Ark, formerly known as Absolute Return for Kids is a children's charity set up by a group of hedge fund managers in 2002.
It is an influential player in education reform circles, particularly in the UK and increasingly in certain developing countries. It uses business methods to try and improve schools, with a focus on public private partnerships; workforce reform programmes; and education technology.
Among its co-founders are Paul Marshall and Ian Wace of Marshall Wace and Arpad Busson of EIM Group.
Ark Schools
UK schools
Ark runs a chain of 31 state-funded academy schools (primary and secondary) in the UK (in Birmingham, Hastings, Portsmouth, with a majority in London). Ten Ark schools were new schools, the rest were taken over by Ark. Its ambition is to have around 50 schools by 2017 in regional clusters. Academy schools are state-funded schools that are removed from Local Authority control, funded directly by central government, and independently-run. Ark is one of the largest school chains in the UK.
Schools around the world
As well as the UK, ARK also runs schools in the US, India and since 2012, Africa. It is increasingly focused on setting up networks of schools and on ventures that can support them.
Uganda and Zambia
Since 2011 ARK has partnered with PEAS, (Promoting Equality in African Schools) an organisation running secondary schools in rural Uganda and Zambia. As of 2014, PEAS ran 24 schools. As well as opening and running schools, ARK has also worked with PEAS on tools to track student and teacher attendance and record demographic data.
ARK plans to open a network of low-cost private primary schools across nine states in India.
ARK is also piloting a voucher scheme intended to improve access of the poorest families to private schools in Delhi.
It has also piloted a school inspection programme, in collaboration with Ofsted, DfID, CfBT and M-CRIL, which uses tools to automate the inspection process and make it easier to analyse school data. It was adopted by the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh in 2014. ARK is working with the authorities in Delhi to do the same.
ARK is also involved in extending the use of synthetic phonics in the teaching of English in primary schools in India.
Lobbying for education reform
Ark supports education reform initiatives around the world.[1] It does this in a number of ways:
Lobbying for PPP around the world
Ark, as a schools operator, is a beneficiary of the public private partnership (PPP) approach to public sector reform in the UK. PPP is a form of privatisation.
Ark also lobbies for PPP around the world. It says it is 'developing a Public Private Partnership accelerator' and has set up a 'partnerships in education' team, which it says 'brings together policymakers and educationalists to design, develop and deliver partnerships.' By this is means public/private partnerships, as well as partnerships with NGOs and governments. For example, Ark is working with the Ugandan government to help develop public-private partnerships for privately-run, state-funded secondary schools.[2]
PPP lobby groups Ark is involved with include:
- The Education Alliance, ( a group registered in India that, Ark says, 'advises and supports governments (municipal, state and national) to implement good partnership agreements'. It is a lobby group entirely focused on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in education. Its main goals are to: collate and disseminate evidence on PPPs; shape PPP policies; stimulate the school operator pipeline; ensure quality education in PPP schools; assist private operators in securing viability gap funding.[3] The Education Alliance's other partners, besides Ark are Central Square Foundation and Michael & Susan Dell Foundation.
Lobbying for teacher-led reform
Ark has initiated a number of training programmes for school leaders and teachers to effect system-wide reform. In the UK, for example, ARK initiatives span initial teacher training, leadership and headship training.
These programmes are part of the wider 'teacher changemakers movement', initiated by corporate education reformers. The justification for such programmes is that 'teachers and principals are uniquely placed to lead change in the education system', as ARK-funded STIR (below) says.
Teacher-led reform programmes ARK is involved in include:
- Future Leaders Trust: set up by Ark in 2006 to train school leaders to be 'changemakers' in schools the UK. Now a stand-alone venture, Future Leaders draws on business methods and the leadership model of US charter schools, where school leaders, above all, are 'seen as gifted with the powers to save failing schools by bringing their vision and charisma to bear to raise standards.'[4] The UK government has also encouraged Future Leaders to look into setting up free schools (the UK equivalent of charter schools), opening up the possibility of a network of Future Leaders schools.
- Teaching Leaders: set up by Ark in 2008 and aimed at selecting, training, and fast-tracking those who will become 'middle leaders' (department heads, for example) in the UK. Run in partnership with the National College, Teach First and Future Leaders, and partly funded by the Department for Education, Teacher Leaders provides a two-year programme of formal training, coaching and support to provide leadership and management skills for teachers seen as becoming the middle leaders of the future. The £9million of funding from the government in July 2011 allowed Teaching Leaders to expand across the UK. In future, Teaching Leaders also envisages an expanded role in teacher training in the future: many of its partner schools have been designated Teaching Schools, providing local hubs for training new teachers and for the professional development of more experienced staff.
