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Peter Metrak
CEPOS is the Danish Centre for Political Studies - a Danish think tank founded in 2004 with the stated aim of 'promoting a society based on freedom, responsibility, private initiative and limited government'.<ref>Cepos, [http://www.cepos.dk/english/ Centre for Policy Studies], ''CEPOS'', Accessed 02-May-2012</ref> The 'independent research institution' was founded by 'Danish academic, arts, business and media representatives, thinkers and cultural personalities'.<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/english]" ''CEPOS'',accessed 18th November 2010</ref>
According to their website, CEPOS seek to influence government policy by:
CEPOS is the Danish Centre for Political Studies - an independent research institution, recognized under the Danish state. CEPOS was founded in 2004 by Danish academic, arts, business and media representatives, thinkers and cultural personalities. CEPOS has been described as a leading and serious voice in the Danish debate on taxation, regulation, and welfare, as well as schools, education and integration and are frequently quoted in the media. CEPOS is recognized by the Danish state as an official research institution, a title only given institutions that produce knowledge of equal quality to that of Danish universities.
* generating new knowledge about social organization through analysis and research.
* developing solutions and practical policy proposals.
* influencing present and future decision makers through media, meetings, conferences, publications and education.<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/english]" ''CEPOS'',accessed 18th November 2010</ref>
==Ideology and aims==
Cepos is part of the [[Stockholm Network]] <ref>[http://www.stockholm-network.org/network/details.php Think Tank details], Stockholm Network, accessed 7 April 2009.</ref> a working group of European market-oriented think-tanks. According to the Atlas Network:
CEPOS started its work on March 10th 2005 as a classical liberal-conservative think-tank in Denmark. CEPOS promotes a society based on economic freedom, wishing to reform and limit direct and indirect economic support from the public authorities to the population. Additionally, CEPOS promotes rule of law, responsibility and democracy. CEPOS is also in favour of private initiatives and limited government sustained by healthy institutions of family, civil associations and cultural life. According to CEPOS, government support shall benefit only the disadvantaged and will be abolished for people who can support themselves. Moreover, CEPOS encourages competition, supports free markets and global free trade, and opposes government subsidies to businesses. It is known that CEPOS does not work at the request of any political party, public authority, commercial enterprise, organization or individual. CEPOS mainly aims for furthering and strengthening the foundations of a freely functioning society. CEPOS is dedicated to extending personal and economic freedom and its researches are supporters of tax-cuts and private enterprise. In addition to that, Danish think-tank is in favour of opening Danish borders for emigration and lesser regulation. CEPOS is also known as an opponent of increased public surveillance, anti-terrorism laws that curtail civil liberties as well as criminalizing victimless crime.
:CEPOS has been instrumental in bringing  a taxation debate to Denmark, working tirelessly for lower taxes. In addition to taxation, CEPOS focuses on other policy issues that work to limit the size and scope of the Danish government.<ref>Atlas Network, [http://atlasnetwork.org/networknews/2009/04/fvg-winner-cepos-denmark/ FVG Winner: CEPOS, Denmark], ''Atlas Network'', Accessed 07-May-2012</ref>
==CEPOS University==
==Ideology and aims==
CEPOS launched its own university - CEPOS University in 2006, considered by other Danish universities as a high level university in terms of offered classes and learning. At the CEPOS University courses are taught by number of professors, the best teachers from universities, business leaders as well as media analysts. At the CEPOS University economic and political problems are discussed, following the free market and classical liberalism ideas. Additionally, CEPOS University offers number of summer seminars focused on everything from history and human rights to economics and law. CEPOS University offers serious involvement into politics without being attached to a particular party. Moreover, CEPOS University offers unique opportunity for anyone with a critical approach toward the current social debate.
<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/cepos-uni/ CEPOS Universitet]",''CEPOS'', accessed 9th November 2010</ref>
CEPOS started its work on March 10th 2005 as a classical liberal-conservative think-tank in Denmark. According to their website CEPOS promotes 'a society based on economic freedom, wishing to reform and limit direct and indirect economic support from the public authorities to the population'. CEPOS has three main aims stated on their website, these are:
==Views on climate change==
*to contribute to more personal and economic freedom, rule of law and democracy as well as a limited government sustained by healthy civil institutions such as family, civil associations and cultural life.
*to reform and limit direct and indirect economic support from the public authorities to the population. Government support shall benefit only the disadvantaged and will be abolished for people who can support themselves.
*to encourage competition, supports free markets and global free trade, and opposes government subsidies to businesses.
