Ad Hoc Nuclear Research and Development Advisory Board

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The ad hoc Nuclear Research and Development Advisory Board was set up by the British Government in March 2012, recognising "the important role that nuclear research and development plays in the UK, helping to underpin the performance and safety cases of operational plants, inform government policy, develop innovative solutions and provide industry and regulators with a cadre of skilled people." [1]

The Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir John Beddington is chairman.

The Board assisted the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) with the following documents:

  • Long-term Nuclear Energy Strategy which explains government policy to facilitate market uptake so that nuclear energy can play an increasingly significant role in the UK up to 2050 and beyond
  • Nuclear R&D Landscape Review which assesses current civil nuclear R&D capability within the UK, and whether it is sufficient to meet government and private sector demands
  • Nuclear R&D Roadmap which sets out R&D activities required to deploy up to 75GW of nuclear energy in the UK and to ensure that the UK can make informed decisions about future technologies.
  • Nuclear Industrial Vision Statement explaining the UK nuclear industry’s own vision for its industry in domestic and global markets to 2050, and how to enable this


In September 2012, its members were:

