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The Board of the Futures Forum

The Futures Forum is a think tank set up by the Scottish Parliament. According to the Parliament:

'Scotland's Futures Forum, the Scottish Parliament's initiative to develop strategic thinking on the issues which will shape Scotland's future, moves forward today with the announcement of the eight individuals who will make up the Forum's board of directors. The Scottish Parliament Corporate Body (SPCB) has agreed to create a new company, with the SPCB as the sole member, which extends the Parliament's outreach and participation work to academia, the arts, blue chip companies, civic Scotland and entrepreneurs. Leading figures from the private and public sectors have volunteered their services on a two year initial basis.'[1]

The original webpage of the Futures forum on the Scottish Parliament Website 2005

When it was launched the Forum webpage on the Parliament website included links to two other corporate lobby groups, the International Futures Forum and the Global Business Network which had been influential in setting up the Forum.

Board of Directors

External Links


  1. Scottish Parliament Press Release, 18th August 2005 Parliament Announces Board of Directors for Scotland's Futures Forum Last Accessed 31st May 2007