Jerusalem Summit

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Jerusalem Summit (JS) is an Israel-based advocacy outfit that brings together Evangelicals, neoconservatives, and hardline pro-Israel figures from across the globe in an effort to shape the debate over the status of Palestine, radical Islam, and what its members view as the "relativism" of the West.[1]

The think tank, whose motto is: "A neo-Zionist response to post-Zionist appeasement," was due to start holding seminars for Israeli university students in Jerusalem in autumn 2007.[2]


The Jerusalem Summit opposes a Palestinian state, and proposes the resettlement of Palestinians outside Israeli-administered territory:

This is a generous relocation and resettlement package to allow them to build a new life for themselves and their families in countries preferably, but not necessarily exclusively, with similar religious and socio-cultural conditions.
In order to minimize the ability of organized Palestinian interest groups to impede the success of such an effort, the offer of financial inducement to emigrate must be "atomized" – i.e. made to individual Palestinian breadwinners on a one-to one personal level and not on a communal level via some formal Palestinian entity.[3]

The Summit regard the Evangelical Christian community as "a strategic ally and a strategic asset for Israel":

This is a community which has not only demonstrated its staunch and unflinching support for the State of Israel and the People of Israel, but is also the only segment of humanity which has (a) the spiritual energy, the (b) the numerical mass and (c) the moral resolve to effectively confront the phenomenon of global Islamism.[4]

The Summit calls for a strategic diplomatic offensive targeting discrimination against women and religious minorities (particularly Christians) in the Muslim World. The offensive would be modelled on Cold War strategies such as Radio Free Europe and the Jackson/Vanik Amendment.[5]



International Advisory Board
Michael Cherney, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dmitry Radyshevsky, Executive director of the Summit Martin Sherman, Academic Director
Gary Bauer, Chairman, President, American Values
Academic Committee:
Christopher Barder Atalia Ben Meir Josef Bodansky
Debora Bodlander Ron Breiman David Bukay
Rachel Ehrenfeld Hillel Fradkin Rafi Israeli
Mordechai Nisan Moshe Sharon David Pryce-Jones
Shlomo Slonim Johny Swails Meyrav Wurmser
Xu Xin
Public Affairs Committee:
Lord Pearson of Rannoch Marisa Albert Morrie Amitay
Paul Cerjan (Lt. Gen. US Army, Ret.) Yoram Ettinger Sergei Filatov
K.P.S. Gill Malcolm Hedding Richard A. Hellman
Alan Keyes Luis Alberto Lacalle (Frm. Pres. Uruguay) Michael Landau
Esther Levens Kenneth Meshoe Myles Munroe
Paul E. Vallely (US Army Gen.) Leah Susskind
Media Committee:
John Batchelor Mike Evans Michael Freund
John Loftus Itamar Marcus Dennis Prager
Ben Stein Bret Stephens R. Emmett Tyrell

Affiliated Organizations:

Contact, References and Resources




  1. Jerusalem Summit, Right Web profile, accessed 13 March 2009.
  2. Etgar Lefkovits, Think tank takes on 'gender apartheid' in Muslim world, Jerusalem Post, 11 July 2007.
  3. A New Paradigm for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: From the Political to the Humanitarian, Jerusalem Summit, accessed 13 March 2009.
  4. Jerusalem Summit Newsletter June-July 2007, accessed 13 March 2009
  5. Dr Martin Sherman, A Diplomatic Strategy for the Defense of Judeo-Christian Civilizational Values, Jerusalem Summit, Spring 2007, accessed 13 March 2009.
  6. International Advisory Board (Accessed: 14 October 2008)