Globalisation:International Policy Network

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Dave Forbes Gavin Lindsay Fergus Jones Alexandra Hibbert

Globalisation: IPN IPN seeks to bring down barriers to enterprise and trade, in order to achieve a world of opportunity, peace and prosperity. [1]


IPN’s UK Charity (No. CC 262982) was founded by Sir Antony Fisher in 1971. The mission of this body is to “Promote the advancement of learning by research into economic and political science and the publication of such research.” The charity’s original name was the International Institute for Economic Research, and it now operates under the name International Policy Network. IPN’s sister organization, International Policy Network US Inc., is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in 2001. The two organizations are separate legal and financial entities with independent boards, working together with a common vision.[2]




Board Members[3]



IPN is funded entirely by charitable donations, foundations and businesses. it receives no money from Governments or political parties and does not undertake any contract work. IPN’s two organisations have a combined annual budget of approximately $1.4million (about £850,000). [5] Recently, IPN received $295,000 from Exxon, a large oil company. [6]

Views on development

Views on climate change

In a letter by Julian Morris to the Toronto Star, in response to their editorial titled “Time for the World to Unite on Climate Change” (7 December), Morris states that “Poverty largely results from government policies which hinder people from generating wealth and prosperity. Tragically, the leaders of poor countries invoke the climate change scapegoat to explain hunger, sickness and climate vulnerability.” This is a response to the Toronto Star’s statement that climate change will “ravage our planet, and with it our prosperity and security”. Morris implies in this letter that climate change is not the cause of poverty, it is merely a scapegoat used by governments. [7]

Suggestions for sub-pages

Just suggestions - feel free to change/add to this - although it is recommended that you create several main pages linked to from this main project page so group members can edit simultaneously.

Globalisation:International Policy Network: Ideology and aims

Globalisation:International Policy Network: Funding and connections

Globalisation:International Policy Network: Views on development

Globalisation:International Policy Network: Views on climate change


  1. IPN, "[1]", accessed 05.10.10
  2. IPN, "[2]", accessed 12.10.10
  3. IPN, "[3]", accessed 12.10.10
  4. IPN, "[4]", accessed 18.10.10
  5. IPN, "[5]", accessed 12.10.10
  6. George Monbiot, "[6]", The Guardian, 27 September 2006, accessed 12.10.10
  7. Julian Morris, “Leaders must confront poverty as well as climate change in Copenhagen”, International Policy Network, 11 December 2009, accessed 19.10.10