All-Party Parliamentary Group on "Honour" Based Abuse

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The All-Party Parliamentary Group on 'Honour' Based Abuse (APPGHBA) was established in order:

'to debate and scrutinise issues relating to "honour" based abuse. To raise awareness of "honour" based abuse with a view to attempting to expose and eradicate such practices in the UK.'[1]


Officers Feb and March 2016

Members, March 2015


The contact person for the group is Sam Mason, from the office of Baroness Caroline Cox.

Mailing Address:House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW

Tel: 020 7219 8638



  1. Honour Based Abuse APPG,, accessed 18 November 2015
  2. Honour Based Abuse APPG,, accessed 22 April 2016
  3. Honour Based Abuse APPG, Feb16 Register,, accessed 28 April 2016
  4. "Honour" Based Abuse APPG,, accessed 18 November 2015