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(→‎Grants given: data sources added)
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!colspan="6" | Grant recipients of the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe in £ sterling
!colspan="6" | Grant recipients of the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe in £ sterling
! Recipient !! 2,017 !! 2,018 !! 2,019 !! 2,020 !! 2,021
! Recipient !! 2017 !! 2018 !! 2019 !! 2020 !! 2021
| [[AIM25]] ||  ||  || 77,890 ||  ||  
| [[AIM25]] ||  ||  || 77,890 ||  ||  

Revision as of 15:15, 14 July 2023



Grants given

Grant recipients of the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe in £ sterling
Recipient 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
AIM25 77,890
Alapitvany a Szegedi Zsinagogaert 50,900
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 317,463 150,000
Association of European Jewish Museums 53,350
Biblio Medem 62,370
Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, University of Amsterdam 59,000
Blavatnik Archive Foundation 75,000
Board of Deputies Charitable Foundation 55,550
Board of Deputies of British Jews 130,000
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford 133,334
Budapest Holocaust Museum and Education Center 78,900
Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People 145,000 94,000
Central Europe Centre for Research and Documentation 59,700
Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany 60,000
Centre Communautaire Laic Juif (CCLJ) 54,000
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 105,000
Centro Veneziano 105,000
Centropa Alapitvany 90,000
Charles University, Prague 58,650
Communaute Israelite de Geneve 61,600
Community Security Trust 60,000 75,000
CSIC, Spanish National Research Council 79,764
Dipartimento Di Studi Umanistici, Universita del Salento 55,000
Ecole Pratiques des Hautes Etudes 120,000 65,000
Ecole Superieure Talmudique (Yechivas Chachmey Tsorphat) 67,166
Educating for Impact | Centre for Educational Technology 402,692 280,167
Etz Hayyim Synagogue 59,800
European Association for Jewish Studies 169,068 155,400
European Association for the Preservation of Jewish Culture & Heritage 63,000
European Union of Jewish Students 120,000
Frankisches Freilandmuseum des Bezirks Mittelfranken 75,000
Fundacja Centrum Taubego Odnowy Zycia Zydowskiego w Polsce 94,360
Germania Judaica, Cologne 57,600
Gesher L'Europa 300,000 300,000 390,000 390,000 590,000
Ghetto Fighters' House Museum 90,000
Goethe University 65,000
Hebrew University of Jerusalem 80,000
Hillel International 120,000
Historical Archives of Belgrade 106,385 50,000
Holocaust Macedonia 50,000
Holocaust Survivors' Friendship Association 60,000
Hungarian Jewish Museum 100,000
Immanuel College (Kalms/Ronson) 50,000
Imperial War Museum 75,000
Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes 58,000
Institut Europeen des Musiques Juives 80,000
Institut tur die Geschichte der deutschen Juden 99,597
Institute for Jewish Policy Research 351,000 207,000
Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Bern 55,896
Institute of Social Relations, Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences 72,040
Instituto de Lengua 65,474
Izmir Sephardic Cultural Heritage Association 79,353
Jagiellonian University 80,490
JDC 227,100 100,000
Jewish Association for Mental Illness 150,000
Jewish Book Council 60,000 100,000
Jewish Brigade 50,000
Jewish Care 200,000 250,000 100,000
Jewish Community of Stockholm 105,750
Jewish Community of Vienna 77,360
Jewish Futures Trust 150,000
Jewish Heritage Foundation Menorah 68,040
Jewish Heritage Programme
Jewish Historical Museum 73,000
Jewish Museum Hohenems 54,000
Jewish Museum in Prague 150,000
Jewish Museum in Stockholm 50,000
Jewish Museum London 165,000 50,000
Jewish Museum of Greece 60,000
Jewish Museum of Vienna 60,000
Jewish Museum of Westphalia 57,404
Jewish Theological Seminary, University of Jewish Studies 124,170
Jewish Theological Seminary of America 79,033
Jewish Women's Aid 50,000
Judisches Museum Frankfurt 150,000
JLC 50,000
Joods Historisch Museum Amsterdam 100,000
Judiska musset I Stockholm 63,000
JW3 100,000 60,000
Kamusi Project International 90,000
Kings College London 70,000
Kisharon 90,000
Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University 69,789
Limmud 178,120 50,000
London Metropolitan Archives 130,000
London School of Jewish Studies 129,300
Machon Kehilot in Cooperation with Hazon Inc 54,200
Masorti Judaism 50,000
MEIS 75,000
Moishe House Europe 180,000 155,624
Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme 106,687
Museo Ebraico Venezia 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
National Archives of Finland 50,000
National Library of Israel 157,000 60,000 60,000 110,000
National Monument Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork 73,000
National Research University 'Higher School of Economics' 70,000
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision 56,655
NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies 89,140
Norwood 145,000 50,000
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies 90,000 106,439 115,386
Paideia II - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden 50,000
Palacky University 86,773
Paperweight Trust 50,000
Peterhouse, University of Cambridge 137,666
Pillar Foundation 120,000 116,451 120,000 121,615 109,657
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews 68,702
Prague Centre 255,150
Raziskovalno Dokumentacijski Centre JAS 86,000
Reshet 75,000
Sandys Row Synagogue 96,020
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) 59,000
Spanish and Portuguese Sephardic Community 117,571
St Peter's College, University of Oxford 70,000
St Petersburg University 90,000
Stichting Folkingestraat Synagoge 53,131
Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin - Centrum Judaicum 132,520
Szeged Jewish Community 70,000
Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit 81,795
The United Synagogue 50,000
Trinity College Dublin 53,643
Tudasmenedzsmentert, Tudas alapu Technologiaert Alapitvany 54,000
Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums 80,000
Union of Jewish Students of the UK and Ireland 90,000
Unione delle Comunita Ebraiche Italiane 69,754 190,000 60,480
Universidade Nova de Lisboa 69,920
Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia 58,700
Universita dell'Insubria 64,000
Universita di Bologna 50,000
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 70,000
University College London 120,000
University of Amsterdam 70,000
University of Antwerp 87,750
University of Cambridge 65,000 70,000 69,908
University of Leeds 65,545
University of London 65,000 50,000 69,989
University of Manchester 410,071 70,000
University of Manchester 90,000
University of Oxford 100,000 120,927 69,356
University of Southampton 50,777 58,864
University of Tubingen 86,970
University of Vienna 68,352
University of Wroclaw 150,000 80,644 74,210
University of Greifswald 120,000
Utrecht University 81,986
Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies 70,303
Vilnius University 75,000
Wiener Holocaust Library, London 93,783
Work Avenue Foundation 50,000
World Jewish Relief 100,000
World Union of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 132,000
Yad Layeled France 120,000
Yad Vashem 150,000
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research 100,000
Earlier grants part-returned or cancelled -90,781 -153,677 -70,417 -30,699 -115,335
Grants less than £50,000 1,185,122 1,294,891 1,270,535 1,314,192 1,130,909
Total 4,685,060 5,226,764 5,353,316 5,493,332 5,596,407

Data sources:

See also
