Kingsley Manning

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Kingsley Manning was the chair of the Health and Social Care Information Centre, now known as NHS Digital.[1]


In 1986 Manning founded Newchurch Limited, which became part of Tribal in 2009. Between 2009 and 2011 Manning worked as the executive chairman of Tribal, an outsourcing firm with £150 million worth of UK government contracts.[2] In 2011 Tribal were bought by Capita.[3]

Tribal describes itself as being 'at the heart of helping reshape the NHS. We are the largest provider of professional services to the UK healthcare sector, working with NHS organisations to improve the commissioning and provision of services. Our service delivery, advisory, and technology solutions are helping achieve better healthcare for all.' According to Manning:

The vision offered in ‘Liberating the NHS’ is appealing and makes sense. The real tests, however, are more practical and pragmatic. Making the necessary improvements in productivity and engaging the public and the GPs in major decisions about the configuration of local health services are both major challenges. These difficulties will have to be managed during a period of unparalleled transition.
Tribal works in genuine partnership with NHS organisations. We support the development of NHS staff and help them to acquire new skills and develop new tools and techniques. We are supporting the development of GP-led commissioning consortia so that they can minimise redundancy costs, protect local knowledge and become self-sufficient in the future. [4]

Manning has also acted as a special adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health, the Transport Select Committee, the National Audit Office and McKinsey & Company.[5]

In June 2013 Manning replaced Candy Morris as the chair of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.[6]



Pro-reform GPs are a key front in the public relations offensive behind UK health minister Andrew Lansley’s health and social care bill, which is currently going through parliament. Internal emails obtained by SpinWatch revealed that in December 2010 Manning supplied a list of friendly GPs to Bill Morgan, Lansley’s special adviser. Morgan is a former lobbyist for private health companies and Tribal confirms that it was in discussions with some of the GPs on the list about future lucrative contracts.

Manning's email said: “Further to our conversation, please find attached a list of GPs you may want to contact with respect to the launch of Consortia Pathfinders; we haven’t briefed them so somebody would need to talk to them before they were exposed to the press.”
Manning initially claimed that Tribal had “no discussions” with Lansley or his department about helping the government sell its bill. He admitted having dealings with Morgan but denied supplying tame GPs for the government’s spin campaign.
“We certainly wouldn’t do that, we are not in the business of acting as a voice piece for the government. There is significant merit in these reforms. But it is not Tribal’s policy to promote [them] on behalf of the government,” he said.
However, when told his email to Morgan had been released under freedom of information legislation, Manning claimed the special adviser had requested the list, which he admitted may contain the names of GP pathfinder consortia with whom Tribal is in commercial discussions. Manning also conceded that the government’s campaign had so far failed to persuade most patients, NHS staff and suppliers of the case for reform.[7]



See: The Corporate Capture of the NHS




  1. Kingsley Manning names chair of HSCIC EHI News, 20 May 2013, accessed 10 April 2015.
  2. Kingsley Manning, Meet our experts, Tribal website, accessed 9 March 2011
  3. EHI interview: Kingsley Manning EHI News, 14 July 2013, accessed 10 April 2015.
  4. Kingsley Manning, Health, Tribal website, accessed 9 March 2011
  5. Department of Health Kingsley Manning confirmed as the new Chair of the Health and Social Care Information Centre Gov.UK, 20 May 2013, accessed 10 April 2015.
  6. Kingsley Manning named chair of HSCIC] EHI News, 20 May 2013, accessed 10 April 2015.
  7. Michael Gillard, Andy Rowell and Tamasin Cave, Revealed: Government Secretly Uses Doctors to Spin Tribal War for NHS Hearts and Minds (oh! And £80 Billion), Spinwatch, 9 March 2011