Counterjihad Zurich 2010

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Counterjihad Zurich 2010 was a conference of the European Counterjihad movement, which took place in Zurich, Switzerland on Saturday, 12 June 2010.[1] It was organised by the International Civil Liberties Alliance.[2]

Among the organisations represented were the Swiss People's Party, the Lega Nord and the English Defence League.[3]



  1. Baron Bodissey, Slouching Towards Zurich, Gates of Vienna, 16 June 2010.
  2. Aeneas, English Defence League Represented At Counter Jihad Zurich 2010, International Civil Liberties Alliance, 17 June 2010.
  3. Baron Bodissey, Slouching Towards Zurich, Gates of Vienna, 16 June 2010.
  4. Baron Bodissey, Slouching Towards Zurich, Gates of Vienna, 16 June 2010.