Royal Society of Edinburgh
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Lobbying Activities
The RSE established the Scottish Science Advisory Committee in 2003 with funding from the Scottish Executive to promote their views on science to policy makers and government.
Fellowship / Council / Members
Council for the 223rd Session was elected at the Annual Statutory Meeting on 10 October 2005.
- Sir Michael Atiyah, OM
Vice Presidents
- Professor John Coggins
- Professor John Mavor
- Professor Janet McDonald
General Secretary
- Professor Gavin McCrone CB
- Mr Edward Cunningham CBE
Fellowship Secretary
- Professor Andrew Walker
Ordinary Members
- Professor Ron Asher
- Mr Ewan Brown CBE
- Professor Tariq Durrani
- Professor Rona McLeod MacKie CBE
- Ms Shonaig Macpherson
- Dr Ian Pollock Sword CBE
The RSE's Science Centre & Society Steering Group
- Professor David Ingram, OBE, VMH, FRSE: Master, St Catharine's College, Cambridge (until 31 March 2006) and Honorary Professor, Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Independent Member, Joint Nature Conservation Committee; Member, ESRC Genomic Forum Advisory Committee; Honorary Fellow: Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Downing College Cambridge, Worcester College, Oxford, Myerscough College, Preston and Royal Scottish Geographical Society, and Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Formerly: Chairman, Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species; Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; Royal Horticultural Society Professor of Horticulture. Victoria Medal of Honour of the Royal Horticultural Society 2004.
- Sir Peter Hutchison, CBE, FRSE: Depute Convenor of the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park; Vice-Chairman British Waterways. Formerly: Chairman, Forestry Commission; Honorary Fellow, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; Honorary President, Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society.
- Ms Eileen Mackay, CB, FRSE: Board Member British Library and Chair of Trustees, The David Hume Institute; Trustee of the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. Formerly Non-Executive Director of Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, and of other companies and public bodies including Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian; Former Principal Finance Officer at the Scottish Office.
- Professor Hector L MacQueen, FRSE: Professor of Private Law & Director, AHRC Research Centre Intellectual Property and Technology Law at the Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh.
- Professor Andrew Miller, CBE, FRSE: Secretary & Treasurer of the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. Formerly: Principal & Vice-Chancellor, University of Stirling; Interim Chief Executive, Cancer Research UK; General Secretary, The Royal Society of Edinburgh; Member, Food Standards Agency Board; Director of Research, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility and Professor of Biochemistry, University of Edinburgh.
- Professor Andrew Walker, FRSE Deputy Principal, Heriot-Watt University; Professor of Modern Optics, Heriot-Watt University. Fellowship Secretary, The Royal Society of Edinburgh. Formerly: Vice-President, The Royal Society of Edinburgh; Chairman of the Institute of Physics Scottish Branch.
- Graeme Herbert Depute Chief Executive of The Royal Society of Edinburgh.