Association of Professional Political Consultants
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The Association of Professional Political Consultants is a lobby group for the lobbying profession. Its main function is to prevent openness and transparency by attempting to ensure that statutory regulation is not introduced in the UK. It has a Scottish branch - APPC Scotland
Management Commitee January 2007
- Gill Morris (Chairman) Connect Public Affairs
- Mark Adams Foresight Communications
- Lucy Burns Fishburn Hedges
- Michael Burrell Edelman
- Gavin Devine AS Biss & Co
- Helen Johnson Helen Johnson Consulting Ltd
- Robbie MacDuff Precise Public Affairs
- Jo Nove^ Greenhaus Public Communication
- Warwick Smith College Public Affairs
- ^ Chair, APPC Scotland
The current list of member organisations of the APPC is as follows (December 2006):
- Advocate Policy & Public Affairs
- AS Biss & Co
- Burson Marstellar
- Chambre Public Affairs
- Cherton Enterprise
- Cicero Consulting
- Citigate Public Affairs
- College Public Policy
- Connect Public Affairs
- Consolidated
- DJH Associates
- Edelman
- EUK Consulting Ltd
- Fishburn Hedges
- Fleishman-Hillard
- Foresight Communications
- Four Communications
- Outlook Public Affairs Ltd
- Grayling Political Strategy
- Greenhaus Communications
- Helen Johnson Public Affairs
- Hill & Knowlton
- Lansons PA
- LLM Communications
- Lexington Communications
- Morgan Allen Moore
- Precise Public Affairs
- The Policy Partnership
- PPS Group
- Politics International
- Portland
- Quintus Public Affairs Ltd
- Stratagem - NI
- The Waterfront Partnership
- Weber Shandwick Public Affairs
- The Whitehouse Consultancy
APPC complaints procedure 2000
APPC Registers
- APPC Register June 2001-November 2001
- APPC Register December 2001-May 2002
- APPC Register June 2002-November 2002
- APPC Register December 2002-May 2003
- APPC Register June 2003-November 2003
- APPC Register December 2003-May 2004
- APPC Register June 2004-November 2004
- APPC Register December 2004-May 2005
- APPC Register June 2005-November 2005
December 2005-May 2006 missing
- APPC Register June 2006-August 2006
- APPC Register September 2006-November 2006
- APPC Register June 2008-August 2006