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[[Mark Hoban]] MP is the Financial Secretary to the Treasury.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/may/13/full-list-of-new-cabinet-ministers Full list of new cabinet ministers and other government appointments], guardian.co.uk, 13 May 2010.</ref>
[[Mark Hoban]] MP is the Financial Secretary to the UK Treasury, appointed in 2010.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/may/13/full-list-of-new-cabinet-ministers Full list of new cabinet ministers and other government appointments], guardian.co.uk, 13 May 2010.</ref>

Revision as of 16:17, 24 March 2011

Mark Hoban MP is the Financial Secretary to the UK Treasury, appointed in 2010.[1]


One month into the new UK Coalition government's 2010 term, Goldman Sachs International's co-CEOs Michael Sherwood and Richard Gnodde secured a meeting with Hoban according to SpinWatch.

What was discussed at this meeting, however, will never be publicly known as no agenda or formal minutes were taken, despite David Cameron's pledge that his Ministers must be “transparent about what we do and how we do it”. *SpinWatch, Doing God’s Work: How Goldman Sachs Rigs the Game - SpinWatch investigation detailing Goldman Sachs’ secret lobbying activities in the UK and Brussels and links to politicians. March 2011.
