Neocon Europe Test

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Welcome to the Neocon Europe Site

Welcome to Neocon Europe, your guide to Neoconservatives in Europe, including transatlantic propaganda networks from the Cold War to the War on Terror.

Neoconservatives in Europe - A guide to the the European roots of the neocons, and their longstanding involvement in transatlantic politics.

What is a Neocon? - An introduction to the neoconservative movement.

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The Neocon Imagination

Neoconservatives were famously described by Irving Kristol as liberals who had been 'mugged by reality'.[1] Kristol is one among many intellectual guides for the Neocon movement. Others have included Leo Strauss, James Burnham and ????

Some intellectuals dissociated them selves from the movement such as Francis Fukuyama,

Neocon International

The Democracy and Security International Conference in Prague in 2007 was a key moment in the formation of the Neoconservative International. It was co-organised by the Prague Security Studies Institute, the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and the Spanish Foundation for Social Analysis and Studies.

Think tanks and networks

Perhaps the most well known Neocon grouping is the Project for a New American Century. However, associated with it are two key US think tanks the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Both of these have been significant in helping to export Neoconservative ideas and policies to Europe.

Amongst their most important progeny have been the now defunct Institute for the Study of Conflict and the Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies.

The Decent Left

One key strand of neoconservative networks in Europe reflects the movement's origins on the left, and the post-war role of Americans such as Jay Lovestone, Joseph Godson and Roy Godson in running Atlanticist networks among European left intellectuals and the labour movement. In the US this tradition coalesced around the Social Democrats USA, the Coalition for a Democratic Majority and the National Endowment for Democracy. In contemporary Europe, its influence is reflected in institutions such as Democratiya and the Euston Manifesto

CounterJihad and the Far Right

Some American neoconservatives, notably those associated with Frank Gaffney and his Center for Security Policy have sought to promote their anti-Muslim 'Eurabia' discourse, through alliances with the European far-right. This includes groups with fascist antecedents like Vlaams Blok as well as populist politicians like Geert Wilders, who have sought to distinguish themselves from the former group. Key institutions uniting American neoconservatives with the European far-right include the International Free Press Society and the CounterJihad Europa network.


The Israel Connection


BelgiumBosnia and HerzegovinaBulgariaCroatiaCyprus
Czech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFrance
TurkeyUkraineUnited KingdomEUNATO



  1. Sidney Blumenthal 'Mugged by reality': Once the warrior queen of neoconservatism, Jeane Kirkpatrick died a critic of Bush's unilateralism. Her death illuminates the conflicting legacies of the movement she helped found. Salon, 2006-12-14