Researching Fracking in Europe

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FrackWell.png This article is part of the Spinwatch Fracking Portal and project

Researching Fracking in Europe (ReFINE) is a UK-based academic research group led by the Durham Energy Institute, one of eight research institutes at the University of Durham. Refine is led jointly with the University of Newcastle.


Set up in 2013, group describes itself as 'the leading independent researchers

The consortium focuses on the issue of shale gas and oil exploitation using fracking methods and its potential risks.
Over a two year period ReFINE will carry out scientific research, with the recognition that there are many important social impacts related to the potentially widespread exploitation of gas- or oil-rich shales across Europe. [1]


The consortium is funded by Shell, Chevron, GDF SUEZ, Centrica, and the Natural Environment Research Council, with the Environment Agency, DECC, the European Commission Joint Research Centre and the British Geological Survey participating in an advisory-stakeholder capacity. The consortium has the support of organisations such as the Geological Society of London, the Bulgarian Geological Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry.


Work group leaders




  • Oil and gas wells and their integrity: Implications for shale and unconventional resource exploitation





  1. ReFINE, acc 30 March 2014