Terrorexpertise:Terrorism Industry and Major World Newspapers

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Below is a list of the 50 think-tanks and private research institutes involved in terrorism research estimated to be most influential within the mainstream media.


The list was compiled by first of all compiling a list of all the institutions directly affiliated with the 100 experts from the Major World Newspapers List. ‘Direct affiliation’ was construed as meaning employment or appointment in an institution; excluding looser affiliations such as personal or social connections, partnership on particular projects, or contractual work. Affiliations to universities, government institutions or the media were not included. This yielded a list of 110 unique institutions.

Each of these institutions were then searched at LexisNexis's Major World Newspapers group[1] for items published between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2007. The search included the name of the institution as well as any reference to 'terrorism', 'terrorist' or variations of the phrase 'suicide bomb'[2]. The 50 most commonly cited institutions are reproduced in the table below in descending order of the number of items returned.

Terrorism Institutes ranked according to Major World Newspaper citations

  Institution Search term used Approx. no. pages returned
1Amnesty International (Amnesty International) 4,650
2 Human Rights Watch (Human Rights Watch) 3,506
3 Brookings Institution (Brookings Institution) 2,712
4 Council on Foreign Relations (Council on Foreign Relations) 2,225
5 Center for Strategic and International Studies (Center for Strategic and International Studies) 2,193
6 International Crisis Group (International Crisis Group) 1,607
7 American Enterprise Institute (American Enterprise Institute) 1,468
8 RAND Corporation (RAND Corporation) 1,009
9 Cato Institute (Cato Institute) 811
10 Chatham House (Chatham House) OR (Royal Institute of International Affairs) 719
11 International Institute for Strategic Studies (International Institute for Strategic Studies) 697
12 Hoover Institution (Stanford University) (Hoover Institution) 582
13 Washington Institute for Near East Policy (Washington Institute for Near East Policy) 549
14Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies) 532
15 Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies (Royal United Services Institute)487
16 Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence) 415
17 Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Centre for Strategic and International Studies) W/S (Jakarta) OR (Indonesia) 313
18 SITE Institute (SITE Institute) 438
19 United States Institute of Peace (United States Institute of Peace) 284
20 Middle East Forum (Middle East Forum) 240
21 New America Foundation (New America Foundation) 208
22 Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies) 182
23 Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (Foundation for the Defense of Democracies) 171
24 MacKenzie Institute (MacKenzie Institute) 168
25 Jane Information Group (Jane Information Group) 129
26 Oxford Research Group (Oxford Research Group) 116
27 Kroll Associates (Kroll Associates) 112
28 Foreign Policy Centre (Foreign Policy Centre) 104
29 Gilbert & Tobin Centre of Public Law (University of South Wales) (Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law) 104
30Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) 99
31 Investigative Project (Investigative Project) 98
32 International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research) 92
33 Foreign Policy Research Institute (Foreign Policy Research Institute) 87
34 Jamestown Foundation (Jamestown Foundation) 80
35 Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies) 79
36 Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies (Johns Hopkins University) (Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies) 75
37 Kissinger Associates (Kissinger Associates) 73
38 Defence Academy (Defence Academy) 69
39 Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs) 61
40 Combating Terrorism Center (West Point Military Academy) (Combating Terrorism Center) 60
41Independent Institute (The Independent Institute) 60
42 Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies) 59
43 Australian Homeland Security Research Centre (Australian Homeland Security Research Centre) 56
44 Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) 54
45Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism ((Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism)) 52
46Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism) 51
47 Gulf Research Center (Gulf Research Center) 49
48 Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) 48
49 Committee on the Present Danger (Committee on the Present Danger) 43
50 British American Security Information Council (British American Security Information Council) 41
  1. The LexisNexis Major World Newspapers group file which was used for the search contains over 40 full-text newspapers from around the world. According to LexisNexis the papers included “are generally regarded by the reading public as those giving the most comprehensive and reliable coverage”. A full list of the sources is below. Major World Newspapers Sources
    ABIX - Australasian Business Intelligence
    Asia Africa Intelligence Wire - Selected Publications
    Belfast Telegraph
    Brisbane News
    BRW Abstracts (Australia)
    Business Day (South Africa)
    Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday
    Daily News (New York)
    Daily Record & Sunday Mail
    Daily Telegraph & Sunday Telegraph (Sydney)
    Financial Mail (South Africa)
    Financial Post Investing
    Financial Times
    Global News Wire
    Herald Sun & Sunday Herald Sun (Melbourne)
    Het Financieele Dagblad (English)
    Hobart Mercury/Sunday Tasmanian
    Information Bank Abstracts
    International Herald Tribune
    Kiplinger Publications
    Korea Herald
    Korea Times
    Los Angeles Times (most recent 6 months)
    Mainichi Daily News
    Miami Herald
    Moscow News
    National Post
    Newsday (most recent 6 months)
    New Straits Times (Malaysia)
    Northern Territory News (Australia)
    South China Morning Post
    Sunday Times (South Africa)
    Sunday Tribune
    The Advertiser/Sunday Mail (Australia)
    The Age (Melbourne, Australia)
    The Australian
    The Australian Financial Review Abstracts
    The Boston Globe
    The Business
    The Business Times Singapore
    The Canberra Times
    The Courier Mail and The Sunday Mail (Australia)
    The Daily and Sunday Telegraph (London)
    The Daily Star and Sunday Star
    The Daily Yomiuri (Tokyo)
    The Dominion (Wellington)
    The Dominion Post (Wellington)
    The Express
    The Express - Most Recent Two Weeks
    The Globe and Mail (Canada)
    The Guardian (London)
    The Herald (Glasgow)
    The Independent and Independent on Sunday (London)
    The Irish Times
    The Japan Times
    The Jerusalem Post
    The Jerusalem Report
    The Kalgoorlie Miner
    The Mirror and The Sunday Mirror
    The Moscow Times
    The Nation (Thailand)
    The News of the World
    The New York Times
    The New York Times - Biographical Materials
    The New York Times - Government Biographical Materials
    The New Zealand Herald
    The Observer
    The Philadelphia Inquirer
    The Prague Post
    The Press (Christchurch)
    The Scotsman & Scotland on Sunday
    The Straits Times (Singapore)
    The Sun
    The Sunday Express
    The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
    The Times & Sunday Times
    The Toronto Star
    The Toronto Sun
    The Washington Post
    The Washington Post Biographical Stories
    The Washington Times
    The West Australian
    USA Today
    Wall Street Journal Abstracts
    Xtreme Information
  2. The specific details of the search are as follows: General Search - Major World Newspapers (English) [Name of Institution] AND terrorism OR terrorist OR suicide bomb* and DATE(>=2000-01-01 and <=2007-12-01)