Jewish Agency for Israel

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According to its own website:

The Jewish Agency is a global partnership committed to the Jewish future that stands on a history-making track record... Together, our partnership has brought 3 million people to Israel; we have built a nation.


It has three 'Mission Areas'

  • Aliyah: Bringing a substantial number of Jews to live in Israel and ensuring their successful integration.
  • Jewish-Zionist Education: Connecting the next generation with Israel and Jewish peoplehood as a core part of Jewish identity.
  • Partnerships with Israel: Involving world Jewry with Israelis in shaping the future character of Israeli society.[1]


The governance structure of the Jewish Agency[2]

The World Zionist Organization is allocated 50% of the votes on the governing bodies of the Jewish Agency. The JFNA/UIA has 30% of the votes and Keren Hayesod (which does not operate in the US, but covers the rest of the world) is allocated 20%.[2][3]

The national and organisational origins of members of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors, showing the prominence of Israeli (47) and US members (51) vs the rest of the world with Keren Hayesod supplying 9 members from Europe, 3 from South America, 6 from Canada, 2 from Australia and 2 from South Africa..[4]


In June 2009 the Jewish Agency Board of Governors elected former Soviet refusenik and prisoner who became an Israeli minister Natan Sharansky to be Chairman of the Executive.[5]





Reuven Adler | Mark S. Anshan | Didi Arzi | Azari Meir | Gavri Bar-Gil | Nir Barkat | Oved Benozair | Harvey Blitz | David Breakstone | Meir Cohen | Danny Danon | Stanley Davids | Avraham Duvdevani | Paula Edelstein | Jerome Epstein | Miriam Feirberg | Sami Friedrich | Gai Ady | Helena Glaser | Gael Greenwald | Eitan Haber | Richard Heideman | Richard Hirsch | David Kolitz | Shlomo Kostiner | Gad Komeran | Avi Krampa | Yitzchak Krichevsky | Vernon Kurtz | Dov Lautman | Menachem Leibovic | Hagai Meirom | Joel Meyers | Shlomo Molla | Avi Naor | Ehud Naor | Yaakov Ne’eman | Arik Nudelman | Avi Pazner | Amir Peled | Leon Recanati | Uri Regev | Uriel Reichman | Steve Savitsky | Gabriela Shalev | Alan Silberman | Sondra Sokal | Efi Stenzler | Ofra Strauss | Sultanik Kalman | Moshe Theumim | Rani Trainin | June Walker | Yehiel Wasserman | Eitan Wertheimer | Eric Yoffie | Yaffa Zilbershatz


Arbit Bruce | Benstock Joan | Bernstein Richard | Blumenthal Marion | Breslauer Stephen | Erlbaum Gary | Farber Jake | Feinberg Dede | Gelman Michael | Gidwitz Betsy | Gimelstob Herb | Gill David | Goodman Charles, Honorary Member | Grass Alex, Honorary Member | Groveman Andrew | Horowitz Michael | Joseph Larry | Kanfer Joe | Kaufman Arlene | Laulicht Murray | Levy Mark | Lewinger Nathan | Moss Neil | Naboicheck Robert | Pearlstone Richard | Ratner Chuck | Reinhard Myra | Rosenberg Lester | Sarver Jay | Selig Stephen | Shay Scott | Sherman Jane | Sholk Bruce | Stern Susan | Wexler Richard | Toni Young | Fred Zimmerman


Ronni Benatoff | Simi Bentata | Pierre Besnainou | Bollag Sami | Borot Laurence | Cohen David | De Bobrow Nelly | Eckstein Yechiel | Friedman Michel | Gold Marc | Kaplan Mendel, Honorary Member | Kaplan Robert | Kerner Brian | Koschitzky Julia | Leibler Mark | Liwerant Danny | Mionis Sabby | Nevzlin Leonid | Paktor Menno | Plotnick Stanley | Rubenzadeh Nava | Silver Shoel | Smorgon Jack | Wolfe Harvey

Supporting Israel Herzliya Conference 2008

In 2008, The Jewish Agency for Israel supported the 8th Herzliya Conference in Israel[6].


As of mid-2010, the Jewish Agency's reportedly had a budget of roughly $300 million.[7]

In September 2009 Natan Sharansky, secured $6 million from the Genesis Philanthropy Group, made up of 'several oligarchs from the former Soviet Union, who have committed to building a better Russian speaking Jewish diaspora', for 'educational projects' in the former Soviet Union. The money was pledged over three or four years to go towards schools, summer camps and other formal Jewish education projects and was described as 'Sharansky's baby'.[8]


See also

Articles on the Jewish Agency


  2. 2.0 2.1 Jewish Agency Jewish Agency Governance Structure. Accessed 16 February 2014.
  3. Jewish Agency Board of Governors, accessed 23 May 2008
  4. Jewish Agency Board of Governors: Global Jewish Partnership. Retrieved 17 February 2014.
  5. Natan Sharansky’s Acceptance Speech as Chairman of the Executive, Jewish Agency for Israel, accessed June 6, 2012
  6. The Annual Herzliya Conference Series: on the Balance of Israel's National Security (2008) Conference Conclusions. Accessed 12th August 2008
  7. Cnaan Liphshiz, Sharansky's new vision for Jewish Agency comes under fire, 25 June 2010, Haaretz, accessed 3 July 2012
  8. Genesis group gives Jewish Agency $6 million for education projects in FSU, 2 September 2009Jewish Telegraphic Agency, accessed 3 July 2012