Britain-Bermuda All-Party Parliamentary Group

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The purpose of the Britain-Bermuda All-Party Parliamentary Group is 'to improve links and mutual understanding between Britain and Bermuda.'[1]


Officers, November 2015-April 2016

Members, 2011


The contact person for the group is Sir David Amess.

  • Address: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
  • Tel: 020 7219 3452
  • Email:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Beer APPG,, accessed 26 November 2015
  2. Britain-Bermuda APPG, Register Feb 16,, accessed 18 February 2016
  3. Britain-Bermuda APPG, Register 28 April 2016,, accessed 11 May 2016
  4. House of Commons, Register of All-Party Groups as at 2nd November 2011