- Leading Educators: a programme in the US similar to the UK's Teaching Leaders (it 'caught the eye of education reformers in America', notes the Times Educational Supplement). Leading Educators' expansion across the US has been funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and New Schools Venture Fund, and builds on its base in New Orleans established by Jay Altman, ARK's former head of education in London, who also co-founded Teaching Leaders.[5]
- School Leaders for India; ARK ran for 2 years (2008 and 2009) a leadership training programme in India, based on the Future Leaders model. It trained 25 headteachers in Mumbai and Pune.
- STIR; ( set up in 2012 by ARK, the British Council and TSL Education, STIR (Schools and Teachers Innovating for Results) aims to build the largest 'independent professional movement' for teachers across the developing world. It says: 'teachers and principals are uniquely placed to lead change in the education system.'[6]Its strapline is 'Empowering Teachers to be Changemakers'. STIR identifies and supports grassroots 'micro-innovations' that can improve the quality of education in schools in major developing world cities. Most are low-tech improvements, although one 'micro-innovation' STIR features is a biometric fingerprinting system in a private school in Delhi, that requires each student and teacher to ‘touch in’ and ‘touch out’.[7] Run by Sharath Jeevan, founding CEO of Teaching Leaders in the UK, STIR started in Delhi, India working with 25 'STIR innovators', and has since expanded into Uganda. Their focus is on building a movement, including 21 operating NGO partners such as Educate Girls, and PEAS, as well as the governments of India and Uganda. STIR's board members include: Jonathan Owen (Jo Owen); Baroness Sally Morgan, former chair of OFSTED; Jennifer Moses, Ark; Susan Douglas, head of school programmes, British Council; Susannah Hares, director international programmes, ARK; Jim Knight (Lord Knight); and Brendan Cullen, MD of DRK Foundation. STIR receives 'significant in-kind incubation support' and funding from ARK, as well as the following funders: USAID, DFID, MacArthur Foundation, Mastercard, UBS Optimus, Mulago Fellowship, Draper Richards Kaplan, Peery Foundations, Segal, Paperseed Foundation, Edelgive, ELMA, EMpower, Marple Charitable Trust and Douglas B. Marshall. It is being incubated by DVET in India.
- ARK has also incubated Frontline, described as a 'Teach First' for social work. It also received support from Boston Consulting Group and IPPR, with start-up funding from the Department for Education.
Pedagogy and curriculum reform
ARK's methods and philosophy draw heavily from US charter schools, particularly from the model of the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) schools. As Paul Marshall said: 'We model ourselves on the American KIPP schools'. This means a focus on discipline and 'behaviour management' as well as changes to teaching methods and curriculum.
For example, in 2012 Ark launched Mathematics Mastery, a curriculum and training programme for maths lessons. There are now almost 200 partner schools using it across the UK, helped by a £600,000 expansion grant from the Education Endowment Foundation. ARK is piloting English Mastery: a year 7 English curriculum.
Computers replace teachers
In June 2014, ARK announced plans to open the UK's first “blended learning” school. The Ark Pioneer Academy, a free school, is due to open in London from September 2016.
Ark sees the approach in part as a way to 'improve cost efficiency through both staffing and school design efficiencies'.
It has taken inspiration from Rocketship Education, a US charter school operator which uses blended learning to cut teacher numbers but says it reinvests the savings in higher teacher salaries. It means that pupils at the new free school will spend a significant percentage of their school day being taught by computer software packages.[8]
Links to commercial education technology companies
ARK describes Google, a major player in education technology, as a 'major corporate partner'.
ARK executives also have a financial interest in education technology, which could potentially benefit from ARK schools' shift into online learning. Jennifer Moses, formerly of Goldman Sachs and a founding Trustee of ARK (and the co-founder of ARK's King Solomon Academy), is a partner in Ed-Mentor, a venture capital fund that invests in education technology, which she launched when she moved to San Francisco in 2009. Moses' husband, Ron Beller, also formerly of Goldman Sachs and a board member of ARK in the US, is its co-founder. Ed-Mentor has invested in Gobstopper, a digital reading platform. Both Moses and Beller have also set up a charter school company, Caliber Schools, which has an emphasis on learning through technology.
Assessment through big data
Daisy Christodoulou, ARK's research and development manager and Joshua Perry, who oversees ARK's data systems, spoke at the 2015 Digital Education UK conference on ‘How can big data transform education?’. Their talk covered topics, such as, 'how big data can make assessments for learning work' and 'understanding how schools manage data'.
