Partij voor de Vrijheid

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Partij voor de Vrijheid logo, circa 2015 Credit: Salland TV

The Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) or Freedom Party is a Dutch anti-immigrant party.[1] It is led by populist MP Geert Wilders.[2]


The PVV is structured so that it only has two official members: Wilders, and the Friends of the PVV Foundation.[3]


According to former PVV parliamentarian Hero Brinkmann, the party receives large donations from American supporters.[4]

High profile counterjihad activists Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz have assisted Wilders with fundraising in the US since at least 2010,[5] the latter through his David Horowitz Freedom Center. The Party received $20,000 (€18,110) from his Center in 2014, government documents show. In 2012 Horowitz told Reuters that he had paid Wilders for two speeches, but declined to say how much. [6]

Records declared by the PVV political party to the Dutch authorities reveal that it has had only one donor for the three years up until 2016, the David Horowitz Freedom Center. It donated €108,244.24 to the PVV in 2015, the biggest single donation by a private individual to a Dutch political party. This differs from the amount given by the Horowitz Center, which said it paid $75,000 in both 2014 and 2015 - a total of around 126,000 euros.

In 2016, the amount was much less: $25,000 USD according to NRC.

Daniel Pipes reportedly told Dutch daily newspaper NRC in 2015 that he was withdrawing financial backing of the Dutch populist politician following Wilders’ ‘fewer Moroccans’ chant and court case,[7] which he has since been found guilty of, (although is appealing).



  1. PVV Visie, PVV, accessed 2 March 2011.
  2. Giles Scott-Smith, Wilders and the US Israel lobby,, 16 June 2010.
  3. Giles Scott-Smith, Wilders and the US Israel lobby,, 16 June 2010.
  4. US lobbyists make large donations to PVV, says former MP,, 21 March 2012.
  5. Tom-Jan Meeus and Guus Valk, Partners Wilders in VS verdienen aan acties tegen moslimextremisme,, 15 May 2010 (Dutch).
  6. David Horowitz centre gave Geert Wilders €18,000 in 2014, Dutch News, October 1, 2015. Accessed 29 September 2016
  7., [ US anti-Islam campaigner donated €150,000 to the PVV in three years], 28 December 2016