Men's Health Forum

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According to the latest Annual report on their website (for 2002)[1] the Men's Health Forum’s mission is 'to provide an independent and authoritative voice for male health and to tackle the issues affecting the health and well-being of boys and men in England and Wales'.

They aim to achieve this through: • Research and policy development • Professional training • Providing information services • Stimulating professional and public debate • Working with MPs and Government • Developing innovative and imaginative projects • Collaborating with the widest possible range of interested organisations and individuals • Organising the annual National Men’s Health Week


The Chief Executive of the Men's Health Forum is currently (2007) Peter Baker and the President is Ian Banks.[2]

The Men's Health Forum's Trustees (2007)[3]

Sponsors and Supporters

The Men's Health Forum receives substantial backing from industry, the following are included in the Forum's list of sponsors for 2004-5[4] :

The forum also received support from...

The Forum also received in-kind support from:

  • British In-Vitro Diagnostic Association (the national trade association for companies with major involvement and interest in the In Vitro Diagnostics industry [7]) – the regular free use of meeting rooms;
  • 8ml – hosting of websites;
  • Harrison Cowley – PR support for National Men’s Health Week 2004.

For the year 2006, the Men's Health Forum (England and Wales) received £48,000 and the Men's Health Forum (Scotland) received £2000 from Pfizer [8]

In 2006, the Men's Health Forum (England & Wales) also commenced 'partnership' with Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited (the UK subsidiary of Merck and Co. Inc.). [9]


Men's Health Forum. Tavistock House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HR

Tel: 020 7388 4449 Fax: 020 7388 4477



  1. Men's Health Forum Annual Report 2002 Accessed 4th December 2007
  2. Men's Health Forum Who's Who at the MHF? Accessed 6th December 2007
  3. Men's Health Forum Who's Who at the MHF? Accessed 6th December 2007
  4. Men's health Forum Sponsors & Supporters Accessed 6th December 2007
  5. Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health website Accessed 4th December 2007
  6. Water UK website Accessed 4th December 2007
  7. DIVDA website Accessed 4th December 2007
  8. Pfizer Our Partnership With Patient Organisations Accessed 13th december 2007
  9. MSD UK Patient Groups Accessed 13th december 2007