The Intelligence Summit

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Executive Council

Dr. Norman A. Bailey[1] | Gen. Thomas McInerney | Cdr. Richard Marcinko | Dame Pauline Neville-Jones | Gen. Paul E. Vallely

Advisory Council

Louis Rene Beres | Yossef Bodansky | Brent Budowsky | Col. Gordon Cucullu | Col. Bill Cowan | Nonie Darwish | Drs. Jill Dekker | Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld | Brigitte Gabriel | Yoram Hessel | Tawfik Hamid | Bahukutumbi Raman | Wayne Simmons | Robert Spencer

Executive Board

Dr. Robert Katz Executive Director | John J. Loftus, President | Clare Lopez, Vice President

Advisory Board

Talia Adar Brent M.P. Beleskey Constance Wilson Andresen Ilana Freedman Dr. Gary Katz Eugene Lebovitz Alex Porter


  1. The Source for all listed below unless otherwise stated is The Intelligence Summit Homepage, accessed 3 October 2008