National Domestic Extremism Unit: officers

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This article is part of the Undercover Research Portal at PowerBase - investigating corporate and police spying on activists.

Part of a series on
Undercover Police Units
National Domestic Extremism Unit (NDEU)
National Coordinator for Domestic Extremism, National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit
Parent Units:
NPOIU, National Domestic Extremism Team, NETCU, Confidential Intelligence Unit
2004 to present

See main page National Domestic Extremism Unit

The national domestic extremism units are a group of police units that focus on domestic extremism, and which have gone through a series of reorganisations. They included the overseeing the controversial infiltration of protest groups by undercover officers such as Mark Kennedy, Lynn Watson and Marco Jacobs. This page lists the officers who have held leading roles within the units.

Other detailed pages on the domestic extremism units:

National Coordinators for Domestic Extremism

The National Coordinator (for) Domestic Extremism (NCDE)[1] is a post created by the Association of Chief Police Officers in July 2004 in response to a number of successful animal rights campaigns. The post grew to eventually take over various related units such as the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (NETCU) and the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU). When the individual units were reorganised and merged as the National Domestic Extremism Unit (NDEU) - later named the National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit (NDEDIU) - the title 'National Coordinator for Domestic Extremism' was used for the head of these units.

The first NCDE, Anton Setchell held the rank of Assistant Chief Constable; subsequent holders have been given the lower rank of Detective Chief Superintendent. The role remains in existence as of December 2014, but is currently vacant.

  • ACC Anton Setchell was the National Coordinator Domestic Extremism with rank of Assistant Chief Comissioner, answering to ACPO from July 2004[2] to November 2010. Setchell was on secondment from Thames Valley Police where he had previously organized policing at the biotech lab being targeted by the SPEAK campaign.[3] He subsequently became head of Global Security for the infrastructure and services company Laing O’Rourke. [4]
  • DCS Adrian Tudway had served as deputy to Anton Setchell from January 2010; in November 2010[5] he was appointed Setchell’s successor as National Coordinator Domestic Extremism though at the rank of Detective Chief Superintendent. He would oversee the merger of the different units into the National Domestic Extremism Unit, remaining as its head until replaced by Greany.[6] He has since been seconded to the Home Office.[7]
  • DCS Christopher Greany replaced Adrian Tudway as head of the National Domestic Extremism Unit in March 2012.[8] In 2010 he was the head of counter terrorism for City of London Police[9] and in 2011 lead Operation Withern, which investigated crimes committed during the London Riots of 2011.[10] DCS Greany oversees the transformation of the NDEU into the NDEDIU, remaining as head of the latter.[11], being in place in July 2014.[12] Though towards the end of September 2014 he left having being promoted to Commander heading up the National Police Coordination Centre.[13] The role of NCDE was still vacant and the position advertised for in December 2014.[14]
  • ACC Ronnie Liddle, was ACPO ACC for Counter Terrorism in the period December 2012 – February 2014. Based at the Metropolitan Police he was co-ordinator of 'UK Counter Terrorism functions and operations', part of which remit he had 'Responsibility for National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit, including business engagement'.[15] However, it is noted elsewhere that during this period he is actually seconded to the Terrorism and Allied Matters Committee within ACPO,[16] which indicates that ACPO is still overseeing the NDEDIU despite the transfer to the Metropolitan Police.

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Other Senior Officers

  • Melvyn Young: Deputy National Coordinator Domestic Extremism (NCDE) September 2004 to September 2009. Prior to this he had been with specialist operations & major crime at Thames Valley Police. From October 2009 he is Global Head Extremism and Risk for Novartis, becoming their Deputy Head for Global Security in January 2012, remaining there until June 2013.[17] It is of note that another NDET officer, Jim Sheldrake, also joined Novartis' Issues and Risk Communications Team in April 2010, one month after the NDEU set up a sting with the complicity of Novartis that resulted in the jailing of SHAC activist Debbie Vincent, whereby a member of the unit, 'James Adams' posed as an executive of Novartis, meeting Ms Vincent in the company of Novartis' Head of Global Security, Andrew Jackson.[4]
  • Marc Vincent: Deputy Head of NDEU October 2008 to September 2012; since October 2014 he has been an Assistant Inspector with HM Inspectorate of Constabulary. From January 2003 to January 2007, Head of Special Branch for Lancashire Police, before being seconded to NDEU. He subsequently returned to Lancashire Constabulary as Head of Covert Policing and Authorising officer for undercover work. For 3 months in 2006 had been part of national review of police forces planning, preparation and readiness to deal with terrorism and domestic extremism. In 2008-2012 he was involved in rolling out the PREVENT programme on a national level, and has been lead officer on piloting the CHANNEL Project for the Home Office.[18]
  • Det. Supt. Robin Bhairam, Deputy National Coordinator Domestic Extremism January 2013 to February 2015. He had previously served under Greany when he was Senior Investigating Officer for Operation Withern. In 2015 he becomes a senior lecturer in the John Grieve Centre at London Metropolitan University, were he worked along side spycop Bob Lambert.[19]
  • Det. Supt. George Turner: from June 2005 to August 2008, Head of Homicide, Kidnap, Complex and Sensitive Investigations for Thames Valley Police, where on behalf of the NCDE he investigated the letter-bomber Miles Cooper, and the animal rights campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences. He also "developed, implemented and led an intelligence and investigation response that successfully countered Animal Rights Extremism related to Oxford University (The SPEAK campaign)". August 2008 he was promoted as Detective Chief Superintendent, as Head of South East Counter Terrorism Unit remaining there until October 2013. Since Jan 2014 he has been Head of Asset Protection for British Airways.[20]
  • Supt. Steven Pearl: a Cambridgeshire officer involved in the policing of protest around Huntingdon Life Sciences. In March 2004 he established the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit, based in Huntingdon. He remained as its head until forced to retire in 2010. Has since become a director of Agenda Risk Management, which vets applicants for jobs in the animal research industry.
  • Detective Chief Inspector Richard May: described in newspaper articles as Mark Kennedy's boss while at the NPOIU. He is noted for confirming to French police in that the NDEU had intelligence related to the Tarnac case, that is thought to have come from Kennedy's attendance at a 2008 meeting of European anarchists in France. However, he also told police that the 'source of this intelligence will never be revealed and no formal statements will be provided'.[21][22]
  • Detective Chief Inspector Andy Robbins, head of the National Domestic Extremism Team, February 2009 to January 2013. He oversaw Operation Achillies, the arrest and prosecution phase of the investigation into Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty. A Kent police officer for 34 years, he retired in 2013 to establish his own private security consultancy, Prism Specialist Services Ltd.[23]
  • John Donovan. According to his biography for the London Policing College:[24]
John has 31 years’ experience as Police Officer up to the rank of Chief Inspector rank. He has worked within the Metropolitan Police and the National Criminal Intelligence Service, The National Domestic Extremism Team, the Association of Chief Police Terrorism Committee (ACPO TAM) and HM Customs and Excise. He worked on UK Investigatory Powers legislation and exercised editorial control of policies for conducting covert and technical surveillance. He designed and delivered training on the use of special investigatory techniques UK wide. John led a Joint Investigatory Team coordinated by Europol against and active domestic terrorist conspiracy across 6 EU nations and managed the intelligence flow between the JIT and the FBI.

