Jennie Bristow

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Template:LM resources

Jennie Bristow is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network. She wrote for Living Marxism/LM from 1994[1] and was listed as affiliated to Genderwatch (another RCP front) in 1996.[2] She was part of the launch team of [3] and is a shareholder of [4] and the commissioning editor and a writer for, Spiked,[5] is a shareholder of the Academy of Ideas, the parent of the Institute of Ideas, has written for the Institute of Ideas and Novo and edits the Parents With Attitude website.

Jennie Bristow in 2003
Jennie Bristow in 2003

Bristow runs her own editing consultancy which seems to have mainly done work for other associates of the LM network. The Punctuate! website features testimonials from seven clients. These include three other LM network associates: Tiffany Jenkins, Ellie Lee, senior lecturer in social policy, University of Kent and Helene Guldberg, Managing Editor, spiked and formerly of Living Marxism. One further client testimonial comes from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service the director of which is LM network associate Ann Furedi.[6] Bristow has also worked for her sometime co-author Frank Furedi on his book Wasted: Why Education Isn't Educating (Continuum 2009).



Publications, Resources, Notes



  • Profile "Jennie Bristow", Centre for Parenting Studies website, accessed 29 Dec 2010




  1. Andrew Calcutt and Jennie Bristow, 'Truancy watch', Living Marxism, No. 67 - May 1994, p. 34.
  2. Listed in the Programme of 'The Week' an RCP conference held Friday 26 July to Thursday 1 August Living Marxism, No. 91, June 1996, p. 24.
  3. "Jennie Bristow", Debating Matters website, accessed 4 July 2010
  4. Companies House, Spiked Ltd. AR01 Annual Return 2010
  5. "Articles by Jennie Bristow", Spiked website, accessed 2 May 2010
  6. Punctuate! Testimonials, accessed 17 February 2011