Mark Fullbrook

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

Mark Fullbrook is co-founder and managing director of CTF Partners Ltd (UK), part of the CrosbyTextor and C/T Group.


From the CrosbyTextor and C/T Group's website:

Described by Newt Gingrich, the then Speaker of the US Congress, as Britain’s answer to Republican Campaign Guru Lee Atwater, Mark was recognised in June 2006 as the number 1 grassroots strategist and campaigner in the British Conservative Party.
In 1992 he ran the target seats campaign that saw the Conservatives win the General Election against all predictions. He has run over 20 campaigns around the world from the Bahamas to Kazakhstan. He worked on the successful election of Romano Prodi in Italy alongside Frank Luntz and Joe Trippi.
In 2012 he was Deputy Campaign Director for Boris Johnson’s victorious re-election campaign for Mayor of London, where despite a national swing against the Conservatives, Boris Johnson increased his first-preference share of the vote.
He is internationally respected for his campaigns and communications expertise and he has built his reputation advising companies, politicians, and political parties over the past 25 years. Prior to co-founding CTF Partners he was owner and Managing Director of Parliamentary Liaison Services Ltd, the UK's premier Conservative campaigns and communications consultancy.
Acknowledged as an expert in the building and running of grass roots campaigns, Mark has advised many top politicians from around the world including the former Speaker to the US Congress Newt Gingrich and the former First Minister of Northern Ireland and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Lord Trimble.
Mark spent 10 years working for the British Conservative Party from 1983, where he began as a Party Agent, rising to become Head of Campaigning for the Party following the 1992 General Election. He was co-director of the Conservative Campaign for London Mayor in 2000. He has unparalleled professional campaign experience, starting as a Party Agent and working through all levels of the Conservative Party's political roles.


In October 2014, it was revealed Fullbrook asked Tory grandee Sir Robert Atkins to track down comments made by the government on Ireland's plans to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes. Fullbrook's email said, “Lovely to see you and Dulcie [Atkins’s wife] last night.” He goes on to explain that it is “in the public domain” that the government has issued the comments and asks: “Can you help identify which Dept issued these comments and what these comments are? On this one time is critical.” Atkins in turn asked Philip Bradbourn, a Tory MEP, “Is there anything you can do to elicit the information that he requires from the relevant Commissioner’s office? I gather that this is a bit urgent!”. A spokesperson for CTF Partners claims that once Fullbrook was told the comments were not in the public domain, the matter went no further.[1]




Address: Sixth Floor, 7 Old Park Lane, London W1K 1QR
Phone: +44 (0)207 318 5770



  1. Jamie Doward David Cameron’s election guru faces new attack over tobacco lobbying The Guardian, 11 October 2014, accessed 14 October 2014