It is commonly known that some of the organisations that challenge scientific warnings about the climate change have refused to reveal who finances their work. The absence of transparency rules in Europe allowed European independent think tanks to behave in a secretive fashion. CEPOS was among groups that refused to give precise details about how they are funded. According to Greenpeace report, Koch Industries, a U.S. conglomerate dominated by oil and chemical interest, by financing various groups, aiming to deny climate change and oppose clean energy. According to Greenpeace, from 2005 to 2009, Koch Industries contributed almost 25 million dollars to groups opposing renewable energy and decisive action aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. One of the research institutions linked to Koch Industries was CEPOS in Denmark. CEPOS in its publication questioned if Denmark’s investment in wind power was bringing environmental benefits and that publication was supported financially by the Institute for Energy Research (IER) in the U.S. That institute, in turn, according to Greenpeace, had been aided by Koch Industries. CEPOS Chief Executive made a controversial statement questioned whether CEPOS has ever received financial help from the fossil fuel industry and who has been funding CEPOS and was a main donor a . He generally replied ‘no’ and added that they don’t give out information about donors. However, according to Greenpeace, climate deniers create enough doubt about the climate science to limit public pressure on governments to act on climate change. Defending CEPOS irresponsibility accusations and disinformation about climate change, Martin Agerup stated that he is in favor of a free market approach towards environmental issues. He added that he is not denying that climate change is happening. However he added that he is septic towards the current approach on fixed targets of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and legally-binding international agreements regarding this matter.
Cepos also assert their independence by arguing that they 'do not work at the request of any political party, public authority, commercial enterprise, organization or individual'.<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/english]" ''CEPOS;'',accessed 18th November 2010</ref>
<ref> "[http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:bky_qkkKyXsJ:www.galdu.org/web/index.php%3Fodas%3D4793%26giella1%3Deng+CEPOS+views+on+climate+change&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk Who Pays to Deny Climate Change]",''Galdu - Resource Centre for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples'', 03 October 2010 accessed 7th November 2010</ref>
==Funding and wind power controversy==
A CEPOS report criticising Denmark's investment in wind farms was funded by the [[Institute for Energy Research]] (IER) a group with close links to [[Koch Industries]], the IER president [[Thomas Pyle]] is a former Koch lobbyist.<ref>David Cronin, [http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:bky_qkkKyXsJ:www.galdu.org/web/index.php%3Fodas%3D4793%26giella1%3Deng+CEPOS+views+on+climate+change&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk Who Pays to Deny Climate Change], ''IPS'', Accessed 08-May-2012</ref>
The report argued that 'more than half of Denmark's wind power is exported, wasting taxpayer money without reducing overall CO2 emissions' it was released right before the Copenhagen climate change conference in 2009 and it 'made waves in the U.S. media'.<ref>Spotlight Vol. 10 No 9., RENEWABLE ENERGY: Dueling wind studies add turbulence to Denmark's energy debate, ''Climatewire'', 01-November-2010</ref> The report was disseminated it in the United States under the title 'Something Rotten? Obama Says Danes Receive 20% of Their Power Via Wind; New Study Tells the Real Story.'
CEPOS were criticised by academics at Aalborg university because their research 'incorrectly interprets statistics and doesn't understand how the international electricity markets operate'. Professor Frede Hvelplund argued that:
:We've been studying renewable energy for two decades here at the university. When we saw something that was obviously incorrect, we had to react.<ref>Spotlight Vol. 10 No 9., RENEWABLE ENERGY: Dueling wind studies add turbulence to Denmark's energy debate, ''Climatewire'', 01-November-2010</ref>
<youtube align="right" width="small" height="100">qgUsun3hIT0</youtube>
The chairman of the CEPOS board is Bernt Johan Collet, a former Danish Minister of Defense. He also serves as a chamberlain at Her Majesty's Court. Moreover, Bernt Johan Collet is Master of the Royal Hunt.
Martin Agerup, after strong critique, admitted that the report was commissioned and paid for by Institute for Energy Research (IER) but argued that he was not aware of IER receiving funding from the coal and oil industry. Agerup admitted, however, that he and report author, Hugh Sharman, were made aware of the relationship between IER and the American coal and oil industries. Agerup emphasized that IER financing the wind energy report agreed for fully independent conclusion and the assessments made by CEPOS.<ref> "[http://www.cphpost.dk/business/119-business/48553-oil-industry-behind-critical-wind-energy-report.html Oil industry behind critical wind energy report]",''The Copenhagen post online'', Friday, 19 March 2010 10:30 accessed 7th November 2010</ref>
<ref> "[http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=da&u=http://www.cepos.dk/om-cepos/personer-tilknyttet-cepos/bestyrelse/bernt-johan-collet/&ei=E-DWTO3CMo_QjAeV4-i9CQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CC8Q7gEwAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3DBernt%2BJohan%2BCollet%26hl%3Den Bernt Johan Collet]",''CEPOS: Bernt Johan Collet'', accessed 7th November 2010</ref>
==CEPOS University and educational work==
In 2006 Cepos launched the Cepos University <ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/cepos-uni/ CEPOS Universitet]",''CEPOS'', accessed 9th November 2010</ref> an institution 'which educates university students about free market ideas'<ref>Atlas Network, [http://atlasnetwork.org/networknews/2009/04/fvg-winner-cepos-denmark/ FVG Winner: CEPOS, Denmark], ''Atlas Network'', Accessed 07-May-2012</ref>. According to the [[Atlas Network]], Cepos planned to create 'a network of liberal minded supporters in Denmark, offering education to policy makers on free markets and extending their education to high school students'.<ref>Atlas Network, [http://atlasnetwork.org/networknews/2009/04/fvg-winner-cepos-denmark/ FVG Winner: CEPOS, Denmark], ''Atlas Network'', Accessed 07-May-2012</ref>
Cepos publishes research on a wide range of social and economic issues, a sample of these can be found on the page [[Cepos publications]].<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/publikationer/ Publications]" ''CEPOS'', accessed 18th November 2010</ref>
Another important person is Martin Agerup, Chief Executive for Cepos, economist and economic historian.
• Angela Brink, Journalist and head of communications and Public Affairs in CEPOS
CEPOS is a five-time winner of the [[Atlas Economic Research Foundation]] and [[John Templeton Foundation]] awards given to the best think tanks around the world. CEPOS was awarded in the 2006 Templeton Freedom Award - Honourable Mention, following by 2007 Templeton Freedom Award Grant. In addition, CEPOS won 2007 Templeton Freedom Prize for Initiative in Public Relations, Second Place and in 2008 Sir [[Antony Fisher]] International Memorial Award for best book published by a think tank. Moreover, CEPOS was recently awarded in the 2009 Fisher Venture Grant Award.<ref> "[http://www.citizendia.org/CEPOS]",accessed 7th November 2010</ref>
• Henrik Christofferson, from 2008 Research Director at CEPOS. Between 1983 an 2008 Henrik Christofferson was a Head of        Research in Applied Municipal Research, AKF. Earlier, from 1975 he was a deputy department head in the National Association of Municipalities and also from 1976 to this day; Christofferson is an Associate Professor of Public Spending Policy and Housing Economics, at the University of Copenhagen.
===CEPOS Freedom Award===
• Mads Lundby Hansen, M.Sc. in Economics, Vice President and Chief Economist. Hansen acts as a Chief Economist at CEPOS from 2005. Between 2001 and 2005 he worked as Chief Economist in The Danish Liberal Party and from 1998 to 2001 as Economist in the Danish Ministry of Finance's Office of Fiscal Policy. Moreover, from 1996 to 1998, Hansen worked as Economist in the Danish Ministry of Economic Affairs at the International Office. Mads has also taught Economics at the University of Copenhagen.
CEPOS recently instituted an annual freedom award. In 2010, the prize,  along with DKK 300,000 will  be awarded  to the Cuban dissident, Yoani Sánchez who criticises the Cuban government through her blog ’Generación Y’.<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/english/]",''CEPOS'', accessed 17th November 2010</ref>
• Henrik Gade Jensen, from 2005 Project Leader at CEPOS and Director of CEPOS University, M.A in Philosophy, Sr. Fellow at CEPOS. Between years 2002 and 2003, Press Secretary in the Danish Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs. Additionally, between years 1989 – 2007, Part-time lecturer at the University of Copenhagen. Moreover, Henrik Gade Jensen is a frequent contributor to the public debate as a columnist at several daily national newspapers, including Berlingske Tidende, Politiken, Jyllands-posten and Kristeligt Dagblad.
• Jacob Mchangama, from 2008 is the Head Director of Legal Affairs at CEPOS. 2007–2008, Lawyer at the major Danish law firm Plesner. He specialized in mergers & acquisitions, and private equity In 2007, Jacob was admitted to the bar while working at Plesner, where he was part of the Corporate Finance department.  2004–2007, Assistant lawyer at Eversheds, where he worked with general corporate and commercial law, with special focus on mergers & acquisitions and venture capital.  Moreover, since 2005, Jacob has been Part-time lecturer in International Human Rights and Public International Law at the University of Copenhagen. His work focuses on the rule of law, civil liberties, human rights, constitutional matters and regulation. In addition to his law degree Jacob has a Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation from the European Inter-University Centre with stays in Venice and Strasbourg.
• Martin Agerup, M.A. in Economic History, CEO. Martin is an Economist and Economic Historian, and graduated from the Universities in Bristol and Exeter, England. He is a former member of the Danish European Movement's Executive Committee and is a member of the Danish European Movement's think tank "Yes to Europe". In addition to this Martin is a Fellow of the International Policy Network in London. From 2004 at CEPOS, where he is Chief Executive. 2002 – 2004 Martin was an Independent Consultant. Associated with GCI Future. From 1998 to 2002, worked as Management-Consultant in Connector LLC, where he worked primarily with organizational development in the public and private sector, evaluation assignments, value-based management and project management. Furthermore, he advised on the ideas and technologies that shape the future. From 1992 to 1998 Michael Agerup was Researcher and later Project Manager at the Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies. Martin worked on sector analysis (specifically on the transportation sector) evaluation, analysis and the development of labour market, new technology, globalization, trends and attitudes and interview surveys. In addition, Martin Agerup has contributed to a number of books and authored and published several bestsellers in Danish.
[[Angela Brink]] | [[Henrik Christofferson]] | [[Mads Lundby Hansen]] | [[Henrik Gade Jensen]] | [[Jacob Mchangama]] | [[Martin Agerup]]
[[Poul Schlüter]] | , [[Uffe Ellemann-Jensen]] | [[Bent Blüdnikow]] | [[Nicolai Juul Foss]] | [[Jesper Lau Hansen]] | [[Bent Fabricius-Bjerre]] | [[Bernt Johan Collet]] [[Christopher Arzrouni]], Special advisor | [[Rolf Bagger]], Author | [[Annelise Bidstrup]], Editor | [[Sven Blomberg]], Chief Executive Officer | [[Bent Blüdnikow]], Editor and Historian | [[Jesper Bruun Rasmussen]], Auctioneer | [[Bernt Johan Collet]], former Minister for Defence | [[Peter la Cour]], Publisher | [[Anne-Sofie Dahl]], Associate Professor, Ph.D. | [[Jan Duckert]], Chief Executive Officer | [[Kasper Elbjørn]], PR and Project Manager | [[Uffe Ellemann-Jensen]], former Minister for Foreign Affairs | [[Bent Fabricius-Bjerre]], Composer | [[Herman Federspiel]], Attorney | [[Henning Fonsmark]], Author | [[Nicolai Juul Foss]], Professor, Ph.D. | [[Nils Foss]], Chief Executive Officer | [[Nikolaj Gammeltoft]], Head of Section | [[David Gress]], Associate Professor, Ph.D. | [[Morten Grunwald]], Actor, Theatre Manager | [[Peter Gæmelke]], President of the Danish Agricultural Council | [[Jesper Lau Hansen]], Professor, LL.D. | [[Claes Kastholm Hansen]], Author | [[Morten Hesseldahl]], Publisher | [[Kjeld Hillingsø]], Lt. General | [[Ulrik Høy]], Author | [[Bent Jensen]], Professor, Ph.D. | [[Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard]], Associate Professor, Ph.D. | [[Steen Langebæk]], Chief Executive Officer | [[Henrik Lando]], Professor, Ph.D. | [[Michael Laudrup]], Football Player and Coach | [[Henrik Bach Mortensen]], Director of the Confederation of Danish Employers (DA) | [[Karoly Nemeth]], Attorney<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/english/founders/]",accessed 17th November 2010</ref>
===Board of Directors===
==CEPOS report on wind energy==
[[Christian Bjørnskov]], Associate Professor Ph.D. | [[Jørgen Mads Clausen]], Chief Executive Officer | [[Bernt Johan Collet]] (Chairman), Chief Executive Officer former Minister for Defence | [[Jan Duckert]], Chief Executive Officer | [[Helene Haabegaard]], Student | [[Bjørn Høi Jensen]], MA and Senior Advisor for EQT - private equity foundation | [[Jesper Lau Hansen]] (Vice Chairman), Professor Doctor of Laws
One of the studies made for CEPOS that received a great deal of attention was the study by Hugh Sharman on Danish wind experience. The main points made by author were on the costs of Danish power and on wind and the implications for the US. It is known that the cost of electricity in Denmark is high, but as the CEPOS study points out, this has not resulted from wind deployment, but from Danish tax policies. According to the European Union's statistics prepared by Eurostat, the pre-tax price of electricity for an average household in Denmark is almost equal to an average household in Europe. CEPOS emphasises that after taxation, the price of electricity significantly rises and is much higher than in Europe. CEPOS stresses that although Denmark is a small country, but has been able to develop a great deal of wind power. The reason for that power is that Denmark is strongly inter-connected with its neighbours, Germany, Norway and Sweden. As a result Denmark can use their hydropower to balance the fluctuations that wind imposes on the system. Denmark has no electricity storage within its electricity system and because of the fact that Denmark neighbours have much larger power systems, they balance the stochastic variations in Denmark's wind power, turning their hydropower systems up and down. Hugh Sharman explains that these neighbouring countries play a role of the 'electric storage batteries' for Denmark.
===Centre Council===
CEPOS recently criticised the performance of Danish wind energy. CEPOS made a controversial study on wind energy, claiming that most of the Danish wind power has been recently exported as well as using wind turbines in Denmark is an expensive way of reducing emissions of CO2. CEPOS stated in its report that usage of wind turbines causes energy taxes rising for private consumers in Denmark. The CEPOS report - many controversies rose around –
It is known that CEPOS has been criticised for spreading disinformation regarding the Danish wind industry.
CEPOS has been known as an opinion-maker on controversial issues. One of the issues CEPOS was involved in was a survey on satisfaction of Muslim immigrants living in Denmark. It is known that a survey conducted by Statistics Denmark
CEPOS highest authority is the Centre Council. The Council is composed of top executives from the business community, scholars in social science, opinion formers and other intellectuals with whom the Board of Directors consider it important to be in close contact.<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/english/center-council/]",accessed 17th November 2010</ref>
[[Finn Poulsen]], Managing Director | [[Samuel Rachlin]], Editor, MA. | [[Jens Ringsmose]], Research fellow, MA | [[Sven Hakon Rossel]], Professor | [[Rethe Rostbøll]], Former Minister, MA | [[Annette Sadolin]], Managing Director, BLL | [[Louise Ry]], Managing Director | [[Jonny Trapp Steffensen]], Ph.d., assistant professor | [[nud Sørensen]], Former bank manager | [[Ditlev Tamm]], Professor, Doctor of Laws and Philosophy | [[Edith Thingstrup]], Rector, BD | [[Søren Toft]], Chief Consultant, MA in Political Science | [[Mikael Thoustrup]], Student of Commerce | [[Peter Vesterdorf]], Office manager, Ph.D Law | [[Thomas Voss]], Managing Director | [[Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg]], Lawyer, partner | [[Anders Wivel]], Senior lecturer, Ph.D. | [[Jarne Nielsen]], Management Advisor | [[Flemming Steen Nielsen]], Associate professor, Doctor of Philosophy | [[Mikael Bonde Nielsen]], Chief of Communication, MA in Political Science | [[Henning Kruse Petersen]], Managing Director, LLD | [[Jesper Lau Hansen]], Professor, LLD | [[Christian Herskind]], Managing Director, LLD | [[Lars Hvidberg]], Writer
===Advisory Board===
<ref> "[http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=Who+is+CEPOS+connected+with%3f&d=4974152089865037&mkt=en-GB&setlang=en-GB&w=879701a3,a3f62f28 The Danish Wind Experience: Truth And Fiction]",''GREENandSAVE.com NEWS'', Tuesday, 15 September 2009 10:30 accessed 9th November 2010</ref>
[[Robert C. Waggoner]], Professor of Economics, Harvard University (USA) | [[Carl Bildt]], Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Prime Minister, MP and EU & UN Representative (Sweden) | [[James M. Buchanan]], Jr., Ph.D., Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics, Center for Study of Public Choice | [[Victoria Curzon-Price]], Ph.D., Professor of Economics, l’Université de Genève, President, [[Mont Pélerin Society]] | [[Richard A. Epstein]], James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School (USA) | [[Nicolai Juul Foss]], Ph.D., Professor Copenhagen Business School, Professor Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) | [[Bruno S. Frey]], Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult., Professor of Economics, University of Zurich (Switzerland) | [[Palle Marcus]], Board Chairman, former Chief Executive Officer (Denmark) | [[Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard]], Ph.D., Cand.Phil. M.A., Professor of Political Science, University of Copenhagen | [[Veronique de Rugy]], Ph.D., Research Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (USA) | [[George Shultz]], Former Secretary of State, Professor of Economics & Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University (USA) | [[Roger Scruton]], Professor, University of Buckingham, Author, Philosopher (UK) | [[Niels C. Thygesen]], Doctor of Political Science, Professor of International Economics, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
[[Stockholm Network]]<ref> "[http://internationalpropertyrightsindex.org/index.php?content=home]", accessed 17th November 2010</ref> | [[Fraser Institute]]<ref> "[http://www.freetheworld.com/member.html/]", accessed 17th November 2010</ref> | [[Economic Freedom Network]]<ref> "[http://www.freetheworld.com/member.html/]", accessed 17th November 2010</ref> | [[Atlas Economic Research Foundation]]<ref> "[http://atlasnetwork.org/]", accessed 17th November 2010</ref> | [[Institute for Energy Research]] (IER)<ref> [http://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/ Institute for Energy Research], accessed 17th November 2010</ref> | [[John Templeton Foundation]]<ref> "[http://www.temhttp://www.powerbase.info/index.php?title=Centre_for_Political_Studies&action=edit&section=17pleton.org/]", accessed 17th November 2010</ref>
==Contact Information==
CEPOS recently criticised the performance of Danish wind energy. CEPOS made a controversial study on wind energy, claiming that most of the Danish wind power has ben recently exported as well as using wind turbines in Denmark is an expensive way of reducing emissions of CO2. CEPOS stated in its report that usage of wind turbines causes energy taxes rising for private consumers in Denmark. The CEPOS report - many controversies rose around -
:Address:Landgreven 3, 3. sal
::DK-1301 København K
CEPOS admitted that its report on Denmark’s wind energy was commissioned and paid for by US think tank with close ties to the coal and oil industries. The report claimed that the Danish wind energy figures were misleading and indicated that Danish wind turbine industry model was not effective. CEPOS report has been strongly criticised by the numerous experts for its conclusions. Martin Agerup, after strong critique, admitted that the report was commissioned and paid for by Institute for Energy Research (IER) but in a defense he added that he was not aware of IER receiving funding from the coal and oil industry. Agerup admitted, however, that he and report author, Hugh Sharman, were made aware of the relationship between IER and the American coal and oil industries. Agerup emphasized that IER financing the wind energy report agreed for fully independent conclusion and the assessments made by CEPOS.
::/DK-1301 Copenhagen
<ref> "[http://www.cphpost.dk/business/119-business/48553-oil-industry-behind-critical-wind-energy-report.html Oil industry behind critical wind energy report]",''The Copenhagen post online'', Friday, 19 March 2010 10:30 accessed 7th November 2010</ref>
It is known that CEPOS has been criticised for spreading disinformation regarding the Danish wind industry.
<ref> "[http://aftertheamericancentury.blogspot.com/2010/02/did-cepos-lie-or-are-they-incompetent.html Did CEPOS Lie or are they Incompetent?]",''After the American Century - politics and culture'', 25 February 2010 11:16 accessed 25th October 2010</ref>
:Pho.: +45 33 45 60 30
CEPOS has been known as an opinion-maker on controversial issues. One of the issues CEPOS was ivolved in was a survey on satisfaction of muslim immigrants living in Denmark. It is known that a survey conducted by Statistics Denmark
:Fax: +45 33 45 60 45
<ref> "[http://cphvoice.ning.com/profiles/blogs/muslim-immigrants-like-living Muslim immigrants like living in Denmark, but want more freedom for their religion - are they a threat to society?]",''The Copenhagen voice'', 31 March 2009 12:53 accessed 7th November 2010</ref>
:info@cepos.dk<ref> "[http://www.cepos.dk/english]" ''CEPOS'',accessed 17th November 2010</ref>
[[Category:Stockholm Network]][[category:Think Tanks]][[Category:Denmark]]

Latest revision as of 00:49, 8 May 2012


CEPOS is the Danish Centre for Political Studies - a Danish think tank founded in 2004 with the stated aim of 'promoting a society based on freedom, responsibility, private initiative and limited government'.[1] The 'independent research institution' was founded by 'Danish academic, arts, business and media representatives, thinkers and cultural personalities'.[2]

According to their website, CEPOS seek to influence government policy by:

  • generating new knowledge about social organization through analysis and research.
  • developing solutions and practical policy proposals.
  • influencing present and future decision makers through media, meetings, conferences, publications and education.[3]

Cepos is part of the Stockholm Network [4] a working group of European market-oriented think-tanks. According to the Atlas Network:

CEPOS has been instrumental in bringing a taxation debate to Denmark, working tirelessly for lower taxes. In addition to taxation, CEPOS focuses on other policy issues that work to limit the size and scope of the Danish government.[5]

Ideology and aims

CEPOS started its work on March 10th 2005 as a classical liberal-conservative think-tank in Denmark. According to their website CEPOS promotes 'a society based on economic freedom, wishing to reform and limit direct and indirect economic support from the public authorities to the population'. CEPOS has three main aims stated on their website, these are:

  • to contribute to more personal and economic freedom, rule of law and democracy as well as a limited government sustained by healthy civil institutions such as family, civil associations and cultural life.
  • to reform and limit direct and indirect economic support from the public authorities to the population. Government support shall benefit only the disadvantaged and will be abolished for people who can support themselves.
  • to encourage competition, supports free markets and global free trade, and opposes government subsidies to businesses.

Cepos also assert their independence by arguing that they 'do not work at the request of any political party, public authority, commercial enterprise, organization or individual'.[6]

Funding and wind power controversy

A CEPOS report criticising Denmark's investment in wind farms was funded by the Institute for Energy Research (IER) a group with close links to Koch Industries, the IER president Thomas Pyle is a former Koch lobbyist.[7]

The report argued that 'more than half of Denmark's wind power is exported, wasting taxpayer money without reducing overall CO2 emissions' it was released right before the Copenhagen climate change conference in 2009 and it 'made waves in the U.S. media'.[8] The report was disseminated it in the United States under the title 'Something Rotten? Obama Says Danes Receive 20% of Their Power Via Wind; New Study Tells the Real Story.'

CEPOS were criticised by academics at Aalborg university because their research 'incorrectly interprets statistics and doesn't understand how the international electricity markets operate'. Professor Frede Hvelplund argued that:

We've been studying renewable energy for two decades here at the university. When we saw something that was obviously incorrect, we had to react.[9]

<youtube align="right" width="small" height="100">qgUsun3hIT0</youtube>

Martin Agerup, after strong critique, admitted that the report was commissioned and paid for by Institute for Energy Research (IER) but argued that he was not aware of IER receiving funding from the coal and oil industry. Agerup admitted, however, that he and report author, Hugh Sharman, were made aware of the relationship between IER and the American coal and oil industries. Agerup emphasized that IER financing the wind energy report agreed for fully independent conclusion and the assessments made by CEPOS.[10]

CEPOS University and educational work

In 2006 Cepos launched the Cepos University [11] an institution 'which educates university students about free market ideas'[12]. According to the Atlas Network, Cepos planned to create 'a network of liberal minded supporters in Denmark, offering education to policy makers on free markets and extending their education to high school students'.[13]


Cepos publishes research on a wide range of social and economic issues, a sample of these can be found on the page Cepos publications.[14]


CEPOS is a five-time winner of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation and John Templeton Foundation awards given to the best think tanks around the world. CEPOS was awarded in the 2006 Templeton Freedom Award - Honourable Mention, following by 2007 Templeton Freedom Award Grant. In addition, CEPOS won 2007 Templeton Freedom Prize for Initiative in Public Relations, Second Place and in 2008 Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award for best book published by a think tank. Moreover, CEPOS was recently awarded in the 2009 Fisher Venture Grant Award.[15]

CEPOS Freedom Award

CEPOS recently instituted an annual freedom award. In 2010, the prize, along with DKK 300,000 will be awarded to the Cuban dissident, Yoani Sánchez who criticises the Cuban government through her blog ’Generación Y’.[16]



Angela Brink | Henrik Christofferson | Mads Lundby Hansen | Henrik Gade Jensen | Jacob Mchangama | Martin Agerup


Poul Schlüter | , Uffe Ellemann-Jensen | Bent Blüdnikow | Nicolai Juul Foss | Jesper Lau Hansen | Bent Fabricius-Bjerre | Bernt Johan Collet Christopher Arzrouni, Special advisor | Rolf Bagger, Author | Annelise Bidstrup, Editor | Sven Blomberg, Chief Executive Officer | Bent Blüdnikow, Editor and Historian | Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auctioneer | Bernt Johan Collet, former Minister for Defence | Peter la Cour, Publisher | Anne-Sofie Dahl, Associate Professor, Ph.D. | Jan Duckert, Chief Executive Officer | Kasper Elbjørn, PR and Project Manager | Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, former Minister for Foreign Affairs | Bent Fabricius-Bjerre, Composer | Herman Federspiel, Attorney | Henning Fonsmark, Author | Nicolai Juul Foss, Professor, Ph.D. | Nils Foss, Chief Executive Officer | Nikolaj Gammeltoft, Head of Section | David Gress, Associate Professor, Ph.D. | Morten Grunwald, Actor, Theatre Manager | Peter Gæmelke, President of the Danish Agricultural Council | Jesper Lau Hansen, Professor, LL.D. | Claes Kastholm Hansen, Author | Morten Hesseldahl, Publisher | Kjeld Hillingsø, Lt. General | Ulrik Høy, Author | Bent Jensen, Professor, Ph.D. | Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, Associate Professor, Ph.D. | Steen Langebæk, Chief Executive Officer | Henrik Lando, Professor, Ph.D. | Michael Laudrup, Football Player and Coach | Henrik Bach Mortensen, Director of the Confederation of Danish Employers (DA) | Karoly Nemeth, Attorney[17]

Board of Directors

Christian Bjørnskov, Associate Professor Ph.D. | Jørgen Mads Clausen, Chief Executive Officer | Bernt Johan Collet (Chairman), Chief Executive Officer former Minister for Defence | Jan Duckert, Chief Executive Officer | Helene Haabegaard, Student | Bjørn Høi Jensen, MA and Senior Advisor for EQT - private equity foundation | Jesper Lau Hansen (Vice Chairman), Professor Doctor of Laws

Centre Council

CEPOS highest authority is the Centre Council. The Council is composed of top executives from the business community, scholars in social science, opinion formers and other intellectuals with whom the Board of Directors consider it important to be in close contact.[18]

