UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad summit

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The UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad summit took place at the Workers' Museum in Copenhagen on 14 September 2007.[1]

In his speech to the meeting, Bodissey/May described Vigilant Freedom/910 Group as "a network of networks":

Anders and Ted are here to represent their respective organizations, Stop Islamisering Af Danmark and SverigeDemokraterna. Vigilant Freedom exists to coordinate their communications with others and their actions on behalf of the Counterjihad.
There is no chain of command — nor will there ever be — in Vigilant Freedom. No party line. No one in control of what happens. Our unity and mission arise from a common goal: to resist the Jihad in all its forms. Anything else is details.[2]

He went on to announce a planned demonstration:

The next big action will be the protest in Brussels on September 11th. SIAD and Akte Islam initiated the effort, and communicated with a British group to help plan it. The word spread through Gates of Vienna and the 910 Group to lots of other internet outlets, and now the plan has grown to include parallel actions in Australia, the United States, and Canada.[3]

The following speaker, Anders Gravers of the Danish anti-Islam group SIAD, stated that the British organisation mentioned had been No Sharia in England:

In cooperation with No Sharia in England, we agreed to try to expand the ideas of SIAD to the rest of Europe through the umbrella organisation Stop the islamisation of Europe SIOE. I would very much like to share SIOE with 910 group, but we will get into these things later tonight.[4]



  1. Baron Bodissey, Report on the Counterjihad Summit, Gates of Vienna, 19 April 2007.
  2. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.
  3. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.
  4. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.
  5. Baron Bodissey, Report on the Counterjihad Summit, Gates of Vienna, 19 April 2007.