International Terrorism Conference 2008

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The International Terrorism Conference 2008 was a policy conference held on 2-3 October 2008 by the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence in cooperation with the Royal United Services Institute. The conference was called, "Countering 'Jihadist' Terrorism: Regional and Country Perspectives". It was sponsored by the security technology company Smiths Detection. The conference was held over two days with the first day focued on approaches to counterterrorism, and the second on "the important role of the private sector, both as a contributor to CT efforts and, together with the public sector, as a potential target to be protected."[1]

Speakers including numerous experts from the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence as well as senior figures from the policy world including the Prime Minister's Secuirty Advisor Lord West of Spithead, The Minister of State for Policing, Security and Community Safety, Tony McNulty and an unnamed "Senior Whitehall Official". [2] The BBC's Frank Gardner also spoke.

The Programme

The Programme

International Terrorism Conference 2008

Thursday 2nd October

0920-1115 SESSION ONE: Multilateral perspectives

CHAIR: Dr Brian Lang
Principal, University of St. Andrews
Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security, United Nations
Former Secretary-General of NATO
Head, Action Against Terrorism Unit, OSCE
Clingendael Institute, The Hague; former EU CT Coorindator

1115 - 1145 MORNING TEA & COFFEE

0920-1115 SESSION TWO: Hotspots of 'Jihadist' terrorism

CHAIR: Simon Manley
Director for Defence and Strategic Threats, Foreign & Commonwealth Office
CSTPV, University of St. Andrews
Terrorism, Civil War and Resistance in Iraq
Editor in Chief, Al-Quds al-Arabi
CSTPV, University of St. Andrews
Somalia and the Horn of Africa
RAND, Washington D.C.
Maghreb and North Africa

1330 - 1430 LUNCH

1430 - 1630 SESSION THREE: Country and regional perspectives

CHAIR: Professor Michael Clarke
Director, RUSI
  • Senior Whitehall Official
UK Perspectives
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Caucasus and Central Asia
Political Minister Counselor, United States Embassy, London


1430 - 1630 SESSION FOUR: Where do we stand?

CHAIR: Stephen Phipson
Group Managing Director, Smiths Detection
KEYNOTE: Rt. Hon. Tony McNulty MP
Minister of State for Policing, Security and Community Safety


Friday 3rd October

0930 – 1100 SESSION FIVE: Protection against terrorism: The role of public-private partnerships

CHAIR: Stephen Cummings
Director, Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)
Group Managing Director, Smiths Detection
Dead of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO)

1100 – 1130 MORNING TEA & COFFEE

1130 - 1230 SESSION SIX: Measuring success and failure in terrorism and counter terrorism

CHAIR: Professor Ali Watson
Head of the School of International Relations
University of St. Andrews
Director, ITSTIME, Catholic University of Milan
Al Qaeda’s Metrics of Global JIhad
Editor in Chief, Al-Quds al-Arabi
Director, CSTPV
US Government Metrics of the Global War on Terror

1230 - 1330 LUNCH

1330 – 1500 SESSION SEVEN: Preventing terrorism: Counter-radicalisation straegies

CHAIR: Robert Lambert
CSTPV, University of St. Andrews
Elcano Institute, Madrid
Deputy National Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Formerly, Deputy Director, AIVD, Netherlands
Police University College, Oslo, Norway


1530 – 1700 PANEL DISCUSSION: Countering ‘Jihadist’ terrorism: Re-thinking strategy

CHAIR: Sir David Omand GCB
Vice President, RUSI PANELISTS:
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Security and Counterterrorism
Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security, United Nations
Security Correspondent, BBC


  1. RUSI, International Terrorism Conference 2008 (accessed 16 October 2008)
  2. Programme (PDF) for the International Terrorism Conference 2008