Zionist movement: EU
List of groups
- Antideutsch | Accion y Communicacion sobre Oriente Medio (ACOM) | Austrian-Israeli Society (ÖIG) |
- Betar | Belgian Friends of Israel | Bulgarian-Israeli Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Bi-National Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria Israel | Bahamas (magazine)
- CIDI (Centre for Information and Documentation Israel) | Czech Friends of Israel | Croatian-Israeli Business Club| Cyprus-Israel Business Association | Coordinating Committee of Jewish Organizations in Belgium/Comité de Coordination des Organisations Juives de Belgique (CCOJB) | Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif | Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociales | De Centrale | Cercle Ben Gourion | Consistoire Central Israélite de Belgique | National Council of European Resistance/Conseil national de la résistance européenne, (CNRE) | Central Council of Jewish Communities in Finland/Suomen Juutalaisten Seurakuntien Keskusneuvosto ry |
Chabad of Brussels | Chabad Antwerp
Chabad Lubavitch of Austria | Chabad Lubavitch of Belarus | Chabad Lubavitch of Belgium | Chabad Lubavitch of Bulgaria | Chabad Lubavitch of Crimea | Chabad Lubavitch of Croatia | Chabad Lubavitch of Czech Republic | Chabad Lubavitch of Denmark | Chabad Lubavitch of England | Chabad Lubavitch of Estonia | Chabad Lubavitch of Finland | Chabad Lubavitch of France | Chabad Lubavitch of Georgia | Chabad Lubavitch of Germany | Chabad Lubavitch of Greece | Chabad Lubavitch of Hungary | Chabad Lubavitch of Iceland | Chabad Lubavitch of Ireland | Chabad Lubavitch of Italy | Chabad Lubavitch of Latvia | Chabad Lubavitch of Lithuania | Chabad Lubavitch of Luxembourg | Chabad Lubavitch of Malta | Chabad Lubavitch of Moldova | Chabad Lubavitch of Monaco | Chabad Lubavitch of Montenegro | Chabad Lubavitch of Morocco | Chabad Lubavitch of Netherlands | Chabad Lubavitch of Norway | Chabad Lubavitch of Poland | Chabad Lubavitch of Portugal | Chabad Lubavitch of Romania | Chabad Lubavitch of Russia | Chabad Lubavitch of Scotland | Chabad Lubavitch of Serbia | Chabad Lubavitch of Slovakia | Chabad Lubavitch of Spain | Chabad Lubavitch of Sweden | Chabad Lubavitch of Switzerland | Chabad Lubavitch of Ukraine
- Danish-Israeli Association (Dansk Israelsk Selskab) | Det Jødiske Samfund i Danmark | Dansk Zionistforbund |
- European Coalition for Israel - https://www.ec4i.org/about-us/ | European Union of Jewish Students | ELNET | European Friends of Israel | European Foundation for Democracy | Estonian-Israeli Chamber of Commerce | European Jewish Community Center | European Jewish Congress
- Friends of Israel Initiative (FOII) | Finnish Friends of Israel | Forum der Joodse Organisaties | Federal Jewish National and Cultural Autonomy (FJNCA)/Федеральная Еврейская Национально-Культурная Автономия Russia |
- German-Israeli Society (DIG)| Italy-Israel Foundation for Culture and the Arts |
- Hellenic-Israeli Chamber of Commerce | Hungarian-Israeli Friendship Society |
- Israels Venner på Stortinget) | International Jewish Center of Belgium (Progressive/Reform) | Irish Jewish Community
- Joods Actueel | The Official Council of Swedish Jewish Communities/Judiska Centralrådet i Sverige | JNF Holland | JNF Ireland | JNF Norway | JNF Scotland | The Jewish Community of Oslo/Det mosaiske trossamfund i Oslo | The Jewish Community in Denmark/ Det Jødiske Samfund i Danmark | Jewish Community of Estonia/Eesti Juudi Kogukond |
- KKL-JNF Austria | KKL Belgium | KKL-JNF Czech Republic | KKL Denmark | KKL-JNF Finland | KKL-France | KKL-JNF Germany | KKL Italy | KKL-JNF Spain | KKL Sweden | KKL Switzerland | JNF UK[1] Jewish Community of Malta
- Luxembourg-Israel Chamber of Commerce | Luso-Israeli Chamber of Commerce | Latvia-Israel Chamber of Commerce | Lithuanian Friends of Israel | International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism / Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme
Swedish-Israel Friendship Association | Slovenian-Israeli Business Club | Swiss Union of Jewish Students Union des étudiants juifs de France |
Keren Hajessod - Vereinigte Aktion fuer Israel (Vienna, Austria) | Vereinigde Israel Actie (Antwerp) Solidarite Avec Israel (Brussels) | Keren Hayessod - Appel Unifié pour Israël (France) | Keren Hayessod - Vereinigte Israel Aktion (Germany) | United Jewish Israel Appeal (UK) | Collectieve Israel Actie (Holland) | Keren Hayesod Hungary | Keren Hayesod - Appello Unificato per Israele (Italy) | Fellesinnsamlingen for Israel (Norway) | KEREN Hayesod - Hamagbit Hameujedet (Spain) | Forenade Israelinsamlingen (Sweden) | Keren Hayessod Action Israel (Switzerland) Keren Hajessod Schweiz - Vereinigte Israel Aktion (Switzerland)[2]
Vänskapsförbundet Sverige-Israel West European Public Relations Group for Information on Behalf of Israel | Zionistische Federation in Oesterreich | Zionistische Federation in Bulgaria | | Zionistische Federation in Belgium | Romanian Zionist Association (RZA) | Federación de Comunidades Judías de España | Zionist Federation of Denmark | Zionist Federation of Sweden | Fédération des Organisations Sionistes de France (FOSF) | Swiss Zionist Federation | Zionistische Federation in Deutschland (ZOD) | Zionist Federation of Greece | | Zionist Federation of Holland | Zionist Federation of Great Britain & Ireland | Mizrachi UK | Zionist Federation of Hungary - Magyarországi Cionista Szövetség | Zionist Federation of Italy
- ↑ JNF JNF Offices Worldwide, Accessed 16 February 2014.
- ↑ Keren Hayesod Keren Hayesod Offices Worldwide, accessed 13 February 2014.