Centre for Economics and Business Research
Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), established in 1992, is a think tank and economic forecaster. It describes itself as an independent consultancy that specialises in business and public interest research providing "analysis, forecasts and strategic advice to major UK and multinational companies, financial institutions, government departments and agencies and trade bodies". [1]
Alcohol Industry Work
In June 2009 CEBR published a report commissioned by SABMiller to assess the economic impact of minimum pricing for alcohol by unit. The move towards minimum pricing has been put forward by the The Scottish Government and is being increasingly supported in England, as one, of a range of measures thought effective in tackling alcohol related harm. CEBR found no economic basis for the introduction of minimum pricing per unit of alcohol and interestingly extended their critique to question the established evidence base that supports the policy [2] SABMiller's response to the minimum pricing in the Scottish Government's Alcohol Bill and the CEBR report can be found here SABMiller, Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Bill
Chemicals Industry
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer commissioned research from the Centre for Economics and Business Research that assessed the impact of revisions to the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme, designed to help the EU improve environmental standards. Freshfields used the report to warn businesses, particularly petrochemicals, of the dangers to their profits and shareholder returns if higher environmental standards were demanded. Freshfields set out how they can help firms affected by the tighter EU rules, they can ensure help with compliance on the new rules if they become law. However, while the revised standards are moving through the legislative process Freshfield's are offering a lobbying strategy for large firms and trade associations.[3]
Arguments against Britain's 50pc tax rate
In November 2011 CEBR published an analysis of the impact of Britain's 50pc top tax rate, which was first introduced as a 'temporary' measure by Alastair Darling in 2010 for people earning more than £150,000. It argued that this tax was encouraging a "modern generation of wealth creators" to take advantage of new ways to escape the taxman, including going offshore. This was costing HM Treasury "billions" in lost revenue. CEBR also argued that Britain had lost its tax competitiveness edge and should look to emulate low-tax regimes such as the Cayman Islands, Jersey, Hong Kong, Dubai and Ireland. The report was endorsed by the Institute of Directors, the British Chambers of Commerce and the Institute of Economic Affairs. [4]
- Douglas McWilliams Director, CEO and (holds 40.12% of CERB shares)
- Ianthe McWilliams Director (holds 40.12% of CERB shares)
- John Duff
- Kevin Mahoney
- Michael McWilliams
- Martin Piers[5]
- ↑ CERB Website Home Page accessed 31st January 2010
- ↑ CEBR, Minimum Alcohol Pricing: A targeted measure? June 3rd 2009, accessed 22nd January 2010
- ↑ Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Extending the EU ETS: implications for the EU petrochemicals industry June 2008, accessed 31st November 2011
- ↑ Matthew Holehouse 50pc tax rate is costing the Treasury billions, says CEBR, The Telegraph, 23 Nov 2011, acc 24 November 2011
- ↑ FAME Financial and Company information Website CERB subscription required accessed 31st January 2010