Malcolm Gammie

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Malcolm Gammie QC is a high-profile tax barrister. He is a Deputy Judge of the Upper Tribunal and a Judge of the First-tier Tribunal.[1] Gammie is also a member of the Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury’s Tax Professionals Forum.[2]


From his biography at at One Essex Court chambers:

Malcolm Gammie started his tax career in the City with Linklaters & Paines. After a period of tax policy work at the Confederation of British Industry, he was among the first lawyers to work in the tax field with a leading accounting firm. At KMG Thomson McLintock (now part of KPMG), he was the first Director of the firm's National Tax Office before becoming its Director of National Tax Services. In 1985 he returned to Linklaters & Paines and from 1987 to 1997 was one of its senior tax partners.
He moved to the Bar in 1997 to concentrate on tax litigation and advisory work and took silk in 2002. Over his career, Malcolm has gained experience in most aspects of taxation and is noted as a leading practitioner in the commercial, European and international taxation fields.[1]






Address: Chambers of Lord Grabiner QC, 1 Essex Court, Temple, London EC4Y 9AR
Phone: (0)20 7583 2000



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Malcolm Gammie CBE QC, One Essex Court's website, acc 27 Sept 2011
  2. Tax Professionals Forum, HM Treasury, accessed 27 Sept 2011
  3. Tax Professionals Forum, HM Treasury, accessed 27 Sept 2011