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<td align="center">[[Conservative and Unionist Party]]</td>
<td align="center">[[Conservative and Unionist Party]]</td>
<ref name="EC">Electoral Commission, [http://search.electoralcommission.org.uk/Search/Donations?currentPage=1&rows=10&query=Jeremy%20Hosking&sort=DonorName&order=asc&tab=1&et=pp&et=ppm&et=tp&et=perpar&et=rd&prePoll=false&postPoll=true&optCols=CampaigningName&optCols=AccountingUnitsAsCentralParty&optCols=IsSponsorship&optCols=RegulatedDoneeType&optCols=CompanyRegistrationNumber&optCols=Postcode&optCols=NatureOfDonation&optCols=PurposeOfVisit&optCols=DonationAction&optCols=ReportedDate&optCols=IsReportedPrePoll&optCols=ReportingPeriodName&optCols=IsBequest&optCols=IsAggregation Jeremy Hosking Donation Search], accessed 17 June 2016</ref>
<ref name="EC">Electoral Commission, [http://search.electoralcommission.org.uk/Search/Donations?currentPage=1&rows=10&query=Jeremy%20Hosking&sort=DonorName&order=asc&tab=1&et=pp&et=ppm&et=tp&et=perpar&et=rd&prePoll=false&postPoll=true&optCols=CampaigningName&optCols=AccountingUnitsAsCentralParty&optCols=IsSponsorship&optCols=RegulatedDoneeType&optCols=CompanyRegistrationNumber&optCols=Postcode&optCols=NatureOfDonation&optCols=PurposeOfVisit&optCols=DonationAction&optCols=ReportedDate&optCols=IsReportedPrePoll&optCols=ReportingPeriodName&optCols=IsBequest&optCols=IsAggregation Jeremy Hosking Donation Search], accessed 17 June 2016</ref>

Latest revision as of 10:51, 10 November 2017

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Jeremy Hosking, Source: Rail.co.uk

Jeremy Hosking is a multimillionaire City asset manager and major Brexit donor.

Brexit support

Major donor to 'leave' campaign

Hosking was the third biggest individual donor to the campaign for the UK to leave the EU.

He gave £1.69m mainly to the Vote Leave campaign and his own 'Brexit Express' poster campaign. Run with Alex Deane, Brexit Express distributed pro-Brexit posters across London and other major cities.

Post-referendum activity

In May 2017, Hosking pledged to fund a campaign to oust almost 140 pro-remain MPs in an attempt to ensure there is “no backsliding on Brexit” after the election. Hosking said he wanted to help give Theresa May “an army” of pro-Brexit MPs that was “fully equipped and as big as possible”.[1]

Business interests

Hosking is involved with investment management and private equity.

He founded and chairs asset manager Hosking & Co.[2]

He is co-owner of Crystal Palace football club.


Recorded by the Electoral Commission:

Date Name of donor Amount Donated to
06/03/2017 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £50,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
31/10/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £4,400.00 Brexit Express
22/06/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £25,000.00 Brexit Express
13/06/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £120,000.00 Brexit Express
03/06/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £480,000.00 Brexit Express
09/05/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £100,000.00 Vote Leave
09/05/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £500,000.00 Vote Leave
15/04/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £15,500.00 Vote Leave
07/04/2016 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £100,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
11/03/2016 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £25,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
07/03/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £100,000.00 Vote Leave
24/03/2016 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £50,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
17/03/2016 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £50,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
08/02/2016 Mr Jeremy Hosking £100,000.00 Vote Leave
13/04/2015 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £100,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
28/05/2014 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £2,500.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
28/05/2014 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £2,500.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
28/05/2014 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £2,500.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
28/05/2014 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £2,500.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
11/05/2012 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £75,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
13/01/2011 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £50,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
30/09/2010 Jeremy J Hosking £2,200.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
29/04/2010 Jeremy J Hosking £50,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
11/03/2010 Jeremy J Hosking £85,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
14/12/2009 Mr Jeremy Hosking £30,000.00 The Rt Hon David Davis MP
27/10/2009 Jeremy Hosking £125,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
17/04/2009 Mr Jeremy J Hosking £10,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
30/06/2005 Jeremy J Hosking £2,000.00 Conservative and Unionist Party
14/01/2005 Jeremy J Hosking £9,900.00 Conservative and Unionist Party



  1. Millionaire Brexit donor targets 140 remain MPs in general election, Observer, 13 May 2017
  2. 'Nightmare is over after millionaire buys engine' 26 January 2011, Express and Star, accessed 19 May 2016
  3. Electoral Commission, Jeremy Hosking Donation Search, accessed 17 June 2016