Nuclear spin
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- Lord John Birt – special advisor to Tony Blair
- Ian Fells – discredited government advisor
- James Lovelock – supposed green guru
- Geoffrey Norris – special advisor to Tony Blair
- Brian Wilson - ex-Energy Minister
- David King - The government's chief scientist
- John Huttton - Work and Pensions Secretary - Nuclear champion. MP for Barrow-in-Furness where Trident submarines were built
- Jamie Reed - the former BNFL press officer who replaced “nuclear Jack� Cunningham as the MP for Copeland.
The media
Simon Jenkins – Guardian Columnist
- Nuclear Industry Association - The chair of the NIA is BNFL group corporate affairs director Philip Dewhurst.
- Nirex has hired Promise PR and Good Relations
- The Committee for Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) has appointed Luther Pendragon to help it reassure people that nuclear waste is being dealt with (D. Bloch (2005) Luther Pendragon Takes On Nuclear Waste Brief, PR Week, 12 August, p8
- British Energy has appointed Craig Stevenson, formerly Monsanto's top UK spin doctor, as head of government affairs. Also hired Financial Dynamics