 in Washington. Keynote speakers included Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brigitte Gabriel, Bill Whittle, Erik Stackelbeck, Deborah Weiss, Ann Corcoran, Captain Charles T. “Chuck” Nash USN (RET), Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney USAF (RET).[1]
In 2011 he was also the 'national security adviser for the Christian Action Network and an analyst with WikiStrat and he is a former intelligence analyst and director of the Asymmetric Warfare and Intelligence Center'..[2] During that time, he helped produce a film, 'Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque', on the Park51 development project. However, contrary to what the title suggests, the Park51 development was neither a mosque, nor was it located at Ground Zero. [3]
He has written for Pajamas Media and FrontPage Magazine, among other publications including the 'peer-reviewed journal', Middle East Quarterly. In one of his publications for FrontPage (February 2010) he wrote that the Muslim Public Affairs Council was 'an organization whose extremism has been catalogued', even though no responsible official has accused it of supporting jihadist violence. On the contrary, the organisation works on countering terrorism, including by working to ensure mosques are not used as bases for terrorism.
In 2011 he claimed to have made over 200 TV appearances as an expert on terrorism including appearances on Fox News.[4] During one of these TV appearances in 2015 on Fox's The O'Reilly Factor, he claimed that 20 American cities housed one or more 'radical Muslim organization[s]' and pointed to a map of them as 'proof'. As a result, the FBI had to reassure local officials that Mauro was lying, saying that there were 'no threats or concerns' regarding jihadist presence in these cities.[3]
He strongly pushed for the idea of 'no-go zones' in Europe, like in his July 9, 2010, article on Islamist Watch that he wrote whilst still a Christian Action Network official:'The French government actually has a website where it tabulates 751 "sensitive urban zones," which have been accurately described as "no-go zones."' When other anti-Muslim 'analysts' referred to them on Fox News after the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attacks, they were publicly ridiculed as the existence of 'no-go zones' was debunked. In the same article, he made other baseless claims concerning so-called 'paramilitary' Muslim militias in the US: he listed 22 neighborhoods with higher Muslim presences that were allegedly being used for 'paramilitary training', something which law enforcement officials in Islamberg and elsewhere have refuted. He also claimed that 'Islamist groups are, as we speak, hard at work creating Muslim states-within-states in the U.S.'. [5]
Ryan Mauro claims to have been studying international affairs since he was 12 years old. Mauro created a 'homemade dossier' while he was in High school which caught the attention of Joe Tenaglia who paid Mauro as a researcher. Tenaglia explains meeting Mauro:
- 'He didn't say too much and he hands me this article and goes, 'It was on the Singapore Times for 15 minutes.' And I said, 'Holy shit! This is Al Qaeda's nuclear attack plan on America!'
Mauro was 16 at the time and was hired by Tenaglia who suggested that he set up WorldThreats.com, which is 'a compendium of analysis and commentary about the forces that may (or may not) be menacing the globe, from Iraqi sympathizers in Russia (see: "Russia Moved Iraqi WMDs") to bird-borne bioterrorism (see: "West Nile Virus: The Underreported Allegations").[6]
According to his biography on WorldThreats:
- In 2002 he became the youngest geopolitical analyst in the US after being hired by Tactical Defense Concepts, a maritime-related security group, believed to be the youngest hired geopolitical analyst in the country at that time. Mauro’s reports were often forwarded to members of the law enforcement and intelligence communities with great response.
- In June 2003, Mauro founded WorldThreats.com to promote news and analysis he wrote and ones he felt needed more exposure. He has also done volunteer work for the Reform Party of Syria, a group dedicated to bringing democracy to that country.
- In 2005, Mauro published his first book, Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq. It is about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (and their possible movement to other countries), the Baathist regime’s involvement with terrorism, corruption at the UN, and how Iran and Syria were engineering the insurgency in Iraq.[7]
- Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq (2005)
The Amazon description of his first book says of it that it 'reveals the truth about the existence of Iraqi WMD programs and their movement into other countries, Saddam Hussein’s role in helping Osama bin Laden attack the free world, and the ongoing treachery of so-called allies.' However, the existence these accusations was subsequently debunked.
Ann Coulter of the right-wing journal American Thinker praised the book saying it:
- 'connect[ed] both [Iraqi] Republican Guardsman Hussein Hashem al-Hussaini and suspected Iraqi agent Ramzi Yousef to the 1995 bombing of Oklahoma City’s Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Witnesses saw al-Hussaini there with Timothy McVeigh, and Yousef taught bomb making to Terry Nichols during their simultaneous stay with the Philippines’ Abu Sayyef terror group'
However, Mauro has never given any proof to these claims. [3]
WorldThreats.com | Pajamas Media | FrontPage | Christian Action Network | WikiStrat
- Jessica Bruder, Township Teen Tracks Geopolitical Threats, New York Observer, 25-July-2005
- ↑ 2015 National Conference, ACT! for America, accessed 9 November 2015
- ↑ About us, Ryan Mauro, WorldThreats.com, Accessed 26-April-2011
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists, Southern Poverty Law Center, 25 October 2016, accessed 08 November 2016.
- ↑ About us, Ryan Mauro, WorldThreats.com, Accessed 26-April-2011
- ↑ Ryan Mauro, Muslim Enclaves U.S.A., Islamist Watch, July 9, 2010. Accessed 08 November 2016.
- ↑ Jessica Bruder, Township Teen Tracks Geopolitical Threats, New York Observer, 25-July-2005
- ↑ About us, Ryan Mauro, WorldThreats.com, Accessed 26-April-2011