Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin

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The Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin (MFFB) is, according to its website a "registered non-profit association consisting of academics, scholars, journalists, members of Jewish organizations and Iranians in exile" founded in 2007.[1]

The website states that the Forum works "to combat anti-Semitism, hostility towards Israel, Islamism and right-wing extremism" and seeks to maintain a permanent commemoration of the Shoah in Germany.[2]


On 2 May 2008, the Forum hosted a conference entitled Business as usual? The Iranian regime, the holy war against Israel and the West and the German reaction.[3]


Charles A. Small | Diethard Pallaschke | Alan Posener| Miro Aliyar | Menashe Amir | Nasrin Amirsedghi | Javad Assadian | Caroline Fetscher | Sylke Tempel | Majid Sattar | Doris Akrap | Henryk Broder | Paulo Casaca | Patrick Clawson | Jeffrey Herf | Kayvan Kaboli | Matthias Kuentzel | Yossi Melman | Benny Morris | Thomas von der Osten-Sacken | Alexander Ritzmann | Bruno Schirra | Saul Singer[4]

External Resources


  1. About, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, accessed 20 October 2009.
  2. About, Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, accessed 20 October 2009.
  3. Schedule, Middle East Freedom Forum Berlin, 20 October 2009.
  4. Schedule, Middle East Freedom Forum Berlin, 21 October 2009.