Brevia Consulting
Politics Direct is a London based lobbying consultancy. According to PR Week, in 2005, The Royal Academy of Engineering commissioned its services to provide "parliamentary support and ensure the profession is well represented on the policy agenda".[1]
PoliticsDirect employs a number of influential political figures including the former Conservative MP Steven Norris and Peter Kellner, chairman of YouGov. Politics diorect was co-founded by John Arnold and Daviid Beamer who had backgrounds in the Labour and Conservative Parties respectively. Arnold is a former Chair of Scottish Labour Students, a former Adviser to the Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland. Co-founder, David Beamer was a senior political adviser to the Conservative Party and worked with 8 Secretaries of State on a range of policy briefs including Trade & Industry, Energy, Transport, Culture, Media & Sport, Deregulation and Health. Associate George Hall was also EU issue manager on eCommerce in the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue.
The firm also groups together a number of consultants who were formerly journalists and have other business interests including in Public Relations. Stuart Higgins the former editor of The Sun is an Associate, as is John Stonborough who specialises in media relations and was until 2004 Media Adviser to the Speaker and House of Commons Commission in the UK Parliament).
John Arnold | David Beamer | Graham Bambrough | Alex Dziedzan | Anna Sellers
Mick Noble | David Rigg | Steven Norris | Peter Kellner | David Seymour | Stuart Higgins | Francis Halewood | Jonathan Horsman | George Hall | Heidi Mallace | Victoria Sabin | John Stonborough | Rob Worthington[2]:
Politics Direct discloses the following clients on its website[3]: British Energy | Railfreight Interchange Investment Group | Aventis | Bradford City Council | Cordoba Financial Group | Nokia | T Mobile | Alliance and Leicester | aat | Dade Behring | London Luton Luton Airport | DX | Abbot Laboratories | National Association of Funeral Directors | RIIG | iSoft | Local Government Association | Royal Academy of Engineering | Merck Sharp and Dohme | Greenway | British Furniture Confederation | Read Group | Guiness Trust Group | Allied Domecq | Association of Colleges | Tiscali | Wiggins | Mondus | Lilly | Haemophilia Society | East Dunbartonshire Council | AIESEC | Global Internet Billing | Plus | Society of Black Lawyers | Earthport | Network Lettings | Genient | Intermodality | Esure
PoliticsDirect provides external support to the following All Party Groups:
Associate Parliamentary Engineering Group | All-Party Parliamentary Furniture Industry Group | All-Party Parliamentary Group for Funerals and Bereavement[4]
Politics Direct claims that it 'has developed an affiliate network of like-minded companies who work in partnership with PoliticsDirect'[5] These include Strategem | Project Associates | Model Reasoning | Peyser Associates, Inc. | Windsor Jennings | Cohn & Wolfe
- Address5 Salamanca Place, London, SE1 7HP, England.
- Tel: +44 (0)20 7091 1650
- Fax: +44 (0)20 7820 9227
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- Registered in England: 3806412 VAT Number: 743761912
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