Poju Zabludowicz

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Poju Zabludowicz is a London-based billionaire who has generously funded the Conservative Party in the UK and the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI).[1] Furthermore, most of the funding for the conservative party is actually channelled via the CFI. Zabludowicz is also the Chairman and main funder of the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM). Zabludowicz's fortune derives from the Tamares Group which has large real estate interests, casinos, but originally from Soltam, the Israeli arms manufacturer set up by his father Shlomo Zabludowicz. NB: for some time Poju and Shlomo Zabludowicz were based in Finland.[2]

West Bank Propert Interests

Peter Oborne's investigation into the UK Israel lobby uncovered the fact that Zabludowicz has a stake in a shopping centre in Ma’ale Adumim, which the journalist describes as:

a settlement which is seen as strategically crucial in ensuring Jerusalem remains in Israeli hands. So much so that Netanyahu launched his election campaign in the settlement in 2005. “Starting my campaign here is not coincidental [it is] because Jerusalem is in danger.”[3]


Sponsoring Israel Herzliya Conference 2008

In 2008, the Tamares Group sponsored the 8th Herzliya Conference in Israel[6].

Wielding great influence on British Jewry

In 2008, The Jeruselem Chronicle declared 'the top spots' on their second annual list of those who 'wield the greatest influence on British Jewry'. Zabludowicz is listed at number 30[7]. The criteria for being listed is described as 'those with a vision for Jewish life in this country and who did their utmost to bring it about using either money; persuasion; religion; culture; political or social leadership; or simply inspiring through word and deed'. In order for someone to be listed in the top 20, it was generally necessary to demonstrate influence in more than one of the spheres[8].

The article describes Zabludowicz as...

'A “quiet power” in key organisations, particularly Bicom, the London-based Finnish billionaire is a recent addition to the Jewish Leadership Council. A major property player, Mr Zabludowicz, 56, is said to own 40 per cent of downtown Las Vegas including half-a-dozen casinos. His wife Anita is a prominent art collector'[9].

Others included in the list were Lord Levy (number 9), Ron Prosor (number 10), Daniel Finkelstein (number 11), Trevor Chinn (number 14), John Mann (number 17), Jonathan Freedland (number 18), Julia Neuberger (number 19), Lord Janner (number 20) & Prime Minister Gordon Brown (number 29).

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  1. Marie Woolf and Jon Ungoed-Thomas, Vegas casino billionaire bankrolls the Tories, Times Online, 30 December 2007.
  2. Woolf, ibid.
  3. Peter Oborne & James Jones, Inside Britain's Israel Lobby, 13-November-2009, Accessed 03-January-2009
  4. The Jewish Chronicle JC Power 100: Sacks stays on top, as new names emerge. 9th May 2008. Accessed 16th August 2008
  5. The Jewish Chronicle JC Power 100: Sacks stays on top, as new names emerge. 9th May 2008. Accessed 16th August 2008
  6. The Annual Herzliya Conference Series: on the Balance of Israel's National Security (2008) Conference Conclusions. Accessed 12th August 2008
  7. The Jewish Chronicle JC Power 100: Sacks stays on top, as new names emerge. 9th May 2008. Accessed 16th August 2008
  8. The Jewish Chronicle How we made our selection 9th May 2008. Accessed 16th August 2008
  9. The Jewish Chronicle JC Power 100: Sacks stays on top, as new names emerge. 9th May 2008. Accessed 16th August 2008