Other Undercover Research sources


  1. There is no consistent title for this position, with various official documents using 'National Coordinator Domestic Extremism’, ‘National Coordinator - Domestic Extremism’, ‘National Coordinator of Domestic Extremism’, 'National Coordinator, Domestic Extremism' or 'National Coordinator for Domestic Extremism', and with or without a hyphen in Coordinator, and also National Domestic Extremism Coordinator. For convenience we have chosen to use 'National Coordinator for Domestic Extremism' or more generally NCDE.
  2. Letter Bombs - Police Issue Warning, ACPO press release 7 February 2007, accessed 19 June 2014.
  3. Lech Mintowt-Czyz, Police chief to lead war on animal rights terror, London Evening Standard, 29 July 2004, accessed 26 August 2014.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Undercover Research Group, Re-visiting NETCU - Police Collaboration with Industry, Corporate Watch, 6 August 2014, accessed 31 August 2014.
  5. Police on 'tightrope' at protests, Press Association, 23 November 2010, accessed from 19 June 2014. Note, date on page refers to the date it was archived; actual date of article derived in this case from the page's URL
  6. Vikram Dodd & Matthew Taylor, Muslims criticise Scotland Yard for telling them to engage with EDL, The Guardian, 2 September 2011, accessed 31 August 2014.
  7. Adrian Tudway, profile,, accessed 19 May 2014.
  8. Mick Creedon, Operation Herne: Report 1 - Use of Covert Identities, Derbyshire Constabulary, July 2013.
  9. Rob Evans, [1], The Guardian, 1 March 2012, accessed 19 June 2014.
  10. Stephanie Darrall, 'We will get you eventually': Scotland Yard pledge to catch EVERY rioter as number arrested tops 3,000, "Daily Mail", 7 October 2011, accessed 28 August 2014.
  11. NPoCC appoint new head,, 1 October 2014, accessed 10 January 2015.
  12. Karen Fox, Response of Metropolitan Police Service to FOIA request of Mr. Mattsson (Ref: 2014060001937), Metropolitan Police Service, 10 July 2014, accessed 28 August 2014.
  13. Chris Greany, Commander Chris Greany - New Head of NPoCC, 23 September 2014, Association of Chief Police Officers (blog), 23 September 2014, accessed 10 January 2014.
  14. Karen Fox, 'Current postholder, office of NCDE' - response to FOIA request of David Cinzano, Metropolitan Police Service, 22 December 2014, accessed 10 January 2015.
  15. Ronnie Liddle - Profile,, undated, accessed 10 January 2015.
  16. Unaudited Financial Statements 2012/13, Lothian and Borders Police Board (presented to Edinburgh City Council on 27 June 2013), pages 91 & 92, accessed 10 January 2015.
  17. Melvyn Young - Profile,, undated, accessed 14 January 2015.
  18. Marc Vincent - Profile,, undated, accessed 14 November 2015.
  19. Robin Bhairam, Profile,, undated (accessed 27 March 2016)
  20. George Turner CMgr, FCMI - Profile,, undated, accessed 14 January 2015.
  21. Henry Samuel, Scotland Yard 'eco-spy' Mark Kennedy dragged into French anarchist plot, The Telegraph, 8 November 2012 (accessed 24 September 2015).
  22. Angelique Chrisafis, Paul Lewis & Rob Evans, Police spy Mark Kennedy accused of fake claims in French case, The Guardian, 8 November 2012 (accessed 24 September 2015).
  23. Andrew Robbins, Profile,, undated (accessed 5 November 2016).
  24. John Donovan MSt (Intelligence and Counter Terrorism), London Policing College, undated (accessed 21 September 2021).