Public Affairs Cymru

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

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Established in 2006, Public Affairs Cymru is a membership organisation for lobbying firms in Wales.


At the 2010 Welsh Labour Conference, Public Affairs Cymru members were exclusively entitled to the Corporate Package at a reduced entry rate giving access to the Conference, exhibition and fringe areas.[1]



Action for Children | Age Alliance Wales | Age Concern Cymru & Help the Aged in Wales | Arthritis Care | ASBAH Cymru | ASH Wales | Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry Cymru Wales | Asthma UK Cymru | The Bay - Delivering with Devolution | Bayer Schering Pharma | BayMor Solutions | BBC Cymru Wales | Berney Communications Ltd | British Dietetic Association | British Heart Foundation | BMA Wales | Breast Cancer Care | British Waterways | British Wind Energy Association Wales | CACDP | Cancer Research UK | Carers Wales | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy | Citizens Advice Cymru | Civitas Cymru | College of Occupational Therapists | Community Pharmacy Wales | Comres | Confederation of British Industry | Confederation of Passenger Transport | Consumer Focus Wales | Contact a Family | Cymro Consulting | Cytun | Deafblind Cymru | Disability Wales | Dogs Trust | Electoral Commission | Electoral Reform Society | Elin Wyn | Evangelical Alliance | Environment Agency | Equality and Human Rights Commission | FBA | Federation of Small Businesses | First Great Western | Freshwater UK | General Medical Council | Genetic Interest Group | GlaxoSmithKline | Gofal Cymru | Grayling | Hewlett Packard | Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales | Institute of Physics | Journeys | The Law Society | Learning Disability Wales | Legal Services Commission | Leonard Cheshire | Macmillan Cancer Support | Mencap | Mind Cymru | Motor Neurone Disease Association | NAPP | National Autistic Society | National Deaf Children's Society | National Energy Action Cymru | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd | NSPCC | NUS Wales | Ofcom | Office of the Children's Commissioner | The Open University | Oriel Price | Parkinsons Disease Society | The Pollen Shop | Positif Politics | Pfizer | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | Royal College of Midwives | Royal College of Nursing | Royal Mail | RNID | RSPB | RSPCA | S4C | sanofi-aventis | Save the Children | Schering-Plough | Scope Cymru | Society of Radiographers | Strata Matrix | Stroke Association | Sustrans | University of Glamorgan | University of Wales Newport | Wales Air Ambulance | Wales Millennium Centre | Wales TUC | Wales Council for Voluntary Action | Welsh Association of National Parks | Welsh Local Government Association | Woodland Trust | WRVS | Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

Contact, Resources, Notes


Website: Twitter feed:



  1. Welsh Labour Party, "Exhibition and Commercial Services Brochure", accessed 01.09.10

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