ARK says it is overhauling its data management systems 'to enable us to better track student progress and staff performance'. It also says it developing a new assessment model to track pupils’ progress.
ARK's main source of direct funding (apart from central government for its schools) comes from fund-raising activities, in particular its annual gala dinners attended by top financiers and celebrities. Once described as “one of the most ostentatious shows of wealth in London's social calendar”, ARK deliberately lowered the profile of the 2013 fundraising dinner.
ARK’s trustees cover the core costs of the organisation.
ARK says its fundraising team supports trustees (e.g. trustee hosted policy events) and.. ensure that donors are well supported, properly briefed, and engaged in the work they are funding. The team also 'ensures that all donor records are confidential, accurate and capable of being analysed in the most useful way.' It also 'works closely with the Marketing and Communications team to design and deliver a number of donor events ranging from small, focused dinners to larger scale receptions, and field visits.'
Corporate partners
ARK describes the following in 2014 as 'major corporate partners': Bloomberg, Burberry, Google.
As declared on its website in 2015:
- Actis, private equity firm investing in education in developing countries
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Google UK, education technology firm
- Gray Matters Capital
- Hewlett Packard
- J.P. Morgan
- Jolly Learning
- McKinsey & Company
- Vodacom
Philanthropic partners include:
Previous partners of ARK
Political connections
ARK has a great deal of political influence in the UK. Former education secretary Michael Gove was accused of “becoming far too close to a ‘cosy cartel’ and that ARK was wielding influence out of all proportion to its size”. Gove is a strong admirer who has claimed to share their philosophy and methods and has frequently celebrated their success.
Former ARK employees have been given key positions in government:
- Amanda Spielman, the research and development director of ARK schools, was appointed as chairwoman of Ofqual, the qualifications regulator, folling a recommendation by Gove.
- Sir Michael Wilshaw, a previous director of education of ARK and head of ARK's Mossbourne Academy and hailed a “hero” by Gove, became head of Ofsted, the UK regulatory body for schools inspection
- Sally Morgan (Baroness Morgan of Huyton), an adviser to ARK's board, was appointed Ofsted's chairman.
- Four Communications (2008)
- Lucy Heller, CEO; formerly at TSL Education
- Michael Clark, Director of UK Programmes, Ark Schools; former Junior Partner at McKinsey & Company
- Susannah Hares, Director, International; formerly at London School of Economics where she set up and directed the Innovation Co-Creation Lab.
Trustees and Board
The following are all trustees and global board members as of 2015:
- Ian Wace, Chairman
- Paul Marshall, Marshall also funds the LibDem think thank CentreForum.
- Arpad Busson,
- Lord Stanley Fink, former chair of ARK; also former Conservative Party Treasurer, made a Lord in 2011; CEO of International Standard Asset Management (ISAM), previously of the Man Group.
- Paul Dunning
- Kevin Gundle
- Nick Jenkins
- Jennifer Moses; also partner-founder of Ed-Mentor (VC fund investing in edtech); and Calibre Schools a San Francisco-based charter school operator; former Goldman Sachs banker; ex-CEO of the think tank Centreforum, and ex-senior policy adviser to then Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.
- Michael Platt
- Blaine Tomlinson
- Anthony Williams
US board members as of 2015:
- Jeff Tarrant, Chairman of US board of ARK.
- Ron Beller, (and married to Jennifer Moses, above)
- Thomas Sandell
- Jennifer Moses
- Blaine Tomlinson
- Gary Yannazzo
Former ARK employees
- Sir Michael Wilshaw, former Director of Education at ARK; current Chief Inspector of Schools in England.
- Website:
- Address: 65 Kingsway, London WC2B 6TD
- ↑ Annual Report, 2014, ARK, accessed August 2015
- ↑ Carolina Junemann* & Stephen J. Ball ARK and the revolution of state education in England, Education Inquiry, Vol.4 No.3 (2013)
- ↑ About, The Education Alliance website, accessed August 2015
- ↑ Carolina Junemann* & Stephen J. Ball ARK and the revolution of state education in England, Education Inquiry, Vol.4 No.3 (2013)
- ↑ Bill Gates bankrolls 'reverse Teach First' as English scheme crosses pond, TES, 4 March 2011
- ↑ Micro-Innovations that raise results, STIR Education, accessed August 2015
- ↑ Micro-Innovations that raise results, STIR Education, accessed August 2015
- ↑ Academy plan heralds rise of the machines, TES, 20 June 2014