Jewish Leadership Council

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Strategy of Collaboration to Promote Israel

In 2006, Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (Bicom) agreed to lead a 3 year multi million pound 'action plan' in collaboration with existing organisations engaged in pro-Israel advocacy which includes the Jewish Leadership Council, the Community Security Trust and 'all three major political Friends of Israel groups'. Their aim is to promote Israel's image whilst also setting an agenda for the entire pro-Israel community. The strategy includes focusing on 'educating' Britain’s leaders about the importance of the shared values between Israel and Britain (promoting Israel as a 'sister society' to the UK[1]) and to 'change perceptions' about Israel through promoting a focus on aspects such as environmental issues, hi-tech innovations and medical advances. Also pushing 'soft' stories such as the London woman who “married” a dolphin in Eilat[2]. This project was initially 'conceived with notionally unlimited funding'[3].

Chief Executive Jeremy Newark of The Jewish Leadership Council's states their role as being "one of strategic oversight, ensuring that communal organisations work collaboratively, harnessing their individual strengths and expertise, to deliver the most effective results.” [4]

Meeting with American Jewish Committee

In 2006, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) report meeting with the Jewish Leadership Council in 'an effort to strengthen AJC’s ties to British Jewry'

The report states that:

'AJC President E Robert Goodkind led a leadership delegation to London to meet with the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the main community organizing body for British Jews, as well as with the Community Service Trust and the newly formed Jewish Leadership Council. The group also met with British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, longtime Jewish community leaders Lord Greville Janner and Sir Trevor Chinn, and with leadership from the Reform, Liberal and Conservative Masorti movements. In addition, the group held meetings with those Members of Parliament who initiated a serious parliamentary investigation of anti-Semitism, and with younger leaders of Conservative Friends of Israel and Labour Friends of Israel. AJC Board members Stanley Bergman and Peter Rosenblatt joined Goodkind on the mission[5].


Chief executive:[6]

Vice Presidents:[6]

Sir Victor Blank, Sir Trevor Chinn CVO, David Cohen, Stanley Fink, Henry Grunwald, Greville Janner, Howard Leigh, Leo Noé, Harry Woolf

Council Membership:[6]

Bill Benjamin | Lucille Cohen | David Dangoor | Mick Davis | Alex Dwek | Simon Hochhauser | Lucian J. Hudson | Brian Kerner | Nigel Layton | Steven Lewis | James Libson | Stephen Moss CBE | Bernie Myers | Gerald M. Ronson | Harvey Rosenblatt | Michele Vogel | Vivian Wineman | Poju Zabludowicz | Stephen Zimmerman


  1. Frazer, J. (2006) His mission: to sell Israel’s story to the UK The Jewish Chronicle. 23rd June 2006. Accessed 2nd July 2008
  2. Frazer, J. (2006) His mission: to sell Israel’s story to the UK The Jewish Chronicle. 23rd June 2006. Accessed 2nd July 2008
  3. Frazer, J., Josephs, B. & Rocker, S. (2006) Revealed: Israel’s new UK lobby The Jewish Chronicle. 23rd June 2006. Accessed 2nd July 2007
  4. Frazer, F., Josephs, B. & Rocker, S. (2006) Revealed: Israel’s new UK lobby originally published in The Jewish Chronicle. 22nd June 2006. Accessed 8th July 2008
  5. American Jewish Committee London Jewish Community Greets AJC President Update 236, 20th December 2006. Accessed 21st August 2008
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 the jlc membership, accessed 2 December 2011