Finn Poulsen, Managing Director | Samuel Rachlin, Editor, MA. | Jens Ringsmose, Research fellow, MA | Sven Hakon Rossel, Professor | Rethe Rostbøll, Former Minister, MA | Annette Sadolin, Managing Director, BLL | Louise Ry, Managing Director | Jonny Trapp Steffensen, Ph.d., assistant professor | nud Sørensen, Former bank manager | Ditlev Tamm, Professor, Doctor of Laws and Philosophy | Edith Thingstrup, Rector, BD | Søren Toft, Chief Consultant, MA in Political Science | Mikael Thoustrup, Student of Commerce | Peter Vesterdorf, Office manager, Ph.D Law | Thomas Voss, Managing Director | Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg, Lawyer, partner | Anders Wivel, Senior lecturer, Ph.D. | Jarne Nielsen, Management Advisor | Flemming Steen Nielsen, Associate professor, Doctor of Philosophy | Mikael Bonde Nielsen, Chief of Communication, MA in Political Science | Henning Kruse Petersen, Managing Director, LLD | Jesper Lau Hansen, Professor, LLD | Christian Herskind, Managing Director, LLD | Lars Hvidberg, Writer

Advisory Board

Robert C. Waggoner, Professor of Economics, Harvard University (USA) | Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Prime Minister, MP and EU & UN Representative (Sweden) | James M. Buchanan, Jr., Ph.D., Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics, Center for Study of Public Choice | Victoria Curzon-Price, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, l’Université de Genève, President, Mont Pélerin Society | Richard A. Epstein, James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School (USA) | Nicolai Juul Foss, Ph.D., Professor Copenhagen Business School, Professor Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) | Bruno S. Frey, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult., Professor of Economics, University of Zurich (Switzerland) | Palle Marcus, Board Chairman, former Chief Executive Officer (Denmark) | Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, Ph.D., Cand.Phil. M.A., Professor of Political Science, University of Copenhagen | Veronique de Rugy, Ph.D., Research Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (USA) | George Shultz, Former Secretary of State, Professor of Economics & Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University (USA) | Roger Scruton, Professor, University of Buckingham, Author, Philosopher (UK) | Niels C. Thygesen, Doctor of Political Science, Professor of International Economics, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)


Stockholm Network[19] | Fraser Institute[20] | Economic Freedom Network[21] | Atlas Economic Research Foundation[22] | Institute for Energy Research (IER)[23] | John Templeton Foundation[24]

Contact Information

Address:Landgreven 3, 3. sal
DK-1301 København K
/DK-1301 Copenhagen
Pho.: +45 33 45 60 30
Fax: +45 33 45 60 45


  1. Cepos, Centre for Policy Studies, CEPOS, Accessed 02-May-2012
  2. "[1]" CEPOS,accessed 18th November 2010
  3. "[2]" CEPOS,accessed 18th November 2010
  4. Think Tank details, Stockholm Network, accessed 7 April 2009.
  5. Atlas Network, FVG Winner: CEPOS, Denmark, Atlas Network, Accessed 07-May-2012
  6. "[3]" CEPOS;,accessed 18th November 2010
  7. David Cronin, Who Pays to Deny Climate Change, IPS, Accessed 08-May-2012
  8. Spotlight Vol. 10 No 9., RENEWABLE ENERGY: Dueling wind studies add turbulence to Denmark's energy debate, Climatewire, 01-November-2010
  9. Spotlight Vol. 10 No 9., RENEWABLE ENERGY: Dueling wind studies add turbulence to Denmark's energy debate, Climatewire, 01-November-2010
  10. "Oil industry behind critical wind energy report",The Copenhagen post online, Friday, 19 March 2010 10:30 accessed 7th November 2010
  11. "CEPOS Universitet",CEPOS, accessed 9th November 2010
  12. Atlas Network, FVG Winner: CEPOS, Denmark, Atlas Network, Accessed 07-May-2012
  13. Atlas Network, FVG Winner: CEPOS, Denmark, Atlas Network, Accessed 07-May-2012
  14. "Publications" CEPOS, accessed 18th November 2010
  15. "[4]",accessed 7th November 2010
  16. "[5]",CEPOS, accessed 17th November 2010
  17. "[6]",accessed 17th November 2010
  18. "[7]",accessed 17th November 2010
  19. "[8]", accessed 17th November 2010
  20. "[9]", accessed 17th November 2010
  21. "[10]", accessed 17th November 2010
  22. "[11]", accessed 17th November 2010
  23. Institute for Energy Research, accessed 17th November 2010
  24. "[12]", accessed 17th November 2010
  25. "[13]" CEPOS,accessed 17th November 2010