Eli Lilly and Company

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Board of Directors

Eli Lilly and Company list their Board of Directors for 2007 as[1]...

Executive Management

Eli Lilly and Company list their Executive Management for 2007 as comprising[2]...

Patient Groups

Eli Lilly and Company UK report their relationships with Patient Groups in 2006 as follows[3]...

In 2006, the Lilly Grants Committee has made the following grants:


Eli Lilly list some of their alliances with other organisations as follows[4]. The exact nature and timescales of the alliances are not disclosed.

Particia Martin, Executive Director of alliance management at Eli Lilly reported to Pharmaceutical Executive [5] that Lilly has been partnering for a long time and is involved in hundreds of alliances.

Eli Lilly provided generous support for the Expert Consensus Guideline Series: Treatment of Schizophrenia 1999 an initiative aiming at establishing uniform medication guidelines for schizophrenia[6]. It is reported that this was an initiative 'supported exclusively by 6 pharmaceutical companies: Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceutica Inc., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Pfizer Inc. and Zeneca Pharmaceuticals', now known as AstraZeneca. Michael Hogan and Laurie Flynn were also involved in this initiative.


  1. Elli Lilly and Company Director Profiles Accessed 27th December 2007
  2. Eli Lilly and Company Executive Management Accessed 27th December 2007
  3. Eli Lilly and Company Patient Group Relationships Accessed 31st December 2007
  4. Eli Lilly and Company Alliances Accessed 31st December 2007
  5. Pharmaceutical Executive Biotech and Pharma - Why Alliances FailAccessed 31st December 2007
  6. Weibert, S. The Genesis of President Bush’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Teenscreen Truth. Accessed 9th January 2008