Zionist movement: EU

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List of groups


Chabad of Brussels | Chabad Antwerp


Chabad Lubavitch of Austria | Chabad Lubavitch of Belarus | Chabad Lubavitch of Belgium | Chabad Lubavitch of Bulgaria | Chabad Lubavitch of Crimea | Chabad Lubavitch of Croatia | Chabad Lubavitch of Czech Republic | Chabad Lubavitch of Denmark | Chabad Lubavitch of England | Chabad Lubavitch of Estonia | Chabad Lubavitch of Finland | Chabad Lubavitch of France | Chabad Lubavitch of Georgia | Chabad Lubavitch of Germany | Chabad Lubavitch of Greece | Chabad Lubavitch of Hungary | Chabad Lubavitch of Iceland | Chabad Lubavitch of Ireland | Chabad Lubavitch of Italy | Chabad Lubavitch of Latvia | Chabad Lubavitch of Lithuania | Chabad Lubavitch of Luxembourg | Chabad Lubavitch of Malta | Chabad Lubavitch of Moldova | Chabad Lubavitch of Monaco | Chabad Lubavitch of Montenegro | Chabad Lubavitch of Morocco | Chabad Lubavitch of Netherlands | Chabad Lubavitch of Norway | Chabad Lubavitch of Poland | Chabad Lubavitch of Portugal | Chabad Lubavitch of Romania | Chabad Lubavitch of Russia | Chabad Lubavitch of Scotland | Chabad Lubavitch of Serbia | Chabad Lubavitch of Slovakia | Chabad Lubavitch of Spain | Chabad Lubavitch of Sweden | Chabad Lubavitch of Switzerland | Chabad Lubavitch of Ukraine







Swedish-Israel Friendship Association | Slovenian-Israeli Business Club | Swiss Union of Jewish Students Union des étudiants juifs de France |

Keren Hajessod - Vereinigte Aktion fuer Israel (Vienna, Austria) | Vereinigde Israel Actie (Antwerp) Solidarite Avec Israel (Brussels) | Keren Hayessod - Appel Unifié pour Israël (France) | Keren Hayessod - Vereinigte Israel Aktion (Germany) | United Jewish Israel Appeal (UK) | Collectieve Israel Actie (Holland) | Keren Hayesod Hungary | Keren Hayesod - Appello Unificato per Israele (Italy) | Fellesinnsamlingen for Israel (Norway) | KEREN Hayesod - Hamagbit Hameujedet (Spain) | Forenade Israelinsamlingen (Sweden) | Keren Hayessod Action Israel (Switzerland) Keren Hajessod Schweiz - Vereinigte Israel Aktion (Switzerland)[2]


Vänskapsförbundet Sverige-Israel West European Public Relations Group for Information on Behalf of Israel | Zionistische Federation in Oesterreich | Zionistische Federation in Bulgaria | | Zionistische Federation in Belgium | Romanian Zionist Association (RZA) | Federación de Comunidades Judías de España | Zionist Federation of Denmark | Zionist Federation of Sweden | Fédération des Organisations Sionistes de France (FOSF) | Swiss Zionist Federation | Zionistische Federation in Deutschland (ZOD) | Zionist Federation of Greece | | Zionist Federation of Holland | Zionist Federation of Great Britain & Ireland | Mizrachi UK | Zionist Federation of Hungary - Magyarországi Cionista Szövetség | Zionist Federation of Italy


  1. JNF JNF Offices Worldwide, Accessed 16 February 2014.
  2. Keren Hayesod Keren Hayesod Offices Worldwide, accessed 13 February 2014.