Alice Thomson

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Alice Mary Rose Thomson (born 24 April 1967) is a comment writer at The Times and a former associate editor of the Daily Telegraph. [1] She was appointed a Trustee of the right-wing think-tank Policy Exchange on 12 June 2002.

Friends and family

Thomson is married to Edward Heathcoat-Amory a columnist for the Daily Mail (and the nephew of the Conservative MP David Heathcoat-Amory). They are both said to be part of the 'Notting Hill Set' - the group of young Tory rebranders of which David Cameron and his close aides are members. [2] She went to university with Rachel Whetstone and in 2004 told the Daily Telegraph that she had known Catherine Fall, Nicholas Boles, James Bethell and George Bridges for many years. [3]



  1. Kamal Ahmed, 'Old pals plot to sabotage project for a new Europe', The Observer, 25 May 2003.
  2. Charlie Methven, 'Who are the Notting Hill Tories', Daily Telegraph, 28 July 2004.
  3. Charlie Methven, 'Who are the Notting Hill Tories', Daily Telegraph, 28 July 2004.